I agree, it seems to get better the older I get (I'm 54).
I think most people here feel that too.
yeah I think it does get better as we grow older.....I THINK...
I was always pitying myself and stuff like that... but I'm kinda tired of it.... I don't want to wait for things to happen... like I usually do.. I usually wait for friends to come to me and tell myself oh wow it's meant to be.. we're meant to be friends blah blah blah but then now I think I have to make things happen........
fine I feel alone... nobody understands me... I feel isolated... locked.. kept ... a freak.. a weirdow.. a blah blah blah blah whatever I feel that I am.. but I think I'm tired of thinking how bad I am.. if I don't act on this thing that I feel... then there's nothing else I can do..... what I feel.. that I'm a complete freako failure will be manifested and it would stop me from having a social life and having friends........ so right now.....
I still feel that but no matter how intense I feel that feeling is ..... I can't just let it rule over me.. I have to rule over it... my type is not an excuse .. if I feel it and let it rule over me then I'm ruined.. so I know I HAVE TO act on it.. so.. I try to make friends and I choose them well... I choose who to trust...
and for the mean time ... when I couldn't trust anyone.. or FEEL that I can't trust anyone I JUST TRY to let my feelings out to people who are close to me.. like relatives even if they don't understand me because no matter how hard I try.. if NOBODY understands me.. I'm just gonna suck it all up and kill myself with self-pity, low self esteem, depression, being ALWAYS WORRIED. I care about myself and just because I feel that nobody likes me and nobody understands me, doesn't mean that I will never be understood.
So I guess I just act on it and not let these things leave a very very very deep scar inside me because I just have to do something before it eats me all up.
EDIT: I READ THIS AGAIN... I feel like I didn't type this thing bwahahahaha that was like not me typing. Where did I get that "advise" ?? MAYBE i should start listening to my other "tired of self pity and I have to act on it" self......
but really.. sometimes I do get tired of thinking no one understands me....