

Regular Poster

I'm so happy even though I only got 3 hours sleep:)
I'm so happy. If he just do half of the things he promised to do in the victory speach, I think America will be a better country.
I think that america can actually be the great country they think they are with this new goverment.
I were crying of happiness when i watched the victory speach, just pure awsome.

But it's easy to say stuff. Harder to actually do them.

GL Obama and USA, i wish you all luck!
It feels like a brand new world. I am so deeply moved.
I feel a little sorry for the guy. Half the country is expecting him to be one of the best presidents in American history and the other half is expecting him to be one of the worst presidents in American history. With expectations like those, if he does a mediocre job, then it will most certainly be disappointing.
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YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I'm so moved that Obama is president! EEEEEEEE!

I do hope he can pull it off...if he blows this, that's going to be a huge hit for any other "unorthodox" candidate that runs in the future. Sounds terrible, but this country is fickle like that.
America is not going to be a better country, it simply IS a better country today.

Just got back from DC. I have NEVER seen people in DC so genuinely moved and happy. People on the streets were BEAMING. It was so moving. I'll tell you more about the DC events from last night after I pick up the kids...OH, WHAT A NIGHT !

Obama will do great as a leader. It will be up to establishing a solid, experienced and moderate transition team and advisors that will be critical.
Not that americans probably care but that result is a great start in the redemption of the USA in the eyes of the world.

A lot of people will have to shift their perspectives after that result.
A lot of Americans do care about this, yes. Our global reputation matters. A few of us also even care about the environment ! :O lol.

Obama will have a lot of impact overseas, esp with Biden who is a seasoned statesmen in foreign policy. It has already been discussed the positive diplomatic results that this will have in various countries in Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan. It will also show the world that we, as voters, are capable of supporting moving away from what Bush represents, even though that should be obvious with his lack of approval ratings. (I think it's under 25%)

So, anyway, where do I post this...

Last night we were in DC and instead of starting at Hawk N Dove we went to the RNC and met with xyz. I can't disclose this, but my husband is a Republican and has a good friend who, i'll say, basically runs the show. What a place to be last night ! First, people wearing red were flocking out of the building with cigarettes in their mouths. Funny. One guy was like, why can't we just smoke in here tonight ! Sh*t. Bad night for the Republicans. Very funny comments being made that i'll mention.

Basically, their attitude was it could have been Jesus walking on water, no Republican was electable. Period. They knew that. (They also personally thought McCain was a prick, lol, but I digress.) They were just trying to minimize damage in the Congressional elections and that was funny with stories as well...later

Then we moved on to the Hyatt for the Democratic Election Party. It was packed. Nancy Pelosi got up. People changed her name. The press was everywhere and I ended up chatting with a guy from CBS, but don't recall most of the conversation, but my husband bought him a drink, we exchanged cards, and promised to go to the textiles museum together. lol.

It was such an incredible event. The ballroom was supercharged with energy. People were dancing, screaming, cheering, crying. I was hugging strangers. High-fiving everyone from 20 to 80. It was incredible.

more to follow for anyone interested...
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Not that americans probably care but that result is a great start in the redemption of the USA in the eyes of the world.

A lot of people will have to shift their perspectives after that result.

I second that.
A lot of Americans do care about this, yes. Our global reputation matters. A few of us also even care about the environment ! :O lol.

Obama will have a lot of impact overseas, esp with Biden who is a seasoned statesmen in foreign policy. It has already been discussed the positive diplomatic results that this will have in various countries in Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan. It will also show the world that we, as voters, are capable of supporting moving away from what Bush represents, even though that should be obvious with his lack of approval ratings. (I think it's under 25%)

So, anyway, where do I post this...

Last night we were in DC and instead of starting at Hawk N Dove we went to the RNC and met with xyz. I can't disclose this, but my husband is a Republican and has a good friend who, i'll say, basically runs the show. What a place to be last night ! First, people wearing red were flocking out of the building with cigarettes in their mouths. Funny. One guy was like, why can't we just smoke in here tonight ! Sh*t. Bad night for the Republicans. Very funny comments being made that i'll mention.

Basically, their attitude was it could have been Jesus walking on water, no Republican was electable. Period. They knew that. (They also personally thought McCain was a prick, lol, but I digress.) They were just trying to minimize damage in the Congressional elections and that was funny with stories as well...later

Then we moved on to the Hyatt for the Democratic Election Party. It was packed. Nancy Pelosi got up. People changed her name. The press was everywhere and I ended up chatting with a guy from CBS, but don't recall most of the conversation, but my husband bought him a drink, we exchanged cards, and promised to go to the textiles museum together. lol.

It was such an incredible event. The ballroom was supercharged with energy. People were dancing, screaming, cheering, crying. I was hugging strangers. High-fiving everyone from 20 to 80. It was incredible.

more to follow for anyone interested...

so... it was just an ok night?

lol, i voted Obama... but the thing is here in the Deep South, i have to hide my jubilence since i have such a racist family that thought WWIII was going to start at midnight...

but every time Obama's votes kept going up, i would say 'oh man, that sucks'... they never cuaght on...

damn, my cousins were even asking if they could stay home from school today so that they wouldn't be dragged into another civil war... what ignorance...

my ex-wife's husband was so set against Obama that all he could say was, "if this country elects a black president, this country is going to be so f%^ked... blah blah blah" without supporting his reasoning...

like i said, i have to hide my election from my family...
I was in a cab going to the hill today and had and older, black cab driver.
I said, "beautiful day for DC, for America today, isn't it."

He said, "It's a beautiful day for the world."
So true.

He also said, "Never in all of my years did I ever think that Americans would choose a President without caring about the color of his skin. I am so proud." :mcry:

I think I could have walked around half naked, waving my wallet today and no one would have harassed me. Ok, well, maybe not, but there was such a good spirit. I will never forget it. My husband calls it the honeymoon period. lol
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bush is still in office and can still do damage and pass laws

Yes. Now it is the time to countdown until Bush is out of office.

Thankfully we have this handy dandy clock to help us count the seconds.


Short of pardoning all the serial murderers, I don't think he can too much damage with his remaining time.
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Short of pardoning all the serial murderers, I don't think he can too much damage with his remaining time.

i agree... i mean, during most of my time in the Armed Services, he has been in office (and the reason i'm going full-time hippy)... he's already f^&ked this country enough...

the one reason i didn't vote mccain isn't because he's a Bush man, but because he's just in bad shape... Palin would be running this country...

nah, i want someone that i am sure going to steer this country straight, and Obama is the most logical choice...

you know, at the polls, it wasn't mostly blacks that voted for him (they only represent like 20-something % of the voting population), but it was a lot whites that voted him in...
Damage is already done and Bush knows it.

The transition team for Obama will be important, but I don't think he'll mess it up the way Clinton did, by putting in total political hacks who aren't forrest from trees thinkers. I think there were like 10,000 jobs that were turned over, my brother-in-law who has an appointed gov't job and is now one of these guys in the job market come January.

Obama won't be like Clinton. Go Obama !
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