Fantasy Battles.

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Shai Gar

What battles would you like to fight?


Me flying a Silver dragon (dragonlance) around the planet wearing adamantium plate armour, hefting a transporter beam projectile sniper rifle (star trek ds9) vs
The US Air Force, circa 1985.
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War has broken out around the planet. There is an elite group in power who is trying to control the world through chemical, and psychic means. Me and a small group of people are covertly working for a government agency as infiltrators trying to penetrate where the elite group is taken over. We have all somehow aquired psychic powers and use that to our advantage to try and take back control of the world, and free everyone who has taken over. The biggest trial I would have to overcome, would be the seductive nature of "the dark side" and me having to resist succombing to it.
IS - sounds like Star Wars :P
War is raging across the whole world, nukes are in risk of being used. People are dying in millions. I am in the perimeter of the parliament with a small group. We're ready to stage a coup d'
My type of warfare would take place in an enemy's head and make 'em think its real. Get in there and stir a few things around, make 'em face some their own personal demons and ultimate nightmares; own up to every wrongdoing and vividly experience the retributive karma for each deed.

Nothing beats living your own personal hell. And conquering it.

So yeah, individual vs. the vivid experience of personal demons.
I dunno about all this flying dragon bollocks- I'd rather have someone who I really hate give me the justification to pre-emptively knock them out with a solid right cross, that just chips the edge of their jaw, causing an instant knock out. They're gone before they hit the floor. This would be in a club or bar and where my justified conquering of this foe would be visible by all.
Actually, what'd be fun is fighting a few US Generals inside their own minds, without them realising that's where they were fighting. They get their entire armies, and I get a duplicate. The environment is their brain cells.

All that build up of collateral damage would work in my favour.
Actually, what'd be fun is fighting a few US Generals inside their own minds, without them realising that's where they were fighting. They get their entire armies, and I get a duplicate. The environment is their brain cells.

All that build up of collateral damage would work in my favour.

You just ripped mine off :P
A water fight between the elves and the pixies and the faeries, just for the fun of it.
I'd rather see some celebrity deathmatches...

Winnie the Pooh vs. Fozzy the Bear

Ben Kingsley vs. Patrick Stewart

Dorothy Gail vs. Alice (Alice in Wonderland)




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anything from the warhammer 40k universe HAHA
I would especially like to be a space wolf hehe
There are many historical battles that I would like to try with little tweaks to see how they might have played out. What if the commanders of Hooker's right flank had actually listened to him? What if Darius had made use of his infantry line at Gaugamela? What if the Germans had gotten their hands on the extra gasoline at the Battle of the Bulge?
And of course I want to see a proper Yoda vs. Darth Vader match-up.
revolution fighting for the hearts and minds of the people for a truly just cause.

Dang, I don't have an original bone in my body.
being in a planet highly advanced but very cold, and i have to defeat a warlord.
I just wanna be Mr. Roger's in a bloodstained sweater.
I like the Dragonlance idea, although I used to wanna be Raistlin, no matter what I'd wanna be, I'd end up being myself - kinda like Goldmoon.

Or Firestarter. Or Galandria, in the forest in Lord of the Rings, the one all in white, who was benevolently neutral, but still managed to help out.

Finally, I would actually love to be the Queen of the Amazons in Xena, lol!

I would fight with staves against Lord Voldemort on a horse!
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