How has interacting with people from across the world affected you?


Do you think you've been changed or affected by the interaction with people from around the world on the forum? How has it changed your attitude, personality, or perspective of people, culture, and typing, etc.?
i became more... open minded about things? ahahahhahaaha
and i became less stereotyping person hihihi:m037:
The more I travel and meet different people, the more positive I am that in the nature/nurture debate, nature forms some small spectrum, a variance that is seen anywhere around the globe, with similar effects; while nurture plays the most decisive role to form all the different cultures. I'm old enough to remember how people used to think about that in the past - the change is significant. One probably can't imagine the amount of cultural bias in the 80's, if one hasn't lived then; and I'm not capable to fully comprehend what it was before. It happens naturally, because you can't hold people forever in a village, and feed them with the stereotypes. They get to see for themselves, eventually. The evil ghosts from the other tribe turn out to be people, like the people from your neighbourhood, with the same variety of flaws. They are only dressed in a different way and have a funny language. (: It's the same story everywhere you go, regardless of their standards of living. This story certainly looks better within improved overall conditions though.
I could probably write a whole blog on how talking to people has changed my perspective.
The more I travel and meet different people, the more positive I am that in the nature/nurture debate, nature forms some small spectrum, a variance that is seen anywhere around the globe, with similar effects; while nurture plays the most decisive role to form all the different cultures. I'm old enough to remember how people used to think about that in the past - the change is significant. One probably can't imagine the amount of cultural bias in the 80's, if one hasn't lived then; and I'm not capable to fully comprehend what it was before. It happens naturally, because you can't hold people forever in a village, and feed them with the stereotypes. They get to see for themselves, eventually. The evil ghosts from the other tribe turn out to be people, like the people from your neighbourhood, with the same variety of flaws. They are only dressed in a different way and have a funny language. (: It's the same story everywhere you go, regardless of their standards of living. This story certainly looks better within improved overall conditions though.

I see what you mean.
When I get close to someone online, who is from another country, you're forced to see things from different perspectives and by proxy, you develop an interest in their surroundings and their culture because it informs what they say. So yeah, it's definitely eye opening and makes you more wary of difference between people.
Hard to say, for me. I grew up traveling around the world. So the idea that having interacting with other people from different places around the world is a foregone conclusion.

Although I end up taking the opposite end from enfp in that nature plays a significant role in people. The more I experience people from around the world the singular nature of all humanity is overwhelming unanimous and vastly present. Nurturing has simply filled in the details.
I've been active in the foruming scene only for a short while. A year or so. And I can honestly say that interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds and such hasn't really influenced me that much. I mean I've always been open-minded to people from different cultures and backgrounds, so there hasn't been any profound revelation in that department. I just enjoy people in general and I don't notice that many changes in my attitude towards different cultures. It is possible that I might feel more of a connection to people from my part of the world but I still treat everyone the same.
Everyone here is not from Michigan too? D&!@! it.
Wait, what?!?!

I too thought everyone was from Michigan (as in the state in the US). You, me, and QP should just go and make our own Michiganders-Only forum.
I've been active in the foruming scene only for a short while. A year or so. And I can honestly say that interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds and such hasn't really influenced me that much. I mean I've always been open-minded to people from different cultures and backgrounds, so there hasn't been any profound revelation in that department. I just enjoy people in general and I don't notice that many changes in my attitude towards different cultures. It is possible that I might feel more of a connection to people from my part of the world but I still treat everyone the same.

Everyone here is not from Michigan too? D&!@! it.

Really? Dang...
YES!!! Midnight Meijer runs!
Must be a michigan thing. 3am Meijer runs aren't uncommon either. (so much easier to buy groceries when no one is there)
Very true... And Walmart sucks in comparison. :p We could also go drunk sledding down that one big hill that everyone has. :D :D And drink some Vernor's and Faygo!

hahahaha - this was fun. Do you think we hi-jacked this thread long enough?
Very true... And Walmart sucks in comparison. :p We could also go drunk sledding down that one big hill that everyone has. :D :D And drink some Vernor's and Faygo!

hahahaha - this was fun. Do you think we hi-jacked this thread long enough?
I think we did...but I have to add quickly that you're describing my winter breaks in high school perfectly!