Compliment a forum member!


Registered User #666
This entire thread is supposed to be an ego boost. Got a problem?


Dneecy's pretty

Shai Gar is an interesting person

I totally have a hard on for all the members of the forum though.

Luv ya!
Bored Now is my role model
I like Gloomy Optimist's style
Anomaly is adorable and clever and I want to adopt her
uberrogo is a gestapo
Slant makes me laugh more than anyone here.
...more to come.

I'm a compliment whore.
Ookami, your name is correct. You're so a great god.

Why thank you Ookami, that was such a sweet compliment. :m027:
:P It's called Word Play. Ookami has two meanings 1. Great God 2. Wolf. It's why I chose this name.
I understand that part. Your wording was awkward. Therefore, I was focused on your awkward wording of the joke instead of the joke itself.

Nonetheless: You rock.
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I enjoy Koba's sharp insights and theories.

I like Lucifer's idea for the thread.

alt ctrl del is delightfully spunky.

ookami is entertaining.

Shai is equally amusing.
Soulseeker is auesome and wild like me!

Oritin is so freaking expressive its inspring!

Dragon's personality is so freaking laid back he's easy to talk too and understand.

Bored Now is SO freaking inspringly open with herself i feel i could come out and be gay(which i am not) and she'd be like-ehh do what ya do just be happy....SO FREAKING ACCEPTING WITH HERSELF AND THE WORLD I LOVE THAT!!!:m169:i really look up to her...

Thedaringahattrick is a REALL interesting person along With little Slant over there....they intrigue me a little...umm ill probably have more soon but yea...THOSE THESE just hit me...

Relaxingmeldoy also intrigues me...theres something about that guy...just dont know what....its like he carries some burden...idk what...hmmmm
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Slant is hilarious. Period.

And even though I'm not a monkey person, Whitefire's posts never fail to make me a little more cheerful.
I like TheDaringHatTrick's hat.

(Is that actually you, TDHT?)

...I'm done. -___-
I like TheDaringHatTrick's hat.

(Is that actually you, TDHT?)

...I'm done. -___-

No, it's a photo I stole from a magazine and scanned in. You can see me in my profile pic.

Words of Ivory wrote a story I'm about to read. I'm anticipating something great.
*I really enjoy Flavus's posts
[SIZE=Default]*Dneecy is such a kind spirited person
*I admire Pristine Girl's energy and spunk, how it seems almost nothing can get her down.