Hypnagogic jerks


Community Member
DO you find that in that stage where you are almost asleep, you can hear a voice sharply whisper your name, and your body twitches you awake? Like a jump out of sleep. When this happens I am almost always very nervous afterwards. Have you experienced it?
There are also hypnagogic hallucinations as well, although the things seen by most people during this time I see while lucid and wide awake.
I have alot. Usually it is right when I am falling asleep. I just say to myself, oh I was falling asleep and let it go. It does scare me...startles me.
I often wake up when I don't want to, but I don't hear voices... My body jolts when I'm just about to fall sleep and I wake up. It might be normal, I think? My sister told me it happens to her

Usually I can't go back to sleep and I do feel more tense
I have a weird exaggerated version of this. It happens when relaxing, but I can be awake or asleep and it wakes me up. It doesn't happen as much now, but did for about fifteen minutes last night. I think it is related to stress. My worst night about five years ago prompted me to go to the doctor. My body jerked uncontrollably the entire night leaving me drenched in sweat. I had a sleep study with electrodes and it was proven that it was not a seizure. I'm glad it has lessened because it can really hurt, but I've never had an explanation for it. The best I have been told is that it is not degenerative. It might somehow be in my mind. One doctor put me on dopamine regulators, but they made me so nauseated, I preferred the original problem.
That seems entirely different. I think in a vulnerable state sometimes energies can attempt to "molest" us-causing the sudden awareness and hallucinations.
You have some interesting threads ITWC. Yes, that time just between sleeping and wakefulness is important to me. It has given me some interesting experiences. As I have said in previous thread, I write from this place quite a bit. It's when I get my best stuff really. I start a poem in my mind in that place, wake up enough to jot some of it down, and then back in for more. Sometimes when I write I am almost in a self-hypnosis type state, which is almost the same thing.

Also, as I have previously told on this forum I have had a couple of psychic-type experiences when in that place between being asleep and being awake. I realize what the naysayers would say about this, but I am an intelligent person and my belief is still strong with regards to these experiences. This link shows you the conversation, so I don't have to re-type it.

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Wow that sounds very scary, I myself see beings, and they usually appear when I am alone. Mostly I just hear them speaking to me. But yours seem to have been ghosts, which I dont really believe in. They were probably energies in disguise.
Yeah, I get this occasionally. I had a spell of it this past summer where it happened every morning when I tried to wake up, and each day it was exactly the same.

First time it happened scared the crap out of me. Demon voices and what not. Gotten used to it now
When I was younger, I would get hypnagogic jerks nearly every single night.

As I was falling asleep I would imaging myself on a trampoline which was covering a well. I would jump higher, and higher, and higher. Eventually I would snap through the trampoline and get jolted awake. (I remember once I jolted myself off my bed haha)

I was nervous as all hell but it felt exhilarating.
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You heard real demons?
The first time I thought it was. The voices were saying 'we're going to kill you' and screaming all my inner secrets.

I'm not convinced that they were actual demons, but at the time I thought they were real.
Yes, yes and yes...I see things hear thing and feel things and not just when i am almost asleep, I have been hit, scratched, and bruised. Though I dont fear them, because I have also been saved...Its a long story but I was in a car accident that I should have died in, but i walked away with out a scratch...the only explanation I have was the hand shaped bruises i had on my ribs after the accident...they were heinous...black and blue and purple deep in my skin...
Yeah, I get this occasionally. I had a spell of it this past summer where it happened every morning when I tried to wake up, and each day it was exactly the same.

First time it happened scared the crap out of me. Demon voices and what not. Gotten used to it now
What do you mean tried, mf?
Could it have been sleep paralysis?
What do you mean tried, mf?
Could it have been sleep paralysis?
Ah, sorry. You're right. I confused the two in this thread.

I have had 'the jerks' as well, but not to the extent of sleep paralysis.
Wow that sounds very scary, I myself see beings, and they usually appear when I am alone. Mostly I just hear them speaking to me. But yours seem to have been ghosts, which I dont really believe in. They were probably energies in disguise.

They don't seem to be, they were. I don't understand the concepts you are relating I guess. You believe in "energies" and not spirits?? I am not negating what you are saying, but what you are saying seems a bit vague and unfocused. I am trying to relate and understand, but am having a hard time. I have read several of your threads in length and am still trying to "get" where you are coming from. I see the direction in general, but your specifics are fleeting. Your seem to make one point, only to contradict yourself later (you believe in energies and seeing "beings", but not ghosts?). I need more specifics and clarifications from you if I'm going to understand where you are coming from. Don't take this as a knock down. I like the content of your threads. I'm just lost as to your perspecitve, which I'm not used to.
They don't seem to be, they were. I don't understand the concepts you are relating I guess. You believe in "energies" and not spirits?? I am not negating what you are saying, but what you are saying seems a bit vague and unfocused. I am trying to relate and understand, but am having a hard time. I have read several of your threads in length and am still trying to "get" where you are coming from. I see the direction in general, but your specifics are fleeting. Your seem to make one point, only to contradict yourself later (you believe in energies and seeing "beings", but not ghosts?). I need more specifics and clarifications from you if I'm going to understand where you are coming from. Don't take this as a knock down. I like the content of your threads. I'm just lost as to your perspecitve, which I'm not used to.
ghosts are not your loved ones or dead humans. they are energies (or spirits, if thats what you call it) in disguise
ghosts are not your loved ones or dead humans. they are energies (or spirits, if thats what you call it) in disguise

Define "energies" as you see or know them. How are they in disguise? I am trying to see your point of view.