How Do You Like To Be Treated When You're Sick?


I am who I am.
So I have been sick all day. I despise feeling sick, and I am so glad that it happens infrequently. One of the things I hate the most about feeling under the weather, is not just the way my body feels but how lonely and sad being sick makes me feel. When I'm sick I like to be held, touched, babied, and told I'm loved. Even if I'm contagious, with some sort of 24 hour virus. Mostly because that is how I am when people are sick. I do my best to make someone I love who is sick feel loved at the very least if I can't make the sickness go away. It doesn't matter if they're contagious to me, but some people aren't like that. Some people just want to be left completely alone. So, I was just wondering how you like to be treated when you're sick.. Anything special you like done to make you feel better?
Aw, I hope you get better! *sprinkles get-well-soon fairy dust* (which I just created, so just go with it)

When I'm sick, I like to be gently cared for and nurtured. I like to feel like someone cares that I'm not feeling well. It makes me get better faster. :)
Most times I get sick I have a fever. So all I do is do an old fashion sweat out/fever breaking. Besides this all I do is sleep and stay in my hole in the ground.
When I'm sick I want to be left alone!

No touch, no talk, no touching. Just let the sick chick alone and she'll emerge when the worst is over.

The only thing I appreciate is someone going out to get me soup and juice or a new box of tea. For some reason I hate drinking plain water when I'm sick.
Aww sounds like you got the virus : ( I'm stubborn and try to do things I shouldn't so I appreciate and love it when the hubby insists on my resting, realizing that's all I need (and to be told to chill out). My husband is an ESFJ so it's nice in that department lol. I do like to be left alone to sleep if a dirty house and other things aren't bothering me! Dneecy I hope your being taken care of and start feeling better soon : ) PS My children's peditrician recommends sweet tea for an upset stomach/nausea. Just don't drink it too sweet like us southern's like it.
I like to be left alone in bed where I can rest as much as I need to. But I can also be demanding, bring me this, I want that...
I don't like other people around when I'm sick. Just gimme a couple bottles of NyQuil and a Coldplay album on repeat and let me lay in bed dozing and staring at my feet for a couple days.
So I have been sick all day. I despise feeling sick, and I am so glad that it happens infrequently. One of the things I hate the most about feeling under the weather, is not just the way my body feels but how lonely and sad being sick makes me feel. When I'm sick I like to be held, touched, babied, and told I'm loved. Even if I'm contagious, with some sort of 24 hour virus. Mostly because that is how I am when people are sick. I do my best to make someone I love who is sick feel loved at the very least if I can't make the sickness go away. It doesn't matter if they're contagious to me, but some people aren't like that. Some people just want to be left completely alone. So, I was just wondering how you like to be treated when you're sick.. Anything special you like done to make you feel better?

Leaving alone myself for a some time is perfect choice! I think, this is the time we can give time to ourselves. :) Dneecy, i would like to talk with people after this time. Talk about good moments, so i can regain my strength back. Try to find comfort with myself. Share hugs with friends or family members. Slowly give yourself positive affirmations and try to feel nice. We should not think about things those make us more worried.

This is the way i would like to be treated when i am sick.

Dneecy, you're lovely friend :hug:
When I am sick, I generally like to be left alone, because I dont want to get anyone else sick, but I like to be checked in on every little while to see if I need anything. Barring that though I just sleep through the whole thing.
sorry you're feeling sick. when i'm sick i want to be pampered, have all my absurd requests fulfilled, like hot soup at 1am in the morning, and given space, but not too much, and hugs, but not too many :)
When I'm sick I want to be left alone!

No touch, no talk, no touching. Just let the sick chick alone and she'll emerge when the worst is over.

The only thing I appreciate is someone going out to get me soup and juice or a new box of tea. For some reason I hate drinking plain water when I'm sick.

This to the letter! :) Especially the "no touching and no talking" part.
Pitied. (sp?)
Kinda saw this coming, sorry,,, Hope you get better soon. Drink lots of tea, and change very warm clothing regularly. Your need for some caring touch is very logical. It's part of the body stress. Many other animals do it, not just humans. They carefully support whoever is sick among them. It probably helps the brain to cope with the stress of the illness, to feel more secure, and strong, and consequently, to get better faster.

It depends, sometimes I'm very weak, and would like someone to take care of me a little, when I'm so sick. Other times I prefer to be left alone to deal with it. Unfortunately, also, I'm one of these guys who would refuse to go to the doctor, unless half of my body organs failed.
Well I am feeling a bit better today. I reread my original post and feel it may have come off as selfish.. I don't like getting anyone sick. In fact, if I am sick and someone does try to care for me the way I honestly do want them to I will most likely insist that they leave me alone. But I secretly want them to insist that I shut up and let them take care of me.
I want to be left alone if mentally sick from being battered verbally.

I want to be gently rubbed or touched by a loving hand or two if I am physically sick.......any hand will not do. Guess I like feeling encouraged that someone might love me when I'm down.

Brokenhearted sickness? A smile will get me feeling better.

Feeling down for a friend's being sick? I like to be hugged. Hmmmmm; the older I get the more I like being hugged.

Seems funny how I am with someone that hates being touched when they are sick; the sicker I am, the less I am touched. Can't have everything.
I'm extremely cranky and bitchy when sick, and I just want them to make and deliver hot meals and drinks to my bed, then gtfo so I can rest in peace and quiet. <3
aw. i am the same way, neecey. i need the snuggles and the soup and the "you're still beautiful even if you sound like a man right now"s.

get better. NAO.

<3 you're still beautiful, even though you prolly haven't showered in a couple days.