Fe shut-down


life is good
Does your Fe ever shut-off?

Are there certain circumstances, people, environments, or moods that consistently lead to you responding with diminished or no Fe?

Fe: extraverted feeling

The process of extraverted Feeling often involves a desire to connect with (or disconnect from) others and is often evidenced by expressions of warmth (or displeasure) and self-disclosure. The
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Haha, yes XD
When people around me begin behaving irrationally, I first go through Fe responses, but finally it just shuts of and I think purely of the most practical solution to their problems ^^"
This only happens if it goes on for a long time though.
Yes sometimes when situation is critical or very complicated, my Fe seems to be shut down all of sudden.

I can't blame on others for this. It can happen with anyone. Feelings are natural and our surroundings is also natural, so we should take full responsibility for the shut down of Fe.

yes, i accept at some level, there are people who lead us or try to shut of our Fe. if they are trying to lead us in consistent manner, i have to say they must be our EVIL.
In this time of my life, no, it never shuts-down. but there was time when I couldn't use it because of too many details in me which were left by impulsive people, and when I am taking those impulsive feelings as reasonable answer to my feelings (as I understand reasonableness) I get lost in myself and, as you say, I am shutting-down the opening to new ideas and growing, and separating, and thinking, and sharing. I can loose my sense of reality.
Yes sometimes when situation is critical or very complicated, my Fe seems to be shut down all of sudden.

I can't blame on others for this. It can happen with anyone. Feelings are natural and our surroundings is also natural, so we should take full responsibility for the shut down of Fe.

yes, i accept at some level, there are people who lead us or try to shut of our Fe. if they are trying to lead us in consistent manner, i have to say they must be our EVIL.
Isn't Fe how you react to others, so aren't they possibly the only things that could lead to it shutting down, other than how you decide to treat them?
It's normal, actually. Ni is the leader, not Fe. So if Ni is telling you that person doesn't need your help and they're going to take advantage, then you'll listen to Ni. Fe doesn't have to be in charge. But sometimes when we're under a lot of stress we might let the next higher process take control...and that can be bad if it's not mature enough to take the lead.
If i'm really tired or the temperature is too hot then i pretty much make no effort to Fe
When my Fe feels overtaxed it will shut down.
I usually tried to, unless they have proven otherwise or I can't hold it.

Then I simply shut off. In a "SCREW YOU!" kind of way.

Sometimes a doorslam -- a mini one, concurs.
I've had episodes when it does go away. Thing is, Fe is how we react to the world around us but Ni is in charge of how and where you use that Fe. So if you're thinking that you haven't been around people that much or you are avoiding them because you don't like people, maybe that's Ni not Fe. Even if I'm feeling shit about life and everyone, put me in a social situation and I'll still try to be nice, still try to connect, still try to see the best in people even if I think the opposite- that's just the 'mode' I go into when I enter the outside world.
Fe is my most used function. It rarely, if ever, shuts down. I have to be stressed to the absolute max for my Fe to shut down. I can only think of one time where that happened.
yea, i use my Fe all the time...
sometimes with certain people whom i really really dislike (rare) i will shut them out. my attitude towards them is cold but i'm usually not completely blatant about it. usually they don't even notice that i dislike them.
Isn't Fe how you react to others, so aren't they possibly the only things that could lead to it shutting down, other than how you decide to treat them?

Sorry for very late reply. My apologies. See, i use Fe when it is most important. I don't think i should use them all time.

I try to treat them with respect and love. But when someone is trying to mess up with my feelings or my mind, then it gets shutdown.
yea, i use my Fe all the time...
sometimes with certain people whom i really really dislike (rare) i will shut them out. my attitude towards them is cold but i'm usually not completely blatant about it. usually they don't even notice that i dislike them.

I used to notice who dislikes me, but now no... It is not my business to find out who is doing what because it makes me feel bad when someone tells me i don't like you. I just leave the things as they want. I think, if they don't want me then it is their wish. I try not force them, never. They must have good feeling with me. :)
With me there are times where it seems like I'm using too much Fe, and there are other times where I just don't think about other people at all. I forget to hold doors open for people, etc. Then on the other hand, at times I've been called a "pushover" for being too nice.