Hmm... First of all, Morgan - I think I'm starting to grasp your point following the discussion we have had yesterday

You seem to take notice of events outside and then strongly feel them inside - that looks very much like Fi. Then having difficulties at expressing your own emotions also hints towards low Fe.
I'm no expert and could be wrong on this (heck, the whole theory can be wrong as well). The best I can explain it is through a little personal history. I think I've always been INFJ but at different stages in life tried different types for myself. And during high-school I was INFP (or at least appeared to be)

When interacting with people I was constantly bothered what would they think of me, constantly aware of very subtle nuances in emotional atmosphere. Anything could set me of and I've avoided any conflict. I've felt very strong internal reactions to feelings, to what is just and what is not. There were so much emotional depth that even I could not see the bottom of it. And I had no idea how to communicate it all for the world. So how do I know that I'm not INFP? Because I was deeply unhappy with this, it felt like being in a prison. I am a strong doer of things and wanted to reach out, to make connections, to change things rather than daydream about them.
Then during college years I've switched to INTJ mode

But again I was not happy. It was finally then that I've encountered an ENFJ girl - and it had suddenly clicked: that was what I've been looking for. She made connections in a very unusual way which had deeply resonated within me. It had changed my whole perception of what Fe is.
As Von hase once wrote: Fe is invisible, Fi is visible. First of all Fe is sharing your own emotions with others - if you're happy then you show that you're happy, if you're sad - then show that you're sad. It means being the same inside and outside regarding feelings. Second, Fe is also at work when you sense feelings and needs of others. That's empathy. So if two people meet one expresses an emotion, the other receives it, then emits their own emotion and so forth. And that's all that there is to it.
Usually we associate Fe with something we see on soap operas but it's not very appropriate. Quite often it is Fi on display there but as secondary function.
Regarding Fi, it's users do not care what others think about them - they just know what's right for them inside. And they usually don't like putting their values on display, don't talk about them. Boundaries are very important for Fi. They believe that their values should manifest themselves through their actions and not through hugs - that's why fruits of Fi are visible while Fe is dispersed and invisible. And of course Fi users have little idea on how other people feel.
You can watch any of these movies to see what I'm talking about: Into the wild, Motorcycle diaries, Okuribito. All of them have Fi dominant main characters. Their internal values are very visible, they are terrible at pleasing other people and I was completely unable to identify myself with them. They felt somehow "backwards"
According to the site there's a buzz word that resonates with Fe - "appropriate". Buzzword fo Fi is "evil".
Furthermore according to the theory Ni and Fe combined could create a Fi mode for oneself but it's still not the real thing.