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Corrupt a wish

Granted. You don't have a dog now and his absence leaves a constant longing in your soul.

I wish cloaks were in fashion again.
Granted, but now you must bring my dog back the way he was or be cloaked to a wall forevermore.

I wish Russia's role in ISIS was made known.
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Granted, but now you must bring my dog back the way he was or be cloaked to death.

I wish Russia's role in ISIS was made known.

Granted, turns out that Putin was being a d**k (suprise, suprise) and World War 3 ensues and 80 million die (Well done, just me :clap2:)!!!!

I wish Democrats and Republicans learned to get along.
Granted, but they now must learn to get along with Putin.

I wish I knew where things started going bad.
Granted, but they now must learn to get along with Putin.

I wish I knew where things started going bad.

granted, you know where things started going bad and now make the same mistakes with twice the enthusiasm

I wish the sun could talk
Granted, but it only criticizes your fashion sense.

I wish I could fluently speak any language I set my mind to.
granted you can speak fluently any language you want to, as long as you translate it into braille first

I wish for a new clothes and new furniture
Granted. They send the wrong furniture that costs a lot more, so you are honest and call them about it. They tell you it was their mistake and feel free to just keep it. You are amazed so much you forget all about the clothes.............that you had placed inside the furniture you picked out. When you call them, someone else got the furniture and states there were no clothes in them. The cost difference does not even cover the clothes and you are stuck with new furniture you didn't even pick out.

I wish I had different people on the property in my front yard. Their stereo shakes my house. I'm trying to be nice.
granted the people on your front property get a call from the president and have to evacuate the area, so that the president's helicopter can land there. it is even more noisy than before and you end up spending the weekend at your parent's house

I wish there was a space technology revolution
granted, now the planets COME TO YOU:p

I wish snoopy from charlie brown was a real dog
Granted, Snoopy from Charlie Brown WAS a real dog.

I wish hatred was impossible toward other people.
Only one remains hateful, and it is you, bearing the whole hatred of the collective uncoscious in your psyche. Quite a martyr if you think about it.

I wish rain, lots of rain, i'm freaking sweating here and it's not even noon.
Granted. Now, there's coming flashfloods in your locality. People wonder and blamed the weather station that they didn't even give a signal on this instant pouring. I wish I have an unlimited wishes to be grant.
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granted you have unlimited wishes but your genie is only capable of granting one every hundred years

i wish for the world to become submerged in water
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Granted, but you become insanely scared of the water. You have to have me to save you from your fears, but I'm very busy trying to have the water recede.

I wish to understand why the elderly are so soon forgotten by so many people.
you are informed by one of the elderly themselves, but the explanation is so long winded and dry that you forget it

I wish for a restful night's sleep
Granted, but for one restful nights sleep, you must pay by pulling all nighters for one week.

I wish I could time travel
You can travel in time, but only one way and one time.

I wish for too many things.
granted, all your wishes come true and you lack the time to experience them all

I wish there were more farmers and less tax collectors
Granted, but in order for that to come true you will be sentenced to the specialization of manure and you will not be able to escape

I wish I had a day off work today