[PAX] Graphology

On my own path

Community Member
Lately, I have take a keen interest in graphology. I have been doing some reading and a bit of practice so I was wondering if anyone wanted me to analyse their handwriting.

I am not incredibly astute at it but I still want to give it a try. Also it would nice to see if there any handwriting patterns and MBTI correlations. Just attach to a post a photograph or preferably a scan on your handwriting on preferably unlined paper. About fifty to one hundred words should suffice.
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Uploading a photo to Facebook now, it will have my writing on it and be in my uploaded photos section. Could someone visit my facebook and copy then upload my photo?
Oooh, I *love* graphology.

If I can create a page for you, I'll try it.
I'm interested in this, is there anything you'd like us to write in particular?


Go ahead.
That's very cool. I haven't written cursively in a LONG time, so I'll try that first but I'll probably post something.
I couldnt do cursive if i tried. Here's mine, don't make fun of the girly handwriting.



Go ahead.

Please forgive me if the profile is not well written I am still improving my skills at analysing scripts and producing profiles.

From what I can discern the author of the above script likes their personal space and privacy. They like solitude and may not interact with others unless it is a requirement to do so. They possess an agile mind and is capable of concentration. The author likes to set goals and achieve them, ambitious and dedicated, the author also seems very future oriented and has a tendency to be efficient and good at planning ahead or organising. The author is likely to be an independent thinker and prefers to arrive at their own conclusions rather than depend on the conclusions of others. The author is cautious, introspective and with a good head on their shoulders; they are direct and logical. The possess a healthy level of self confidence- not too high and not too low
I couldnt do cursive if i tried. Here's mine, don't make fun of the girly handwriting.


From what I can discern TurtleTrooper is excellent at planning and organising. He is able to think clearly and to make sound judgments in his intellectual and emotional life. He is meticulous and can pay attention to detail. He is honest and courteous He is likely to be somewhat optimistic and generous.He is practical, has good self control, is independent and ambitious. However, he is likely to have a low level of energy. He appears to have a healthy self confidence
From what I can discern TurtleTrooper is excellent at planning and organising. He is able to think clearly and to make sound judgments in his intellectual and emotional life. He is meticulous and can pay attention to detail. He is honest and courteous He is likely to be somewhat optimistic and generous.He is practical, has good self control, is independent and ambitious. However, he is likely to have a low level of energy. He appears to have a healthy self confidence

Hahaha awesome. How do you discern all of this?
Sorry for getting back to you guys so late :(

Hahaha awesome. How do you discern all of this?

Various factors actually. The spacing on the page; the margains; the inclination of the script; the size of the middle zone in comparison to the other two; the size of the letters; the length of the low zone.

Ooh, can you look at mine?


That's my History revision for American civil rights :).

Okay lets see. You are an optimist who is independent and with a good head on their shoulders. The script shows that the author has a great deal of practicality and can be adaptable and realistic yet can be imaginative and thoughts come before actions; the author also appears to possess a great deal of energy. The author may be somewhat disorganised at times. The author may also maintain good balance between their private and "open" aspects of their lives and may also possess a great deal of balance with regards to both introversion and extroversion; none the less the author may exhibit difficulty to open up to others. The author is careful, courteous, and conscientious. The author also seems to exhibit healthy self esteem- not to low and not too high.
The author also seems constructive and inquisitive
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I took this with my cellphone and put it over my backlit keyboard so it would comeout somewhat ok, but the quality is still kinda low, so if it is too blurry to do I can take it with a better camera. I am really curious because my handwriting has been and still is a "problem" for me because other people can't read it.

You thought my spelling was bad, my handwriting is far worse.

I'm game! I hope I wrote enough words for you to have a sense of things. I tried to write fast without considering to be careful so whatever characteristics that are there are shown without self-conscious neatness.



  • ianswrit.webp
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sorry for the crappy quality, all I can muster right now with a pen and a schedule sheet that's been sitting in my butt pocket for days.

Try mine please! :D
I kind of have two types of handwriting, so I just uploaded both for you to see.

This one is when I'm note-taking. This is also my normal handwriting.

This one is when I'm in a hurry, or when my hands are tired from writing too much haha. This is my handwriting in rough drafts, and when I'm just writing for the sake of writing without any care to how my penmanship will look like afterward.
I took this with my cellphone and put it over my backlit keyboard so it would comeout somewhat ok, but the quality is still kinda low, so if it is too blurry to do I can take it with a better camera. I am really curious because my handwriting has been and still is a "problem" for me because other people can't read it.

You thought my spelling was bad, my handwriting is far worse.


IndigoSensor is highly individualistic, mentally agile abd intelligent; he is capable of being analytical and independent in thought. IndigoSensor shows a great deal of discipline, is organised, and possesses a good balance between the heart and mind. Also, he is intuitive, idealistic, and imaginitive yet logical and practical and thus is able to utilise his imagination, intuition, and idealistic drive in a logical and practical manner; he may not always know where his ideas come from but he can use them and sometimes logically justify them. He is broad minded as well as objective and has a cultured and intellectual attitude towards life. He is likely to possess good manners but none the less, likes his personal space, may be private, is reserved ,and is cautious. He is also caring, thoughtful, and considerate as indicated by his "g" which is shaped like an eight. An interesting trend with regards to the eight I once read was that it was sometimes common in the scripts of homosexuals
Wow, this is a pretty interesting thread; I get tingly all over whenever one of these analysis threads pop up. I'd love to post my own handwriting on here just to see what can be 'read' from it, but I think I'll give poor On My Own Path a chance to catch up.

P.S: It's equally intriguing to see everyone's handwriting. Call me crazy, but a lot of it seems to 'fit' the personalities in some way (just don't ask me to explain how, because I don't know. lol).