Encounters with Animals


Snow White over the ocean
4 x 6 (I think).
I'm not sure if this is the right section to post this thread.

Yesterday I was driving and almost hit a deer. There were 3 deer along the side of the road, and I slowed down as I approached them of course, but still they decided to leap across the road infront of my car. Two managed to cross well before I got too close, and the 3rd changed it's mind and jerked back to the opposite side again, only to change it's mind quickly again, and cross infront of me afterall.

At one point it was running a couple of inches beside my car, and I looked beside me at it just inches away from my window, and was able to see the anxiety in it's eye. I was going slowly at this point anyway, and stopped as it finally ran infront of my car to join the other two.

For those few seconds of us moving side by side, I experienced a cool sense of freedom of how it must be to run along side a serene and gentle wild animal. It leapt while it ran, and seemed so feather light and amazing. It was a real privelage to fly with a running deer for what seemed like a long time. Sadly though, I'm sure the deer didn't share my joy, but rather felt terror and anxiety. It made me wish I could express some form of gratitude by some more direct means that my usual respect and keeping a distance as to not invoke fear in an animal.

How about you? Anyone ever had a cool experience with a wild animal, or even a tame one for that matter?
When I was growing up, I used to catch Box Turtles and play with them. After feeding them and hanging out for a bit, I would let the poor animals go. But then I would stay about 10 yards behind, following. Once I followed a box turtle for most of a day.

I just watched as it moved through the woods, crawling along, inspecting flowers, rooting around in the dirt, looking at the sky. It had a very deliberate desire to keep moving. Watching the tortoise watch the world gave me a new appreciation for the stillness and awareness that I always struggled to capture for more than a second.
Every encounter I've had with marine mammals has been something special for me, when I was a kid I remember fishing on a rocky point and a big pod of dolphins came into the bay and swam around right up to the point, we chucked one of the fish we had caught out and one of the dolphins grabbed it. Also seeing a big pod of Orcas for the first time was incredible, to see the size, power and grace of them just awesome. I once saw a whale and her calf, I was amazed to see something alive with such mass, especially swimming around our usually uneventful fishing grounds.
Every encounter I've had with marine mammals has been something special for me, when I was a kid I remember fishing on a rocky point and a big pod of dolphins came into the bay and swam around right up to the point, we chucked one of the fish we had caught out and one of the dolphins grabbed it. Also seeing a big pod of Orcas for the first time was incredible, to see the size, power and grace of them just awesome. I once saw a whale and her calf, I was amazed to see something alive with such mass, especially swimming around our usually uneventful fishing grounds.

Holy shit where do you live!?! that sounds so beautiful.
Wow your encounter with the deer sounds so cool.

Probably the coolest encounter I had with an animal was when I was camping. I came within about 10 feet of a wild mountain lion. I was sitting at my campground and it came trotting by me with its long tail and strong long legs. She trotted with this confident attitude, almost like she was showing off her health and beauty. Then she stopped about 10 feet away from us and looked dead at me. She looked right in my eyes with this fearless look. I felt like she was looking into my soul or something. Then she turned her head and just trotted away.

It was one of the scariest and thrilling moments I have ever had. I grew a new respect for the mountain lion. They are so much more powerful and mysterious when you see one in real life.
Holy shit where do you live!?! that sounds so beautiful.

Lol, quinlan. Tell us about your mystical bonding experiences with sheep. My sister-in-law spent a year in New Zealand. She loved it so much we weren't sure we were getting her back.
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I went to the beach once and was eating chips or something, this seagull was hovering in the air right next to me, close enough to touch. it remained there for about 1/2 hour, just in the same position, being supported by the strong wind. if you've ever seen a wild bird up close with its wings spread out, it's a beautiful sight. the sun was gleaming off its feathers, and it seemed to be completely unafraid of me. it was really weird and cool.
I went to the beach once and was eating chips or something, this seagull was hovering in the air right next to me, close enough to touch. it remained there for about 1/2 hour, just in the same position, being supported by the strong wind. if you've ever seen a wild bird up close with its wings spread out, it's a beautiful sight. the sun was gleaming off its feathers, and it seemed to be completely unafraid of me. it was really weird and cool.

He wanted a chip ;)
Yes, I have seen a bird close up before and you're right, it is an amazing sight.
That reminds me of the time I was hanging out with my pet/lunch chickens in our backyard as a kid. All of the sudden this hawk came swooping down. (It was going to try to grab one.) But it suddenly saw me an panicked, so instead it kind of toppled to one side and then landed on the ground. It just sat there staring at me for a minute.

It was majestic. But you have to understand that this was an adversarial relationship between me and the hawk, as they kept eating my pets/food. We sized each other up for a good minute before it seemed to realize it was in no danger, and then flew away.

One of the most important dreams I ever had in my life involved hawks. I think my connection to them was that they were always around, hovering just overhead, but only that once did one ever come down to my level.
This may not be cool in the traditional sense, but it definitely stands out.

One night I was standing out on my unlit back porch, and I began to hear rustling movements coming from somewhere in the yard in front of me. Eventually an animal emerged into view and ponderously began to make its way in my direction. I couldn't make out what it was, as it was in a shadowed portion of the yard. I could only make out a basic size, equal to that of a raccoon, but there are no raccoons in the area. It definitely was not a domestic cat or dog.

Because I couldn't tell what it was and could hear it coming closer, I decided to take the initiative and try to scare it off by running at it and making a general rustling and so forth. Well, I did that, running full on at it as noisily as I could, and to my surprise the damn thing started advancing directly towards me, as slowly as ever but with apparent purpose.

I feigned to charge it again and was stopped short as it simply continued to advance soundlessly but for the slow tread of its feet on the grass. No hissing or growling at all. At this point, I was completely spooked and ducked back inside.

So all in all I was pretty much made a fool of by god knows what. Maybe it was just a blind, oblivious possum. Whatever it was it sure proved me a chicken though.
My dad rescued a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest. Apparently the parents rejected it for some reason or another. He put a folded shirt on a short pine tree, and the bird on the shirt. My younger cat was anxiously trying to get to it, but we wouldn't let her. We fed the chick worms =D