I met an ENTP who wasn't a dick!

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You actually made me blush. Good looks? I guess I still can't see that. I think I'm a big ugly monster of a guy.

Charisma? I have to admit I am aware that I can talk almost anyone into anything if you get me in person.

Treat women like they deserve? I go out of my way to make sure I treat them far better than that.

The Vonhaserous? Those aren't tales. :m027:
Hahaha well, they are tales to me. The rest I can vouch for first hand.
Hahaha well, they are tales to me. The rest I can vouch for first hand.

Heh, yeah, you've seen me pull the Jedi mind trick more than a few times, and you've seen the kind of women it works on. I guess I'm busted on this one. What was it that one girl said, "UGH! Why do you have to be so intoxicatingly sexy?" Shocked the hell outa me, that's for sure.

So, all you guys who are trying to give me advice on how to bed this poor girl, don't waste your time. I'm not interested in her, and wouldn't be even if I wasn't respecting her choice to not be intimate with anyone right now. To be honest, I'm too fussy to date her. She's just doesn't do anything for me on that level. I was trying to be polite about it.
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Heh, yeah, you've seen me pull the Jedi mind trick more than a few times, and you've seen the kind of women it works on. I guess I'm busted on this one. What was it that one girl said, "UGH! Why do you have to be so intoxicatingly sexy?" Shocked the hell outa me, that's for sure.

Yep, and that was followed by her friend saying "I'd fuck him. I'd fuck him right now." That's the part that got me. Though she certainly wasn't one of the supermodel types.
Yeah, that one scared me.

Is it really that bad of a thing that I attract supermodel types?

She scared me too. She looked at me like it was snack time...lol

Nope it's not a bad thing at all. You like what you like and what you like just happens to like you back. I don't see an issue with that at all.
She scared me too. She looked at me like it was snack time...lol

Nope it's not a bad thing at all. You like what you like and what you like just happens to like you back. I don't see an issue with that at all.

True, but I really have to have an emotional / intellectual connection on top of it or else I can't really be interested. Hence, why I'm still single even though I attract women like this...

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For the record, DD, I'd throw myself at you.
And this ENTP chick. Except she'd intimidate the hell out of me.
Are there any other female ENTP's on here besides me and BlinkandThink?

We need to throw as many as we can at DevilDoll.

*Starts working on the ENTP cannon*
Are there any other female ENTP's on here besides me and BlinkandThink?

We need to throw as many as we can at DevilDoll.

*starts working on the ENTP cannon*

Lol... why are you making an ENTP canon?