I met an ENTP who wasn't a dick!

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It's true! They exist!

Heh, I'm just kidding. My best friend growing up is an ENTP and we're still really close. I have a few other ENTP friends who I dearly love. However, I will admit some of the ENTPs I know get on my last nerve. It's very hit or miss with me, and seems to have a lot to do with how well developed their Fe is.

This ENTP was really cool, and we got along very well from the get go.

View attachment 3178

While it might be easy to assume a lot of things about her by her appearance, it didn't take long to find out she was much more than any of that would imply.
She probably wants you to though. Sex is a second date kinda thing.
I had something witty to say until I read Shai Gar's "I want to penis her!" post...now I cannot stop laughing.
She's a very beautiful woman who clearly has good taste and a rebellious nature.

Of course, I assume anyway, what can I know by looking?

I do admire ENTP's, though they can be a bit much...
She's a very beautiful woman who clearly has good taste

Heck yeah. Don't meet too many folks bold enough to rock the cat ears, fish nets, and collar/lock combination...but she does it very well. Really dig her eyes too, very...decisive.
ENTPs only get decisive when we see a target we want to take, and take vigorously.

Heee, VH is going to be a fun target.


  • ENTP.webp
    42.8 KB · Views: 94
Shai, you should be banned from expressing yourself.


Beleive it or not, I own a pair of cat ears in a similar fashion>>

It was rather provocative present from a girl which I have not yet found a use for.
Oh come on, you can see it in her eyes. The expression matches the thought bubble.
Beleive it or not, I own a pair of cat ears in a similar fashion>>

It was rather provocative present from a girl which I have not yet found a use for.

Put them on your head?

Oh come on, you can see it in her eyes. The expression matches the thought bubble.

Perhaps it would help to inform you that I didn't take that photo? (I'm a much better photographer than whoever took it)
Her eyes remind me of one of my ENTP friend's eyes.
Put Cat ears on my head!?


Why thats a dreadful idea!

I'd be mocked and assaulted in equal measure!
Shai, you should be banned from expressing yourself.


Beleive it or not, I own a pair of cat ears in a similar fashion>>

It was rather provocative present from a girl which I have not yet found a use for.

the girl or the ears?
Uh, the ears.

The girl is very useful for pleasant chats and outings, and occassionally the odd debate.:)
And Timeless is hotter than me.

Don't let that stop you. Crank up your personality a thousandfold.
Send her around this way, I will penis her :D

Do you spend a lot of time at Anime Cons or something VH?