Getting Scared


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So this upcoming weekend. Me and a bunch of friends both agreed on impulse to have a "horror weekend" each of us gave a game that scared the living crap out of us when we were younger and played it.

For me, it is the original resident evil 1. My cousins got it when I was around 7 or 8 years old. I remember watching it and having the living daylights scared out of me. Yet I was drawn to it. I tried playing it a few times when I was this age and couldn't make it very far at all out of fear. Fastforward to when I was about 13. They remade it for gamecube. I got it because I liked the game, but I just like to watch it. I played it and got decently far, but got too scared after about 15% into the game and had to stop (for those of you who know the game, it is quite long and 15% is a good clip into it). To this day, I can't play it, I get too scared and jumpy.

My other friend (my guess is he is an INFJ actually, mabye a INFP) had a similar experience with the game fatal frame. Which I have herd of, and after checking on youtube, would likely have a similar effect on me if I played it, however not as strongly.

So we decided (there are 5 of us total, I can only type the other one) we are going to get these two games , and all play them. I am looking forward to this alot actually. It is going to be alot of fun, but at the same time, I am going to be scared beyond belif. I don't really understand why I am drawn to this. I am likely going to just watch other people play, which I can deal with. But we all have to take turns playing, and I don't know how long I will last.

So, do any of you have similar experience in this respect? Either with games like this, or being drawn to something you are so scared of?
Oh yeah.
My sister and I get scared very easily with stuff like this, so we actually couldn't even play Disney's Haunted Mansion (how lame is that?) But I don't mind watching. My friend was playing Resident Evil, and it was the same thing; it wasn't so bad watching, but I don't think I could play it.
In those instances, I like watching. It's kind of a thrill thing. But if it gets much worse, like horror movies or haunted houses, then forget it.
I hate horror shows. I cant seem to be able to sleep for the next few days after that :/ this is even when I know that it ain't real. thats why I avoid horror games and shows.
Playing with a Ouija board. I haven't for many years. They scare me,yet intrigue me.

That or rent a few scary movies.
Oh, Ouija boards! My ENFJ friend has one of those, and I'm really really excited to keep working with it~
I used to get scared of things like that but not so much anymore, though I can still feel the fear in the room and that'd effect me moreso then mine actually.
Oh, Ouija boards! My ENFJ friend has one of those, and I'm really really excited to keep working with it~

I posted this on another forum.

My friends were using the Ouija board one day. They asked it a question that neither of them knew,so that they would each know the other wasn't moving it. They asked it my birth name. This was about 23 yrs ago. It spelled out my birth name. One of the girls asked her Mom if that is what it was and she said I think so. About 9 yrs ago I found out it was true and I changed it back. I just needed something that was mine!

Another night same girl who asked her Mom and I were using maybe the same board,anyways it was going crazy moving really fast all over the place. It was telling me who had lived where I was at before me and it was true. It kept spelling out all these swear words. I do believe that was the last time I have used one. We were freaked out.

Yet they still intrigue me *shrugs*
See, that doesn't scare me so much for some reason; that is exciting! Graphic imagery and suspense is what does me in, really. But ouija boards are more like learning about the unknown and finding gives me shivers in a good way
They don't scare me enough yet to not use one again. I do understand the exciting shivers though ;)
I won't touch a ouiji board with a 50 foot pole...
Bad experience Indigo?
Bad experience Indigo?

Bad experiences in other things not related to ouigi boards. I am very open to spiritual energy naturally, and if I were to play with a ouigi board I would likely have something attach itself to me, or attack me. Ouigi boards as a rule of thumb only attract negitive energy and spirits.
Oh, that's not so much true. My ENFJ friend had a lot of good experiences with it. Supposedly, there are both good and bad (although you don't want to remind anyone that they're actually dead in either case)
I believe in everything that is good there is something bad to balance it out
One of the things to remember about using a Ouija board is to NOT use it inside your residence.

It does attract forces and spirits we really don't understand much less are able to control.

There are more but I can't remember them all right now.
Yeah, I second the not mess with the quiji board thing.

If you ever listen to coast 2 coast AM you know why you shouldn't Here is the first series of the quiji board show he did.

To sum it up, he was persuaded not to use it. You never know who you are inviting in. It's like opening up your doors in new york (or some other metropolis) and leaving them open.

I don't "Scare" easily, like from supernatural stuff. Heights still get me though sometimes. Visualizations of jumping out of planes with no parachute help though ;)
Bad experiences in other things not related to ouigi boards. I am very open to spiritual energy naturally, and if I were to play with a ouigi board I would likely have something attach itself to me, or attack me. Ouigi boards as a rule of thumb only attract negitive energy and spirits.

I agree with IndigoSensor. I won't go near a Ouija board. I've dealt with too much spiritual crap to want to get anything "attached" to me. Very good imagery, Indigo!

As for things that scare me, I found out only a couple months ago that I hate horror shows. Games on the other hand... I loved Kiss Psycho Circus and Clock Tower. Sort of a horrible fascination, if you know what I mean. Maybe it's because games can be saved/loaded and I'm in control. Not so much with movies - you just experience whatever happens.
*wants to try out a Ouija board as he doesn't believe in spirits*

Naw, there's obviously something going on with that board if everyone's so frightened of it, while I doubt it's actual "spirits" as you call them, it maybe something psychological.
As I said for everything good,there is evil. I am pretty good at understanding each person views.

That video just irritated me to no end! Sure I probably wont bring one into my home,nor start using one without the other person knowing that what could happen if we use it in theirs.

Sure maybe some people have killed themselves after using one. But can that be proved it was because of that?? That is like saying Joe killed himself after he ate a Big Mac

Yeah, I second the not mess with the quiji board thing.

If you ever listen to coast 2 coast AM you know why you shouldn't Here is the first series of the quiji board show he did.

To sum it up, he was persuaded not to use it. You never know who you are inviting in. It's like opening up your doors in new york (or some other metropolis) and leaving them open.

I don't "Scare" easily, like from supernatural stuff. Heights still get me though sometimes. Visualizations of jumping out of planes with no parachute help though ;)