Does knowing that you “fit in” a personality type actually makes you feel better?


Community Member
I’ve been thinking about how science can actually explain a certain predictable form of being. In fact, look at you now, taking part on a social media which allows people to access much more than you could ever imagine yourself telling someone you know in person.
An index, a catalog, an acronym, reveling (as per say) who you… are?

Can you remember when you’ve taken any remarkable personality test? How you’ve felt about the result, or how you’ve taken it into consideration. Knowing yourself is seen as an advantage, even more when you manage to love yourself the way you are, what would you say about it?
Relatable, yeah.
You guys have recognized who you are, is that supposed to be the ultimate factor about knowing yourself? I mean, that was supposed to make life simpler, still, not to its boring aspect.
Does your life seem different to you? Now?

Can you remember when you’ve taken any remarkable personality test? How you’ve felt about the result, or how you’ve taken it into consideration.
I felt more excitement about my Harry Potter house quiz on Pottermore than I did about my MBTI. Priorities :m036:

For myself I don't really put much stock in the significance of MBTI, but I appreciate that it has brought me to a forum of like-minded, talented and equally bat-shit crazy people (hello lovely you whoever is reading this).
The human need to categorize is inescapable, primarily because it's what keeps us alive.

With consciousness developing in human the categories became less directly related to life or death; before maybe the category was safe food to eat and bad food to eat.

Now it's

This kind of person is good this kind of person is bad

Which if you boil it down it's about

I need to belong to a tribe
Because humans in tribes have a greater chance of survival

So wanting to be liked
Wanting to fit in
It's an innate survival mechanism. Why we feel so bad if we don't fit in, is because the logic (though we don't consciously realize it) is that we are going to die

So yes it was helpful because I now feel less likely to die
Understanding the mbti types and how they apply to people helped me not only to understand myself a but better, but to understand others from the past and present too.
It's not perfect, but close enough.
It's crazy to think there are others out there with similar approaches to how they think about things :)
I felt more excitement about my Harry Potter house quiz on Pottermore than I did about my MBTI. Priorities :m036:

For myself I don't really put much stock in the significance of MBTI, but I appreciate that it has brought me to a forum of like-minded, talented and equally bat-shit crazy people (hello lovely you whoever is reading this).

Looking back, I was a really lost child but that time I decided to take the "Divergent aptitute test" and guess what? Took the test to feel less lonely but actually managed to reafirm how lonely I was since none of those characters were real and I was a Divergent lol
Well, you got a point there, it's definitely better to be crazy knowing that I can connect with other unusual craziness like mine
Why we feel so bad if we don't fit in, is because the logic (though we don't consciously realize it) is that we are going to die

So yes it was helpful because I now feel less likely to die

I guess that's why introversts struggle so much trying to find themselves, since there's this inherent need to feel understood.
It's like you've gotta walk through a meaningless path, therefore you are in charge of motivations to keep on walking... but predictably, one doesn't get their answers if they aren't able to share their doubts, so you won't feel fulfilled knowing that people out there have so much to show you.
It's crazy to think there are others out there with similar approaches to how they think about things :)
For me it's still kinda utopic, you know? hahaha I could never actually meet someone on my terms of intensity, meaning that I've never had the chance of meeting others who were willing to talk deeply about such matters.
I see this place as a personification of this possibility, it's quite stimulating actually letting some thoughts out hahaha
I guess that's why introversts struggle so much trying to find themselves, since there's this inherent need to feel understood.
It's like you've gotta walk through a meaningless path, therefore you are in charge of motivations to keep on walking... but predictably, one doesn't get their answers if they aren't able to share their doubts, so you won't feel fulfilled knowing that people out there have so much to show you.
That's the intellectual ego thing

Really it's your biology thinks you have a better chance of staying alive if you're with people, and being with people means they have to like you to want you to stick around

The idea of connection is a biological illusion.

A nice one, but an illusion nonetheless.
That's the intellectual ego thing

Really it's your biology thinks you have a better chance of staying alive if you're with people, and being with people means they have to like you to want you to stick around

The idea of connection is a biological illusion.

A nice one, but an illusion nonetheless.

Sometimes its better to enjoy the painting than look too hard at the brush strokes.
That's the intellectual ego thing

Really it's your biology thinks you have a better chance of staying alive if you're with people, and being with people means they have to like you to want you to stick around

The idea of connection is a biological illusion.

A nice one, but an illusion nonetheless.
Oh, that's so romantic. Might want to lighten up there.
Knowing yourself is seen as an advantage, even more when you manage to love yourself the way you are, what would you say about it?

You think you know yourself but you don't. So you might think you love yourself, but you don't.
The pursuit of knowing yourself leads to an expansion of more truthful self love.
The idea of connection is a biological illusion.

That's a thing, indeed. After all, what comfort would it bring to know that you're part of group in which no one actually stimulates your true self...
I guess that's why I've felt so wrong for a really long time, but knowing how big the world is and how unique can't be unique at all, not completely, made me end up here
