When I was younger, I was raised to believe the word was powerful and meant a lot. It was a way to portray regret and try to bridge the gap created by something you did (or got blamed for do, whatever the case). As I grew older, I heard the word used more and more frequently.
I guess what I'm getting at is, well... have you ever said a word over and over and over again non-stop until it lost all meaning? Try it!
Wow, what does that word even mean, you might be thinking? (or not, if you happen to be someone who abuses that word like the man of the house would to his chambermaid). To me, it means the same thing as it did before I repeated it to obscurity.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
HOWEVER, I do believe that the emotion and feeling that should be portrayed through the use of the word exists. Which is really odd, because I don't believe in unicorns or flying turtles...