Does your avatar affect the way you post?


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And similarly does other peoples avatars affect the way you view their posts?
I find it hard not to judge people based on their avatars... I don't hold it against them if I do not approve, but I still think avatars can be telling...

For example, if I see someone using Tina Fey as their avatar, I can't help but think "I automatically love you."
Didnt we already have the convo about people who use themselves as their avies?
Didnt we already have the convo about people who use themselves as their avies?

Yes, that's why I asked two completely different questions.
Hmm...I've never really thought about it. I don't tend to really notice people's avatars (I tend to browse forums where avatars are a no go). I find them interesting at times but I don't think they are absolutely telling of a person. For example, my avatar, while looking neat, isn't really a representation of me. It's a avatar a friend made for me. Even two people picking the same avatar might carry various meanings. I also don't think my avatar affects the way I post either.

From the posts in this thread, It seems that other people do notice though. I wonder what the effects of using my real face as a avatar would be (This is a different thread though) Maybe I should look into this avatar meaning stuff :p
No, my avatar does not affect how I post. But it does reflect how I feel at the time I posted that avatar, so in an indirect way I could say yes. But really it's more of a reflection of me at a moment in time. I think that's the case for a lot of people--especially those of us the change our avatars a lot.

As for other people, yes it does at first. If I don't really know them well (by their posts) then I have to go with the available information which includes their avatar. After I get to know them though, the answer would be no. I then go by past posts and the picture of them that I've built up in my mind.
I suspect my avatar may be an accurate depiction of myself.
No idea how others see it.
Not really. Although I do get irratated when people put up wrong, offensive, or overly pink/fluffy/loveygoogoo type avatars, but it doesn't effect how I respond to them.
I wish I was Bob Dylan :(
Not really. Although I do get irratated when people put up wrong, offensive, or overly pink/fluffy/loveygoogoo type avatars, but it doesn't effect how I respond to them.
Guess i need to go bad to the companion cube
Companion cube is an exception to the rule, but... yeah that's too pink.
I tend to put up avatars which make me happy to look at. It has no relevance on my writing style or thought process though.

On the other hand it may influence what others think of me... but I don't really think about it. I tend to gravitate towards either lovely, interesting, or humorous, with a strong magnetism for fluffiness. XD

But maybe it does effect the way I post - if I only put up avis which make me feel a bit of joy, maybe I'm less inclined to be overly serious or depressing?
I might have to think on this a bit.
my eyes...