1) Thought spark(s).
Hamlet, Act I, Scene 3, Lines 113-134.
2) Instantaneous thinking.
I can't even exemplify this in this case. My thoughts just kind of are. They come into my head. They don't really take a form. Sometimes I'll start saying a thought in my head and then the rest will just be there. Not really a picture, not anything, just an instantaneous little concept in my head.Instantaneous is the keyword there. Thinking in my mind's native language is really and truly instantaneous. So, for example, I could read the aforementioned and then immediately think about "Love is a Battlefield," how I look too deep into my interactions with guys, a car commercial, and a health class from way back in 7th grade. It's translating Stella Brain to English that takes time.
3) Mull over a little, sparking more thoughts.
Repeat however long until I feel like I have an idea.
4) Condense my little, random but related thoughts into one(ish) big, meaningful thought that makes sense to me.
"Hamlet hormones lustlove Ophelia"
5) Figure out how to say that thought so it is understandable to the average person and gets my thoughts out well.
"In my opinion, Polonius thinks that Hamlet is proclaiming his love for and making vows to Ophelia not because he really loves her, but he's just really after a sexual relationship due to hormones."
6) Say it, but it gets caught in a fury of ums, you knows, likes, and acting out things to try and make them make more sense, as I get confused on how to say something that honestly could make no sense to the average person. Meaning lost. You also question my sanity.
"Well, um, I think Polonius is saying, um, that Hamlet is just like, *dramatically* "Oh! Ophelia! I love you so! I will never leave you!" and stuff but he's only saying this because he's like, *creepy-lusty* "Oh, hello there" not really *dramatically* "Oh, I think you are wonderful!" If that makes any sense at all. You know?"
This is an example of something that literately happened in my lit class just a few hours ago.
Talking is hard. I wish people could just hear me thinking, cause I suck at talking. Of course, they'd probably get confused at my thoughts too.