How To Improve Extroverted Sensing

I need to develop my Se badly as well.

I am REALLY bad at understanding external details, such as body language etc.

Someone once said that I am more of the "stop and smell the roses" type of guy. I thought to myself, "that isn't me at all!" I am constantly lost in my own head. I often find that I need to slow down and enjoy more things in life, yet I also find that I don't like to do it.

I am so good at contradicting myself...

Do you have instances when you're forced to step up and use your Se? I find that my Se works best when I'm on an adrenaline rush or really pressured. It's not a very strong Se, but its pushed to the forefront in times of crisis.

Thing is, I can't ever recall my state of mind when I'm in this mode. All I know is that I'm very task-oriented and I'm instantly and instinctively collecting the information I need to get shit done.

I wonder if hyper-focus falls under the Se category? In which case, I'm pretty much screwed. I can't control mine.
Do you have instances when you're forced to step up and use your Se? I find that my Se works best when I'm on an adrenaline rush or really pressured. It's not a very strong Se, but its pushed to the forefront in times of crisis.

Thing is, I can't ever recall my state of mind when I'm in this mode. All I know is that I'm very task-oriented and I'm instantly and instinctively collecting the information I need to get shit done.

I wonder if hyper-focus falls under the Se category? In which case, I'm pretty much screwed. I can't control mine.

I don't think I understand Se enough to answer this accurately, I need to research.
I need to develop my Se badly as well.

I am REALLY bad at understanding external details, such as body language etc.

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Do you have instances when you're forced to step up and use your Se? I find that my Se works best when I'm on an adrenaline rush or really pressured. It's not a very strong Se, but its pushed to the forefront in times of crisis.

Thing is, I can't ever recall my state of mind when I'm in this mode. All I know is that I'm very task-oriented and I'm instantly and instinctively collecting the information I need to get shit done.

I wonder if hyper-focus falls under the Se category? In which case, I'm pretty much screwed. I can't control mine.

I think it does, you become more instinctual and thus your senses are heightened.
I don't think I understand Se enough to answer this accurately, I need to research.

Basically, it's you completely plugged into and operating in your environment. For example, playing a soccer game. You have to take in all the positions of the players on the field, sometimes their psychology and expectations and make up a mentally quick strategy to execute the best play.

Or when you're arguing with someone and you're aware of the changes in their body-language and infer what they're thinking/feeling and applying the information to achieve your goal; for example, if you know you can get what you want by intimidating them, you consciously step into their space and look them in the eye, or if you know that calming them down is a better strategy, then you consciously lower your voice and use more open body-language.

I always interpret it as a very goal or task-oriented function.

It's just that I'm usually filtering and interpreting the same information through my other functions first and my goals kind of fall to the wayside when the other intentions and ideals that are put forward by my other functions, such as Fe, interfere.

I'd like to know some ideas and activities that force you to use Se almost exclusively... as a primary function.
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So what I understand is Se is all about taking in the details. I hate details....

People watching, without questioning their lives, ambitions, etc. Just observing... Would that exercise Se?

That doesn't sound fun at all!
So what I understand is Se is all about taking in the details. I hate details....

People watching, without questioning their lives, ambitions, etc. Just observing... Would that exercise Se?

That doesn't sound fun at all!

Yeah, it would be more so taking in details about people, but I don't think you'd do it entirely ignorant of their ambitions or psychology; you would just consider these components with the intent of applying this information, not just noticing them for the sake of noticing them and appreciating them for being beings in themselves. It's an entirely different form of taking in your experiences. Hence sensing is the counterpoint to intuition.

And I would say that's pretty fun.

Hmm. I just thought of an activity: Chess. Cards. Anything that exercises strategy.
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Yeah, it would be more so taking in details about people, but I don't think you'd do it entirely ignorant of their ambitions or psychology; you would just consider these components with the intent of applying this information, not just noticing them for the sake of noticing them.

I would say that's pretty fun.

And I just thought of an activity: Chess. Cards. Anything that exercises strategy.

I would have thought that would exercise thinking more than sensing, am I wrong?
I would have thought that would exercise thinking more than sensing, am I wrong?

Chess is a game which you would exercise spatial and analytical thinking.
I would have thought that would exercise thinking more than sensing, am I wrong?

I would say it does, yes, but the more details you notice, the more of an advantage you have.
Going off on a tangent here, but:

Sometimes when someone comes into contact with me, a touch, a whisper, etc. I enter into a trancelike state. This doesn't take a specific person to send me into this state, it is like in that moment, I am only sensing, my intuition is completely turned off.

I have wanted to understand that state much more, it is pretty rare that I get it.

Does anyone else get this?
Strangely enough, just talking about that trance put me into one slightly. Not hardly to the extent I would get from another person sending me into it though.

I almost feel detatched from myself.
Ok. What do you notice in the pics below? Make a list of everything you notice in the picture as well as those details which are not as noticeable.


Picture 1
electrical wires
lots of people
serious faces
more men than women
reminds me of New England
Not winter
hair blue

Pic 2
Green grass
bare trees
Interesting observations Sookie.
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Poor Se, it don't get out much.
The best way to exercise Se is to exercise it, meaning actively engaging in activities where the focus is on noticing the details. Beyond that, it consists of "doing" activities, and not necessarily thought based activities.
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Cognitive ProcessLevel of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
extraverted Sensing (Se) ****************************** (30.8) good use
introverted Sensing (Si) ****************** (18.3)
limited use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ******************************************** (44)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ************************************** (38.8)
excellent use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ************** (14.4)
introverted Thinking (Ti) ********** (10.8)
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ************************************ (36.7)
excellent use
introverted Feeling (Fi) *********************************************** (47)
excellent use

well I got an excellent on extraverted sensing, so much so on a bad day when I took the test I was ESFP my extraverted sensing is that strong, I've been told that nothing can go on around me without me noticing! its an odd combination of dominant functions!

as for developing extraverted sensing, I play lots of sport and am very observant of the world around me, weather it be the flight of a leaf or a slight facial expression, I just find the world fasinating!

I find trying to figure people out through observable actions very fun. I spend little or no time thinking what people think of me, which is quite weird as I use to do that alot. I think when I realised that I can conjure up so many variables and what ifs and what does he/she really think I found it did me no good.

So instead I reverted to observations, and have found it very valuable in just appreciating life and very good at figuring people out.

Sorry Ill go back and read the full thread if none of this was any use
Picture 1
electrical wires
lots of people
serious faces
more men than women
reminds me of New England
Not winter
hair blue

Pic 2
Green grass
bare trees

golf course in pic 2?
I don't wanna live outside of my brain! :m079:

It's not as cool!
extraverted Sensing (Se) *************************** (27.1)
average use

introverted Sensing (Si) ****************** (18.5)
limited use

extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ************************* (25.9)
average use

introverted Intuiting (Ni) **************************************** (40.2)
excellent use

extraverted Thinking (Te) *********************** (23.8)
limited use

introverted Thinking (Ti) ********************************* (33)
good use

extraverted Feeling (Fe) ******************************** (32.9)
good use

introverted Feeling (Fi) *************************************** (39)
excellent use

I am definitely lacking in Sensing the most.