[INFJ] Dangers of 5G; Let's talk

Truth Eternity

Community Member
So I've recently heard a louder "uproar" of information on the topic of 5G technology. I've heard it could be very harmful -- like cancer level -- due to high frequency radio waves, which wouldn't be radio waves anymore due to its higher frequency, more like UV level or above. I've heard about the waves being absorbed by rain, animals, buildings, and obviously us. Even if you don't have a 5G capable device, you'd still be absorbing the waves from the countless others who have 5G around you and eating/drinking them in from infected food/drinks. And everything is going to have 5G.

I love how it advances technology and our civilization to a much higher level, as it allows for things that are unimaginable (maybe finally holograms outside secret military facilities), but at the cost of hurting and killing ourselves and our environment -- which is a definite and solid NO. We cannot advance ourselves to end up killing ourselves --that's counterintuitive.

What also worries me is that the serpent king Verizon Wireless and the piece of shit sly bastard Ajit Pai are pushing for it. I mean, if data caps aren't significantly raised (and I can guarantee they won't be), then we'll be reaching them within seconds, which means more money for those greedy bastards while we get screwed over even quicker, which means we'll get screwed over more. They'll say, "Oh, you should've been aware of the circumstances, it is in the developer's options you unlock by cryptically clicking on your build number seven times in a row then searching the dev options to find the contract." "Oh, it's too difficult? Well, it's there, and that's all we're legally allowed to do. So this is on you. And thanks for your money, I needed a crisp one to wipe my ass with. I was too lazy to walk to sink number 512, I'd have to walk around my 50 square mile golden statue of myself, and that's just too much work for me."

I want this to be a hub of information where we can gather and post/speak/reflect on new and current information regarding 5G and how we can advance civilization with it without causing the massive damage/downfall it brings. Basically, how can we implement it while negating its undeniable harmful effects.
I'm mainly searching for the insight of other INFJs, as we tend to have a better grasp on these types of topics. All MBTI types are welcome and encouraged to comment though, since I want some fresh views on this.
I for one, welcome our 5G hologram overlords with their robut microwave death rays and brain scrambling sound waves

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Who do you think is behind this?

Also, are you a Shakespeare fan?
I don't get your first question.
As for the second, I loathe Shakespeare. Over taught and far overrated in my opinion. I don't like iambic pentameter either. I did enjoy Hamlet, though. That was great. I think I'd like him better if he didn't use iambic pentameter.
I don't get your first question.
As for the second, I loathe Shakespeare. Over taught and far overrated in my opinion. I don't like iambic pentameter either. I did enjoy Hamlet, though. That was great. I think I'd like him better if he didn't use iambic pentameter.
Just checking.

The thing is, we had a guy on here a while back who used to bang on about 5G, which was somehow in his mind linked to an international Jewish conspiracy. His username was 'Kinglear' (hence my Shakespeare question).

What I'm saying is, despite the fact that there are legitimate concerns surrounding 5G, some members of this forum may be wary of contributing to your discussion because of the uncouth direction it took last time with Kinglear.

Hence, I would say to keep this discussion quite within the realms of fact and try to avoid overly conspiratorial themes.
Just checking.

The thing is, we had a guy on here a while back who used to bang on about 5G, which was somehow in his mind linked to an international Jewish conspiracy. His username was 'Kinglear' (hence my Shakespeare question).

What I'm saying is, despite the fact that there are legitimate concerns surrounding 5G, some members of this forum may be wary of contributing to your discussion because of the uncouth direction it took last time with Kinglear.

Hence, I would say to keep this discussion quite within the realms of fact and try to avoid overly conspiratorial themes.
Wow. Thanks buddy. I'm new to this forum as you've probably figured out. Just found out my MBTI last November at the age of 20. I heard about this from a great Youtuber named Tom Davidson. I highly recommend his videos if you're a male INFJ and/or an INFJ strong empath. Again, thanks for the earning and advice.
Can you explain your reaspning behind the less abuse? I'd love to hear about it.
The correlation between technological advancement and individual freedom. Different forms of slavery have been rampant through human history, primarily because of our early practice of subsistence agriculture.

All produce was grown for consumption. This led to the existence of Kings, Pharohs, and initial forms of the state. Entire societies were enslaved and violence was frequently used to suppress them.

However, something amazing happened- technological advancement, which led to a surplus of food. Suddenly, we were free to do other things than make food.

This led to democracy, which led to the internet, which led to this INFJ forum, which leads us to... Now.
I for one, welcome our 5G hologram overlords with their robut microwave death rays and brain scrambling sound waves

Hmm, what are the studies that back up these concerns?

I’m quite curious.
It would surprise me if there were any, given the fact that 5G is new technology and the effects on human beings are simply unknown at this time.
I did find an article on the general effects of extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation, and the evidence was "limited".

I'm not too worried. In the past, farmers were afraid that steam trains would turn their cow's milk sour. That turned out to be fake news.
These days we're told to turn off our phones on board airplanes or the electromagnetic interference could bring down the plane. That's never happened either.
/shrug. The unknown scares us. It's a very human reaction.

5G is supposed to run off of small antennas that give off less radiation(!) than the current large 4G antennas in use. Perhaps it will even turn out to be a good thing. :)
5G is supposed to run off of small antennas that give off less radiation(!) than the current large 4G antennas in use. Perhaps it will even turn out to be a good thing. :)

It would if it weren't for the fact that there will theoretically be so many more of them due to the short range capability, as noted in the video I shared.
Ultimately it'll probably balance out, being essentially harmless but messing with a few people with particular sensitivities.

It would surprise me if there were any, given the fact that 5G is new technology and the effects on human beings are simply unknown at this time.
I did find an article on the general effects of extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation, and the evidence was "limited".

I'm not too worried. In the past, farmers were afraid that steam trains would turn their cow's milk sour. That turned out to be fake news.
These days we're told to turn off our phones on board airplanes or the electromagnetic interference could bring down the plane. That's never happened either.
/shrug. The unknown scares us. It's a very human reaction.

5G is supposed to run off of small antennas that give off less radiation(!) than the current large 4G antennas in use. Perhaps it will even turn out to be a good thing. :)

I had the same thoughts as well.

When OP mentioned an uproar of information, I was a bit confused because there is no way we already have solid evidence of the effects of 5G when it is still such a fairly new technology. Couldn’t find any solid study that presents any concise and detailed information regarding on 5G and cancer, just mainly articles from entertainment sources, etc.

I think it’s the same fear tactic they are using when many people were concerned back then that “cellphones causes brain cancer”—which even till this day, many comparison studies (mice and humans) show no evidence that RF waves emit enough energy to cause any DNA or skin damage.

My guess is that it is just another scare.
I think it’s the same fear tactic they are using when many people were concerned back then that “cellphones causes brain cancer”—which even till this day, many comparison studies (mice and humans) show no evidence that RF waves emit enough energy to cause any DNA or skin damage.

I've had my cell phone in my same pant pocket for the last fifteen-twenty years. No leg cancer yet. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.