Does your energy have an impact?


Community Member
How much does your energy impact other people? Do you even believe in energy? Can a person's energy be percieved as positive to one person and negative to another.

Someone told me once I had weird energy.

I think this is the right place for this thread . . .
How much does your energy impact other people? Do you even believe in energy? Can a person's energy be percieved as positive to one person and negative to another.

Someone told me once I had weird energy.

I think this is the right place for this thread . . .

INFJs tend to have this "energy" it's weird because of it's potential potency.

I've been told that I am awkward and weird but this isn't what we're talking about. My friends, female and male notice this. Some describe it as this strong pressure or power coming from me, Some describe it as a bubble of protection.

Perhaps it's a process in which a person emits the pheromones and brain frequencies of certain emotions at highly noticeable levels that are above normal. Whatever the case maybe it effects the way others feel most of the time.
Yes, as Naxx says, there's a lot of "potential" energy that we emit. And we're not aware of it. I tend to notice it (if you can call it that) in the way others respond or relate to me. It's not conscious or intentional. I think it's a reflection of our passion and interest in the world around us, people, and especially ideas. It's also a reflection of our insight, and our ability to see the "big picture". And it can be quite potent and powerful. If only we would use this superpower for good, and not evil. :m197: Hmm . . .

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Yes, as Naxx says, there's a lot of "potential" energy that we emit. And we're not aware of it. I tend to notice it (if you can call it that) in the way others respond or relate to me. It's not conscious or intentional. I think it's a reflection of our passion and interest in the world around us, people, and especially ideas. It's also a reflection of our insight, and our ability to see the "big picture". And it can be quite potent and powerful. If only we would use this superpower for good, and not evil. :m197: Hmm . . .


lol--very funny restraint! I think a rogue INFJ is an ENFJ, and must be watched carefully, so as not to abuse this power. I stray that way occasionally. Ah the can be quite intoxicating!! lol

In general it works both ways for me. I often put out a calming energy. I have also been told my many women that they feel safe/protected around me. In earlier years I found this strange since I am on the small side. I understand better now. I also pickup energy very quickly and make it mine. My spouse is sometimes very volital. If I do not pay close attention, her quick mood changes can drag me in. If I keep a guard up I am fine. Awareness both ways is the key. I was clueless when I was younger as to what energy I radiated. With awareness can come control.
I've found that if I walk into work thinking (Typical INFJ harsh look) for the rest of the night coworkers will wonder what THEY did to make me that way, and in the end the try to avoid me for the day and arn't as talkative to me.

However if I walk in with a real smile (not the fake one I must put on as a host) I brighten up the room, everyones talkative to me, and I actually feel normal.

While in a store, if I notice a cashier is in s robotic costumer service mode, I will go over, be friendly, and when i walk away its like I turned a switch on and made the cashier feel better.
I've been told on one hand that I'm very intense, and on the other that I'm not intense at all and am very easy to be around ^^" Maybe different people focus on different energies you give off and judge you on that?
Maybe it depends on the people if your energy (or whatever energy they feel from you) affects them strongly or not?
I tend to be very sensitive to the energy around me. I think I used to emit a lot of energy, like was mentioned -- that sort of pressure or potential. I don't think I do now as much, though, because of how it effects people. I like having control over that.

I'm still not sure, though. I know how others' energy effects me, but my effect on them is harder to distinguish.
My energy is unique, as I have been told. If people are peceptive to it, they are often drawn to me. I don't want to sound concieted, but very often have people tell me after just meeting me and being around me for a short while "your so unique, you not like anyone else".

I am also very perceptive to energy around me. I readily pick up the vibe of a person after being around them for just a few seconds. I also have reason to believe that the lights I see, is energy in the area around me. I am easily able to tell which is my energy and feelings, and what is others though. I never get confused on that front, but I sure will feel the feelings of another if I let myself.
I am easily able to tell which is my energy and feelings, and what is others though. I never get confused on that front, but I sure will feel the feelings of another if I let myself.

How do you control choosing not to feel someone else's feelings?
How do you control choosing not to feel someone else's feelings?

I don't really. I just remove myself from the situation or don't pay attention. If it is really strong though, I can't 'control' it.
If you mean energy like Reiki energy, I am not aware of that stuff, so I don't know how it affects people.

I will say, however, that I tend to underestimate the emotional affect that my words and actions will have on people, for better or worse.
Hmm. This is interesting.

I've been told I have an authoritative vibe that's also very soft at the same time. A lot of people trust me; total strangers will feel inclined to spill out their entire life story, and listen attentively to what I've got to say in response. I've been told I have a quiet "leader" quality all my life.

Mind, I know it secretly rubs some people the wrong way. Especially the types who crave power or authority, and try to obtain it through abrasive or attention-seeking methods. I always butt heads with these sorts of folks. Sometimes I'll be just minding my own business, and I'll get surreptitious digs or backhanded compliments from them. They can't stand my presence, for some reason; they'll jump on any opportunity (however stupid) to get confrontational and let their anger out. To this day, I don't understand why.

Before this used to really upset me a lot, and I tried to make myself as small as possible so I wouldn't have to deal with these angry individuals. These last couple of years, however, have made me absolutely fed up with try to play peace keeper, and I don't have as much patience anymore for feeling like I have to apologize for my existence.
I always butt heads with these sorts of folks. Sometimes I'll be just minding my own business, and I'll get surreptitious digs or backhanded compliments from them. They can't stand my presence, for some reason; they'll jump on any opportunity (however stupid) to get confrontational and let their anger out. To this day, I don't understand why.

This happens to me all the time. I think I exude a kind of strength, a self confidence that doesn't emit from what I say or what I do to impress others. Even though I'm doing my own thing, not intruding on anyone these people are unsettled by my energy which comes from a deep seated humility and confidence in myself in my abilities. I think this unsettles them. It's the kind of energy they don't have access to.
My energy is perceived wholly different by people who know me and people who don't. People who don't know me say I have a serious vibe and seem cocky but I look like I have all my shit together and what not. People who know me get a silly warm vibe and feel like I'll kill people to protect them, which is partly true. Both perceptions are partly true I suppose.
bump. good thread topic.
Agreed, Res. Funnily enough I was reading an article in the paper this morning about how druids have reduced the number of accidents on a bad stretch of road by erecting quartz standing stones and burying magnets to restore the natural energy of the area. It sounded wacky enough for me to believe, anyway. :D

As for my own experiences, yes, I totally believe in personal energy fields. I can usually read a person's energy and it often lets me know whether being around them will be beneficial or detrimental to my own wellbeing. I think most of us do this subconsciously, but it's quite tangible for me. My ability to read this, goes hand in hand with absorbing other people's emotions, but it is also subtly different. People can have good energy, even when they're not emotionally up, and vice versa. Some people thrive on being energy vampires, for example. They feel great, but they're doing bad things with energy. Anyway. I could go on for hours about this, but I'm sure you get my drift. :)
Agreed, Res. Funnily enough I was reading an article in the paper this morning about how druids have reduced the number of accidents on a bad stretch of road by erecting quartz standing stones and burying magnets to restore the natural energy of the area. It sounded wacky enough for me to believe, anyway. :D

As for my own experiences, yes, I totally believe in personal energy fields. I can usually read a person's energy and it often lets me know whether being around them will be beneficial or detrimental to my own wellbeing. I think most of us do this subconsciously, but it's quite tangible for me. My ability to read this, goes hand in hand with absorbing other people's emotions, but it is also subtly different. People can have good energy, even when they're not emotionally up, and vice versa. Some people thrive on being energy vampires, for example. They feel great, but they're doing bad things with energy. Anyway. I could go on for hours about this, but I'm sure you get my drift. :)

Yep. I think i sometimes respond more to someone's energy than what they say or how they manipulate their communication to relate to me. I tend to respond to the underlying tone rather than what's being intentionally presented to me. This causes quite a bit of issues, because the person assumes i'm responding to what they are directly communicating to me, while i'm responding to their indirect communication. As a result, i find i need to learn to adapt my communication style to their way of thinking instead of my own. It feels like communicating on the surface v. deep structure.