Fe vs Ti decision making


Community Member
5w6 sx/sp
What do you do when your feelings really want to do something, but your thinking tells you that doing this is totally idiotic, logically speaking?

Right now it's a back and forth argument that I'm stuck in the middle of.:m181:

I think my feelings are getting the better of the argument. I just hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the end.
Depends on the situation, and the risk vs reward.

If it was a relationship-oriented question, I would probably ask whether I'm getting the validation/growth that I actually want. For me, it's usually a question of whether or not I'm probably going to get what I want, not whether or not I should resist this want.

That's if I have time to think. Usually, however, I'll just go with my feelings and beat myself up about it afterwards if it turns out bad.
blow my head off =O

i think about it! talk to people, get their advice if necessary, or trust my instincts. if it's important, i'll do the logical. otherwise i'll follow my whims~ ;) good luck with whatever's stressing you out btw!
Ti doesnt make decisions. It just perceives. I do it too, I know something is wrong or stupid but my Fe is what makes the choices. So everything is filtered through people and their relationships with me.
editing myself out of this thread; too unrelated to the topic =)
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Ti doesnt make decisions. It just perceives. I do it too, I know something is wrong or stupid but my Fe is what makes the choices. So everything is filtered through people and their relationships with me.

Ti is a judging function. Just like Fi, Fe, and Te are. Perceiving functions are Ne, Ni, Se, and Si.
Ti doesnt make decisions. It just perceives. I do it too, I know something is wrong or stupid but my Fe is what makes the choices. So everything is filtered through people and their relationships with me.

If I may expand on this, Ti categorizes and fits situations/circumstances to principles. Hence, Ti-Ne is a pattern matching configuration where Ne perceives the situation and Ti categorizes it.

What I think you're asking, because I experience it perhaps even more strongly, my Ti and Fe being right next to each other, is whether you should base your action on logic or on feeling. I suggest that you look at the consequences of what you want to do with detachment and make the decision that you think will bring you the greatest happiness. This often brings the best of both worlds.
Ti is a judging function. Just like Fi, Fe, and Te are. Perceiving functions are Ne, Ni, Se, and Si.
They are judging as in we use them to make judgments, to evaluate data. The introverted judging functions don't however seem to be used much in making decisions of what to do in the external world, just in deciding what we personally believe or think noteworthy. Perhaps the reason INTPs are stereotypically so lazy is that when it comes to actually doing something our decisions are governed by our inferior function Fe rather than our dominant Ti.
They are judging as in we use them to make judgments, to evaluate data. The introverted judging functions don't however seem to be used much in making decisions of what to do in the external world, just in deciding what we personally believe or think noteworthy. Perhaps the reason INTPs are stereotypically so lazy is that when it comes to actually doing something our decisions are governed by our inferior function Fe rather than our dominant Ti.

That would explain a lot. Ti serves as a filter, not so much a perceiving function, and Fe ultimately makes the decision.

I also don't think INTPs are lazy so much as prone to being paralyzed with indecisiveness or apathy. When INTPs are told what to do by someone they perceive as competent, then they can be regular workhorses. They just have to have an idea before going into whatever they need to do.
That really depends about what it is. If I would follow my feeling right now Id end up in a sticky situation, so I dont do it. Its just too obvious that it would be bad. But often I listen to my feelings more, I think INFJs shouldnt be worried about listening to their feelings and making desicions with Fe cause we tend to be good at feeling what is right and whats wrong.
In a perfect situation...

First, I decide on what I really want on this (not Fe, not Ti; Fi.)
Then I decide on whether the activities would do good on others (Fe)
And whether the activities would be easy or hard, the personal risk and reward, the apparent flaws (Ti)
And in a very perfect situation, the steps required (Te)
They are judging as in we use them to make judgments, to evaluate data. The introverted judging functions don't however seem to be used much in making decisions of what to do in the external world, just in deciding what we personally believe or think noteworthy. Perhaps the reason INTPs are stereotypically so lazy is that when it comes to actually doing something our decisions are governed by our inferior function Fe rather than our dominant Ti.

Well, the decision revolved around what I believe, so Ti was involved. Maybe it was just Ti + Fe looking at the situation two different ways and unable to decide. Doesn't matter anymore, the situation resolved itself. :m027:

Just goes to show that my old adage still holds, give a problem enough time and it solves itself no matter what you do.