

Community Member
Besides the benefits that sleep provides, do you think it is a welcome respite from conscious existence? Do you think that dreams are better than reality? If you could, would you go into a hibernation and wake up in another time (days, months, years, decades, or more later) if you did not age during your sleep?

I am curious what others think.
Well, sleep is usually nice, but there are problems with it being a respite from conscious existence. First, if something is bothering me, I can't sleep. Second, I think in my sleep; sometimes I am conscious of it, and occasionally I wake up when I come to realizations, usually terrible ones. Third, I do usually find dreams to be much better than reality, but occasionally they are much worse. For example, I had a dream the other night that I was castrated, but I wont go into the full details of that. It did deeply disturb me though.

I would like to go into hibernation and wake up in another time or at least go to another time, provided I had the option of coming back. If I did not have the option, I would have to really think about it. On one hand, I think it would be a nice break from the responsibilities of life. On the other, I know that I'd get a whole new set of problems, possibly worse ones, in the future.

I've learned that you cannot escape your self, at least not if you are like me.
My conclusion about sleep is that it re-orders the brain, categories the endless amount of data our brain unconciouslessly stores but does not proccess. A lot of dreams I have expierenced I can relate to recent or very, very distant events in my life. Dreams may be an organization system that keeps the brain functioning properly and able to handle more information. The term "sleep on it" may be due to REM and deep sleeping's effect on our refreshed clarify of events that have happened.

So going by that logic, it would really be impossible to stay in sleep forever and get the same refreshing results because sleep is based on processing new information and blending it with old information; basically, making connection in the brain.

Also, as far as is sleep/dreams better than reality I would argue that sleep/dreams are entirely based upon reality; the reason why many people may like the dream realm better is because of the tendency our brain to 'make sense' of certain concepts, all based on information we have collected over years of life.
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No, I would not go into hibernation and wake up years later. Lots of my loved ones would probably be dead when I awoke.
I enjoy sleep and look forward throughout the day to have the experience of dreaming all night long. I just wish I could remember my dreams (when I'm not lucid dreaming that is!)
Some days I welcome sleep time with open arms! Other days I dread it, knowing I haven't accomplished all that I had wanted to do that day. That phrase "there are not enough hours in the day" tends to prove itself to me time and time again.

I don't remember my dreams very often but if I were to reflect on the ones I have retained... yeah, I'd love an endless stream of those guys! Also, yes, falling into hibernation would be great but I say this because I'm imagining myself waking up to a world similar to the Jetsons.


*Shifty eyes*
Sleep, my eternal healer and escapist...

I long for sleep nearly every moment I am awake. It seems as if I can never get enough sleep. Regardless of what I have to do the next day (even if it is nothing) I hate getting up, and getting out of bed. I feel alot, and when I am very stressed I will repeat to myself 'I just want to turn off and go to sleep forever!'. It is an escape mecanism for me, and for just a brief period of time, I don't have to worry about teressterial nightmares.

There are times where I truly want to go to sleep forever (this is different from killing myself, something that I have thought about. Yet I know I would never do it), and just 'turn off'. This is at moments were uncertianty has a stronghold over me, and I feel like I just can't deal with the 3D world anymore. It is an escapist mecanism for me that I am semi in control of.

I don't think I would want to sleep for extended periods like months or years. I would miss out on things, and when I would wake, I would have more problems then when I went to sleep. It is one of those all or nothing things. Either keep sleep normal (or as normal as you can call it), or sleep forever.

Even aside from all this though, I truly love sleep. I get to go to another world, it is recharging and relaxing. I just enjoy it very much.
I like bed more than I like sleep. Laying in bed with a book or my imagination is great. Sleeping is .. well I have no control over it. it's a neccessity, sometimes it's nice and I wake up refreshed, sometimes not. Dreams too - sometimes interesting, funny - sometimes horrible. I'd enjoy sleep and dreaming more if I could design the experience.
I'm the kind of person who wishes he never had to sleep. Theres not enough hours in a day. It always seem that when i'm sleeping i'm being deprived of life -- so if I sleep too long I feel really shitty when I wake up. Keep in mind I love going to sleep, because of the reverie prior to falling asleep. I just hate getting up. It takes a long time for all my senses to come back online.

I like bed more than I like sleep. Laying in bed with a book or my imagination is great. Sleeping is .. well I have no control over it. it's a neccessity, sometimes it's nice and I wake up refreshed, sometimes not. Dreams too - sometimes interesting, funny - sometimes horrible. I'd enjoy sleep and dreaming more if I could design the experience.
Agreed! I find the symbology of my dreams to be very interesting a lot of times and often I want to find out what happens at the end of the story. Of course dreams are not supposed to be coherent I guess where everything will be resolved. Being able to design the experience (lucid dream) would be most interesting.
I take a lot of dietary supplement so I only need about 4 hours of sleep;
some times I like to sleep twice for 2 hours at a time, I really enjoy the quite of early morning especially 1 AM to around 4:30 Am
I love sleeping and dreaming. But I find I don't get very much peace during the day with my family so I like to stay up late and soak in my moment of silence and solitude to do what I want.
I love sleeping and dreaming. But I find I don't get very much peace during the day with my family so I like to stay up late and soak in my moment of silence and solitude to do what I want.


It would be cool if you could go into some sort of hibernation.
But I would rather be able to influence, change and make my own dreams, and be able to remember them all.
I used to be able to change my dreams at my desire when I was close to waking up, I could make myself able to fly, and go to any place I wanted to go. As long as I believed I could do something, I could do it.
I cant do it anymore unfortunately :(
To me, reality and dreams can't be compared, I enjoy each for different reasons.