Career Thread


Regular Poster
I didn't know where to put this, but I think there should be a 'Career' section on the forum. Since most INFJs seek to 'Do what they are', it would help myself and others sort out the details of working life by sharing with other INFJs.

The questions are:

1) Do you have a job, a career or a calling?
2) What do you do? How do you feel & think about what you do?
3) What would you love to do? (if you're not already doing it in your work)

I also wanna start another thread about "Workplace conflicts and the INFJ" to discuss topics related to stress on the job- interacting with co-workers, managers, performing certain job functions etc. It'll be cool to get a feel for how we prefer to work and interact with others.

Thanks guys!! :m163:

Job- work, primarily to pay the bills. May or may not enjoy the work.
Career- work, prepared for with vocational or academic education, previous jobs, or even previous careers. It pays the bills and you may or may not enjoy the work.
Calling- work, feels like play. You feel self-actualized, experiencing success by doing what comes naturally. It pays the bills, but you would do it for free.
1) Do you have a job, a career or a calling? I have a career
2) What do you do? How do you feel & think about what you do? I sell real estate and help 1st time home buyers. I love batting for those who are new to the process!
3) What would you love to do? (if you're not already doing it in your work) I like what I am doing, but for me, my dream would be to have my own studio, where I can make pottery and oil paintings, (and make enough $ to live comfortably!)

I also wanna start another thread about "Workplace conflicts and the INFJ" to discuss topics related to stress on the job- interacting with co-workers, managers, performing certain job functions etc. It'll be cool to get a feel for how we prefer to work and interact with others.

Like Moxie, I would be on a thread like this constantly - I am always in conflict - or maybe it is more like conflicted upon! - Never quite meshing.
(I'm still in school) but I want to be a lawyer. Then maybe I'll do something awesome in that field to earn enough money to support myself as an ARTIST(or novelist). <<ultimate life plan :lol:
Yesterday my family asked me if I would want to be a priest (they always ask me in fact)
I told them "monk"
but the truth if there ever was, "nun" :md:
They have really beautiful costumes. Just one thing among the things I like. And the way they flock together.

I have been so drawn to these areas lately, always have been but more so now..
I don't think my life has ever been directed by a career to have.
I hope it's an interesting idea to answer your question?

Lately I like spending my time getting to know more of myself. Doing things for myself. Drawing, collecting items, watching inspiring films, etc. I think it will help lead me to the right path.

Also: I've already finished college. But it was just something I wanted to learn.
And I did go through a lot of surprises about myself that I never knew.
Perhaps there is a higher power out there
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1) Do you have a job, a career or a calling?

I'm still in college, but I'll be graduating with a bachelor's in Psychology, woooho what a title. However, my real calling is to travel the world and make that a career. Is there such thing? lol

2) What do you do? How do you feel & think about what you do?

I study like a maniac and it feels like crap
3) What would you love to do? (if you're not already doing it in your work)

I would like to travel the world and learn life's lessons touching the earth, water and wind.
I'm still in school, but I would love to major in animation/psychology, and work in film, animation, comics, psychology, counseling, psychiatry, teaching, something that involves traveling, or anything that relates to these.
1) I am also in school!
2) Same answer as
3) Well to tell you the truth, I vacillate between careers that I'd like to take up. There are sometimes where I dream about being a Marine Biologist. I love the ocean and the sea and it's creatures, and it would be so nice to study them up close and personal, Other times, an Astrophysicist. I'm truly fascinated with the vastness of space and find myself dreaming about it very frequently. Probably the most dominant desire of mine though, is to become a writer of fantasy and science fiction. I just have far too many ideas in my head and it would be a shame for them all to go to waste. Characters, special powers and worlds all already exist within my brain so I think I could pull it off...possibly.
This is an excellent idea. I'd probably post here all the time. And the ones who care can read them, and those that don't can skip them - like the poetry section.....

Like Moxie, I would be on a thread like this constantly - I am always in conflict - or maybe it is more like conflicted upon! - Never quite meshing.

Sweeet! :m2: I'd love for this thread to take off, and maybe we could even add a new work-related section!! *crossing fingers*

But I just wanna say, thank you all for the posts so far. It may not seem like a big deal, but I could literally feel my heart swell up with joy as I read the responses--owning a pottery/painting studio, becoming a nun, a novelist, traveling the world!!! etc.

So few people understand or are dedicated to pursuing their calling. In fact, some don't even know what a calling is. But for us, having a job or a career isn't enough; it pays the bills but leaves our souls wanting, and seeing this dedication to a purposeful life in black and white through the responses, is fantastic.

Last Dawn have you thought of travel writing? I just compiled some info for that career. I could send it to you if you'd like. Fairy Potter you may be settling for the "deferred life plan". Do you know J.D. Salinger's story? I don't even read Harry Potter, and I'm impressed by this woman. I don't wanna get on my soapbox, but being an artist/and-or doing creative work for a living does not damn one to poverty and starvation. The most difficult part is finding your passion, so if you know that, all you need to figure out is the 'HOW'- to do WHAT you want and live HOW you want.
The most difficult part is finding your passion, so if you know that, all you need to figure out is the 'HOW'- to do WHAT you want and live HOW you want.
I love this - thanks for all the great thoughts Siela!

1) Do you have a job, a career or a calling?

I've struggled with this my whole life. I feel a strong need to help people, but got myself totally burnt out working for nonprofits, and realized that I can't help people face to face. I try for little acts of kindness now.

When I left the nonprofit field I went back into editing/writing/designing/marketing. It's not a love, but it pays the bills. I have two simultaneous goals, but I've realized they'll have to be long-term goals (at least 5 years) until I get financial stuff together. I would both like to open my own fantasy/sci-fi used book and game store, and also become an advice columnist where I can help people in a non-direct way, but also support myself from it.

2) What do you do? How do you feel & think about what you do?

I'll be honest. I hate working. I hate the stress of it. I seriously get scared that I will end up with a heart attack or something from stress. I don't have any idea how to alleviate it in a permanent way (rather than all the bandaids).

3) What would you love to do? (if you're not already doing it in your work)

No 1 - I would like to work for myself. Still have not figured out how to do this!
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1) Do you have a job, a career or a calling? I have what many would consider a job, but I cansider a career.

2) What do you do? How do you feel & think about what you do? I am an Office Manager and I love it.

3) What would you love to do? (if you're not already doing it in your work) I guess I would like to be further up the food chain in terms of salary, but otherwise its all good.
1) Do you have a job, a career or a calling?

I have all calling has been "the human adventure" so that supercedes and encompasses what I do at work. The things I do outside work are also a part of this. That said, I am an artist my nature and training, and that is still what I am doing in my work. It is a lifestyle. My first career (20 years) was as a documentary producer/director (did a lot of shooting and editing, too), now (the last 14 years) I have altered that a bit working more as a participant in issues, less as an observer. It still involves the arts though.

2) What do you do? How do you feel & think about what you do?

I work in communications for our national environmental protection agency. I enjoy using my skills with many of our programs, working with scientists, local governments, name it. I opted out of the PR side of efforts are centered in our programs. I enjoy my work, although I'd love less of a commute. In general, I really enjoy being connected with important issues facing us in our day. To do so as a communications artist working among scientists is a blast...we have built a lot of good working relationships over the years so we can really kick it when needed.

3) What would you love to do? (if you're not already doing it in your work)
I would probably like to work full time on my own art. I used to do some pieces in my spare time (sold a bunch) but it got to be too much. I have a good focus for my work now...going too many directions at once can be distracting.

Overall, I have been very lucky...I have been able to engage my passions all through my career and have had some wonderful experiences. I now have a great gig for an older guy and am compensated well for my expertise and experience. I still get paid to ply my creativity...that ain't bad!!!
So few people understand or are dedicated to pursuing their calling. In fact, some don't even know what a calling is. But for us, having a job or a career isn't enough; it pays the bills but leaves our souls wanting...

YES exactly.

I can relate to a lot of what Moxie described too.
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1) Do you have a job, a career or a calling?

I'm collecting employment insurance payments from the government now. I'm somewhat obsessed with on-line poker right now, averaging between $5-10 an hour. I think that the odds are fairly good that I'll be able to push that to $10 an hour consistently within the next few weeks, and $20 an hour in a few months. Who knows how far I'll be able to push this. I'd like to use that income source to support myself up until I enter residency in medical school. I volunteer at a crisis centre, although I doubt that will monetize. I'd also like to do a part time job that involves children.

At present I'm studying the pre-requisites to enter medical school. I already have a degree in business. When I complete medical school with specialist training at approx. age 37, I will volunteer overseas 3 months out of every year, on average. Between ages 46 and 65 inclusive, I will donate $50,000 per year totaling $1 million. I will be a part of the leadership team of a non-profit, and I will teach at medical school as well. I don't think I'm smart enough for research, but maybe I am.

2) What do you do? How do you feel & think about what you do?

It was meant to be. I'm just wired a certain way.

3) What would you love to do? (if you're not already doing it in your work)

Inspire people to be nicer to each other. Alleviate as much illness as possible. Shift the entire world's culture towards kindness and giving.
Oh that will be great Siela, thank you so much :)

Coming right up! I'll send it to you by tomorrow. If for some reason I don't, feel free to PM me.

For everyone else:

I found this great career site based on type-

It's fantabulous! It presents a general list of INFJ compatible careers, but also gives ratings/reviews from actual professionals in those careers. It's great for getting a feel of the pros/cons of a particular career. Also, it includes a mandala/chart of in-demand functions for each of these careers. How cool is that? It's common to see lists of skills or education in-demand, but not functions!!! Anyone can learn a skill, but the extent to which they excel depends greatly upon their auxiliary and dominant functions. Quite the juicy find if I do say so myself :). Feel free to post any infj career-related links too!
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