Well, sleep is usually nice, but there are problems with it being a respite from conscious existence. First, if something is bothering me, I can't sleep. Second, I think in my sleep; sometimes I am conscious of it, and occasionally I wake up when I come to realizations, usually terrible ones. Third, I do usually find dreams to be much better than reality, but occasionally they are much worse. For example, I had a dream the other night that I was castrated, but I wont go into the full details of that. It did deeply disturb me though.
I would like to go into hibernation and wake up in another time or at least go to another time, provided I had the option of coming back. If I did not have the option, I would have to really think about it. On one hand, I think it would be a nice break from the responsibilities of life. On the other, I know that I'd get a whole new set of problems, possibly worse ones, in the future.
I've learned that you cannot escape your self, at least not if you are like me.