Does INFJ TYPICALLY get Obsessed with thing?


Does INFJ TYPICALLY get Obsessed with things?

Hey just wondering if other INFJs ever get ridiculously obsessed with topics, things, whatever. I usually have one obsession in my life. Lately it has been gardening, I spend most of my spare time reading, thinking about, and doing gardening. I want to master it till I feel I have perfected it and then I move on to something else eventually. I mean...I read I would say atleast 30 hours a week about gardening and I am trying to grow the best plants I can right now. I always have one obsession like this in my life.

Other things I have been obsessed with: Complex games, Politics, The afterlife & death, dreams, fishing, foreign culture (I will study a culture until I fell I am a part of it), Religion, Animals(Marine Aquarium hobby for awhile) I could go on and on forever but I always have one obsession in my life it usually last about 6 months to a year or maybe even two years until I feel I have mastered all aspects of it...It is usually something related to science, history, social, or politics
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I can't speak for others, but that is my default setting; I am very all-or-nothing.
Kinda noticed this behaviour with Dove too.

Yes, I'd say.
I can't speak for others, but that is my default setting; I am very all-or-nothing.
Yea that is a good way to put it for sure, It can also be a new job (definitely not an 'old' job lol)....I will for the most part live and breathe whatever it is I am obsessing over. I think next is going to be personalities apparently, this seems a very interesting and in depth topic for me that I just started researching recently. If you guys see me posting here like crazy then yeah thats it.
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I get obsessed by people's motives I cannot understand.... among other things.

If someone says or does something nasty or nice that baffles me, I'll think about it all night.
like waterbaby said, I am very much all or nothing with almost everything. I also usually need an intense focus or interest of some kind. Without it I feel like I am floundering. The problem is my brain is indescriminate to what the focus will be, and some focuses are emotionally not very healthy for me in the long run.
I like to think of it as...

Overly interested or curious =)
in short, yes
My little sister likes to say that I "learn richly".

(And yes, I am also prone to obsessing over things that are unhealthy and drive me just a little insane)
When I was younger, very definitely. I can't remember the specifics, but I do recall getting very involved in whatever it was.
Nowadays, I tend to have minor obsessions: songs or words of the week, sometimes people in my life who I'm very fascinated with (it's more of wanting to connect, or understand them). I thought I was alone in this tendency, but I try very hard not to let it rule my life.
I get obsessed by people's motives I cannot understand.... among other things.

If someone says or does something nasty or nice that baffles me, I'll think about it all night.

Yes. Yes. YES.
Yes! Especially when I was younger. I was completely engaged in so many different subjects, tornadoes and weather in general, astronomy, maps, spiders....
What helped was that I had a collection of encyclopedias and educational books that I had access to at home. Now I have the internet!
My family always jokes that I am obsessive. I am... When I want to try something new I go 100% into it and rip it apart and learn what its all about. If its noteworthy I usually keep it in my lfie for good, if not I can let it fall away but retain what is useful.
i've been obsessed with the same two things my whole life!

i also have lasting minor obsessions such as mirrors, labyrinths, dolls, invisibility, etc.

i also become temporarily obsessed from one week or month to another say with a song or novel.
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Yes, but I tend to stick with things for a long time unlike my INFP friend who does a similar thing except he constantly throws himself into different things.
Yes to everything! YES!


several of my obsessions are : Art Nouveau, bell peppers, and japanese homoerotic manga. Then there's psychology, people's stupidity, and ruffles and laces. Then there's kimono, Victorian era, and group politics.

some aren't that obsessed. but.. others are moreso.
Yes :) Definitely for me.
Does INFJ TYPICALLY get Obsessed with thing?
