Have you figured out life? What keeps YOU going?


Regular Poster
We all know, that we try to figure out this life stuff and live our lives as best as we can. We share ideas, thoughts, we even tell each other how to live and what not to do, but in the end.. we don't know even know what happens nor what life is all about.

Our time here is just a tiny dot compared to eternity, which loses its significance in the face of it. We aren't in the center of the universe either, the earth as we know is incredibly small compared to the bigger stars. We fight for this little dot, scream and make conflicts, even kill, but what for?

Have you figured out life? what keeps You going?

Is life something that needs to be figured out? If we don't keep going what is the alternative? There is a beautiful freedom in our insignificance. There is nothing any of us can do that will in anyway cause even the slightest blip on the radar of existence. So just live life in the way you want.
I think the magic and wonder of life inspires me. The ongoing curiosity of what I don't know I don't know and it's continuous unveiling of itself at unexpected moments. The beauty of nature and the hidden depths of people, even to themselves, inspires me. How everything is interconnected and this interconnection is only coming to light within myself recently.
When life gets hard, what keeps me going is re centring myself to this and not getting caught up in the wants of my ego. The wants that will never give me peace.
I've been trying to figure out my life for as long as I can remember. I still don't have it figured out. I doubt I ever will have it figured out. Every time I thought I had the answer, I'd quickly learn that I didn't. The only consistent fallback in my life is learning patience and humility; accepting that I don't know and being open to learn has always led to periods of significant growth and discovery.
Took many years to figure me out. I say this this way because "life" is too large for me to tackle...now "my life" is making more sense. I struggled for years to find my purpose...I was fooled and was searching for "a" purpose, once I understood it was "my" purpose I was looking for much more made sense to me.
It's not in the how that it's done but in the who & why :-)
Life isn't something you figure out. You never master it, 'solve' the riddle. I think animals know more about the meaning of life than humans ever will, possibly because we're expecting too much.
“The significance of man is that he is insignificant and is aware of it.” Carl Becker

1) chocolate

2) red wine

3) new episodes of The Big Bang Theory

Not pizza. Dont even mention pizza. Pizza does not exist. There is no pizza.
I'm an artist and I live to make art. I like to read, write, listen to music, draw, sing, and play piano. I like to try to grow as an artist and as a person and to try to be kinder to my friends, family, and fellow human beings. I like to try to contribute to society by working with information and making it more accessible to others. I also enjoy working with information because I'm always learning.