How do you know someone is INFP?

Altruistic Muse

Community Member
I was just thinking about this the other day and I think this is perhaps the only type that I don't think anyone I know has tested as! Its quite weird, and most of my friends are intuitives as well. I was wondering how you could recognise one and if I knew this maybe I could think about my friends who hadnt tested and work out whether any of them might be INFP.
Extremely idealistic, slightly unhinged, sensitive and melancholy. I can usually tell in conversation because the speech is meandering and passionate flitting from one idea to the next and then back again.
Loner, attracted to sad things, complains a lot while never taking action, focuses on fantasy, disorganized lollygagger. I'd have to say that my INFP bestie's slogan is "I'm not weird; it's everyone else that's the problem."
Loner, attracted to sad things, complains a lot while never taking action, focuses on fantasy, disorganized lollygagger. I'd have to say that my INFP bestie's slogan is "I'm not weird; it's everyone else that's the problem."
Hmmm yeah.
That's pretty much right-on.
INTPs huh, A very precise way of speaking.

And uh, man when they get into to their moods they can rant all day about something or another.

They seem to obsess over sex as a general rule. And uh their more flexible about their opinions then INTJs
I don't know of any INTPs in my personal life. I only lurk the intp forum.. and from that, I would say I'd spot an INTP by noting their hilarious sarcasm in pointing out logical fallacies, and their high respect for blunt honesty, be it intellectual honesty or otherwise.
The first ideas that come to mind:

1) A sweeping, maybe graceful stride
2) Travels without others (like INTPs)
3) Enjoys pleasures sans others (unlike Gamma INTPs, belong to the self-serving Beta quadrant)
Send them over to me. If I get annoyed of them within an hour, they're definetely an INFP.
Send them over to me. If I get annoyed of them within an hour, they're definetely an INFP.
If you find yourself bickering over misspelled words, it's likely you're bickering with an INFP.
The same way you know anyone is of any type, by getting to know them personally.
Ugh, I am the odd one out. I detest grammer. It's dry, boring, nit-picky, and you still get your point across regardless.
Ugh, I am the odd one out. I detest grammer. It's dry, boring, nit-picky, and you still get your point across regardless.
I feel similiarly about math. It's only because I suck at it..
Were I to comprehend more about it (more than just the basics) I'd probably enjoy math.
In fact, I'd probably write poetry about math if I knew what the hell I was talking about.
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Loner, attracted to sad things, complains a lot while never taking action, focuses on fantasy, disorganized lollygagger. I'd have to say that my INFP bestie's slogan is "I'm not weird; it's everyone else that's the problem."

This makes me wonder if I might be INFP. I've taken the tests numerous times, usually getting INFJ, however the jungian typology one that gives you percentages gave me 50/50 splits on the P and J a few times.

But then again, anytime I look at the "telling J from P" or "Distinguishing INFJ from INFP" threads, I almost always think "I'm infj". It's probably just my imagination.
I'd like to know too.

The description you guys gave don't seem to fit my friend, who tested as INFP... I don't know.
I feel similiarly about math. It's only because I suck at it..
Were I to comprehend more about it (more than just the basics) I'd probably enjoy math.
In fact, I'd probably write poetry about math if I knew what the hell I was talking about.

Math = <3 But the deeper you delve into mathematics, the more useless it becomes.

This makes me wonder if I might be INFP. I've taken the tests numerous times, usually getting INFJ, however the jungian typology one that gives you percentages gave me 50/50 splits on the P and J a few times.

But then again, anytime I look at the "telling J from P" or "Distinguishing INFJ from INFP" threads, I almost always think "I'm infj". It's probably just my imagination.

Yeahh, I've been there. Like I usually get 50/50 splits for the N/S and P/J. But the INTP forum feels like home. (: