Death of the Universe


Community Member
According to law of thermodynamics all systems eventually reach a state where there will be no potential energy. It will die. How can you imagine this? Explosions? Freezing? Being inverted? Sucked up? Will we die first? Or humans will die with it?
... Didn't you just say in Slant's thread that the universe is dynamic so it won't die? And you're changing positions now?

*Waits for explanation*
We will be long gone I think.
Oops, my bad. Just read the other thread again.

*Feels sheepish*
So death of humans>>death of planets>>death of universe
It has to be cause and effect...we have to die becaue of its death, with its death, or it will die because of us
I dont think we could annihilate does the explosion ofplanets seem right? Death of earth? Explosion of the sun?
Sorry, going off on a tangent here.

From what I understand, we are overdue for a gamma ray burst, which would certainly kill off the majority of life on the planet. If not from the initial blast, then from the after effects.
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Depends if the universe is still around for another 5 billion years, then we will first since the sun would have completed it's star cycle sucking(Mercury and Venus) and possibly Earth and Mars alon with it, either way even if the Earth were to survive temperatures would just be to hot, our whole planet would basically be completely unhabitable. If we develop the technology to somehow escape the suns' rage then maybe, but even then the Universe can end before our solar system collapses which will lead to our ultimate destruction(there's no way, or at least I can't imagine a way we can escape the death of th euniverse because well, the universe is everything or at least that's what we know). I imagine the end of the universe will be quick, no big explosions or nothing ''apocalyptic''. It would just be a huge emergence of energy which will be visble for a split of a second and after that well, bye bye..We won't even feel nothing..seems a lot less painfull than being killed by the sun's rage though, now that will be hell.. Or well, the Earth could just end any year now, you don't need something so major and by that I mean compare to other astrological events to end a planet, a meteorite, we getting out of orbit/crashing with another big body etc..
Sorry, going off on a tangent here.

From what I understand, we are overdue for a gamma ray burst, which would certainly kill off the majority of life on the planet. If not from the initial blast, then from the after effects.


Milon was caught unaware! Universe's chance for first strike!

Universe: Gamma ray burst!

Milon: Blarg! I am dead!

Which is to say, what?! How do you know we're overdue for a pummelling? Where were the end-is-near doomsayers on that one? Link please?


InTheWomb, check out The Big Crunch?
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It is i think, random. only thing can be determined is increase of likeliness of its occurance. even though the universe cannot learn its past, all we have are the results that prevent the same thing happening agin, which is why we cannot time travel..but anyway, we know eventually it will end, no one can tell when

Milon was caught unaware! Universe's chance for first strike!

Universe: Gamma ray burst!

Milon: Blarg! I am dead!

Which is to say, what?! How do you know we're overdue for a pummelling? Where were the end-is-near doomsayers on that one? Link please?

Well, that's what I get for posting before doing more reasearch. I had heard that we were over due for a GRB (Gamma Ray Burst) on either the Science or Discovery channel, but perhaps that was outdated. They were implying that there is a regular frequency in which GRB's happen and it had been well over that expected time.

There is an artical @ that discusses the GRB's and a potential star that could realease it.

Not as likely has I had assumed though.
The way the universe will end as told to me by a theoretical physicist is that the outer bounds of the universe are speeding up. This is happening to everything and there will come a time that the speed will be so great atomic bonds will be broken apart. Sounds like a fun way to go if you as me. :m066:
The way the universe will end as told to me by a theoretical physicist is that the outer bounds of the universe are speeding up. This is happening to everything and there will come a time that the speed will be so great atomic bonds will be broken apart. Sounds like a fun way to go if you as me. :m066:
Ooh, I likes! Much better than a big crunch, IMO!
The way the universe will end as told to me by a theoretical physicist is that the outer bounds of the universe are speeding up. This is happening to everything and there will come a time that the speed will be so great atomic bonds will be broken apart. Sounds like a fun way to go if you as me. :m066:
this seems inline with law of td
does the theory give approx. size to the universe?
I like quantum sciences and find this thread interesting...

If we think in terms of past/future events, consider this:

If you are walking down a road and you can see it in the distance ahead of you, it means that it is there already in the future and it's just waiting for you to step by step catch up to it.

When I was small, I used to contemplate this example while walking down a road, and I also wondered what "nothingnes" would be like. It's color, temperature, wet or dry, would there be infact, any matter at all, would there be a vacuum affect etc.?

I think that as time is a man made concept, the natural oeder of events and yes as mentioned above, "cause and effect", are really what will decide the end of the Universe.

I also tend not to believe in evolution or Adam and Eve, but rather that there are many many universes, many forms of life out there, that the universe itself has an actual orbit with which all included in it (them), evolves throughout that orbit as an evolution towards and away from higher conciousness. I believe that we are going towards evolution of higher awareness of conciousness and in time, (not sure how long), but we will be at a point of enlightnement with our inner technology as well as our outer technological advancments. When I say inner technology, I am reffering to our brains. It's my belief that our brains (organic computers) will evolve so that we can harness greater gifts and perhaps harness energy and have the ability of telepathy, telekeisis (spelling, lol), and perhaps astro travel as well among other gifts that we possess the ability to have now, but not the awareness with which to tap into it yet. We are not ready yet.

Sorry if I tangented out a bit, but I felt it was sort of interconnected. I do believe that we will have the opportunity to reach enlightenment first, before the end of the universe as we know it...
I like quantum sciences and find this thread interesting...

If we think in terms of past/future events, consider this:

If you are walking down a road and you can see it in the distance ahead of you, it means that it is there already in the future and it's just waiting for you to step by step catch up to it.

When I was small, I used to contemplate this example while walking down a road, and I also wondered what "nothingnes" would be like. It's color, temperature, wet or dry, would there be infact, any matter at all, would there be a vacuum affect etc.?

I think that as time is a man made concept, the natural oeder of events and yes as mentioned above, "cause and effect", are really what will decide the end of the Universe.

I also tend not to believe in evolution or Adam and Eve, but rather that there are many many universes, many forms of life out there, that the universe itself has an actual orbit with which all included in it (them), evolves throughout that orbit as an evolution towards and away from higher conciousness. I believe that we are going towards evolution of higher awareness of conciousness and in time, (not sure how long), but we will be at a point of enlightnement with our inner technology as well as our outer technological advancments. When I say inner technology, I am reffering to our brains. It's my belief that our brains (organic computers) will evolve so that we can harness greater gifts and perhaps harness energy and have the ability of telepathy, telekeisis (spelling, lol), and perhaps astro travel as well among other gifts that we possess the ability to have now, but not the awareness with which to tap into it yet. We are not ready yet.

Sorry if I tangented out a bit, but I felt it was sort of interconnected. I do believe that we will have the opportunity to reach enlightenment first, before the end of the universe as we know it...
so you think one day, we can create energy, or thought will materialize? we did not think up the universe, it coughed us up. can you explain somemore please?
Oh, and time was created with the universe. it is just something we use to define one of the factors (variables, the independent variable) of cause and effect
we named an abstract thing, not created it
this seems inline with law of td
does the theory give approx. size to the universe?

There exists a means of proving the size of the universe but I don't know off hand nor do I know how to calculate it.