Color Hue Test

Online ColorIQ Challenge Results
Your score: 8
FM Hue Test Results

A lower score is better, with ZERO being the perfect score. The bars above show the regions of the color spectrum where hue discrimination is low.
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...holycrap I got a perfect score? Wow! It took a little bit of finessing but I felt like I got it before I hit the submit button.



I guess it kinda makes sense? I went to the hospital a year ago because I thought my retina was detaching, and the doctor who looked at me said that I had the most "pristine perfect retina's he has ever seen in all his years" *shrugs* perhaps that is a factor?
Your score: 7

I'm pretty sure the last time I took one of these, my score was about a 24...

HD makes a difference?
7. Woo!
I could have sworn that there aren't more than 4-5 different colors in the whole picture........... they all look the same to me.

Then what do you know, I got only 11 errors. Weeee.. i guess.

Errors were in dark shades of blue, green and violet.

I am color blind. :D

I thought I did a pretty damn good job, LOL.
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  • Your score: 7
  • Gender: Male
  • Age range: 16-19
  • Best score for your gender and age range: 0
  • Highest score for your gender and age range: 1457
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  • Your score: 8
  • Gender: Female
  • Age range: 20-29
  • Best score for your gender and age range: 0
  • Highest score for your gender and age range: 43668