

Permanent Fixture
what would you do if you have cancer?

what if you have the symptoms of a certain kind of cancer..

what if you do and you never told your parents or anyone else.. or if you did... and they didn't care

would you just leave it... even if your body literally hurts..
what would you do if you have cancer?

what if you have the symptoms of a certain kind of cancer..

what if you do and you never told your parents or anyone else.. or if you did... and they didn't care

would you just leave it... even if your body literally hurts..

What? No... I'd read up on my symptoms and get to a Dr. ASAP. And I'd talk to my parents, even if they weren't always the most understanding. Because I know that pretending something isn't there does not make it go away, and can even make it worse, especially when it comes to pain and cancer. Besides, I don't like being in pain and would want to get help with that, and I'd tell myself maybe it is something easily fixable, and would get help fixing it.

And I hope you would do the same.... wouldn't you? Is this hypothetical or do you really mean it?
What? No... I'd read up on my symptoms and get to a Dr. ASAP. And I'd talk to my parents, even if they weren't always the most understanding. Because I know that pretending something isn't there does not make it go away, and can even make it worse, especially when it comes to pain and cancer. Besides, I don't like being in pain and would want to get help with that, and I'd tell myself maybe it is something easily fixable, and would get help fixing it.

And I hope you would do the same.... wouldn't you? Is this hypothetical or do you really mean it?

I don't know..... but i'm scared if I really have it.. and what if i don't have it.. then i tell my parents then..they would just get mad at me for disturbing them

oh my I don't know
It all depends on the type, I guess. if it were treatable I'd have it treated until my body said "enough." After that I'd start skydiving and bungee jumping and all that cool stuff I wanna do but makes the people I love nervous. Oh, sailing around the world would be cool too.
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Do you have a family Doctor you can call directly? He/she should be able to discuss it with you.

As a parent, this is the sort of thing I would always want to know about, even if it turned out to be unfounded.

Waiting and being embarassed could seriously hurt you. Um... what kind of cancer are you afraid you mignt have (that could be too private to share, but just wondering...) If it is breast cancer, you should know that there can be all kinds of lumps that are not cancer. Same with skin cancer... people get all kinds of moles and spots that are not cancer. But talking to a Doctor and having it checked out is the only way to get peace of mind, and the only way to catch something early.
Get some vitamin B17 and other natural remedies to clear and repair my body.

I wouldn't do Chemotherapy
I hope things work out well healthwise. Let your family know there's a possibility of something if it is. Do not go through this alone.
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I don't know..... but i'm scared if I really have it.. and what if i don't have it.. then i tell my parents then..they would just get mad at me for disturbing them

oh my I don't know

Please go to the doctor none the less. Iv'e seen how cancer works, its horrible. Several members of my extended family have passed away from it. My grandmother has cancer and so do my sisters parents in law.

Theres nothing worse than finding out its too late.
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Please go to the doctor none the less. Iv'e seen how cancer works, its horrible. Several members of my extended family have passed away from it. My grandmother has cancer and so do my sisters parents in law.

Theres nothing worse than finding out its too late.

I cannot endorse this post more. Cancer is something that needs to be caught as soon as possible, or the effects quickly can become life threatening. Even if it ends up being a case where it's not cancer, it's not worth the risk of avoiding it.

My grandmother waited 2 years to tell anyone she had a lump that had her a bit worried. By the time she got to a doctor, it had spread to a point where she was given a few months to live. Had she gone in as soon as she had noticed it, they could have had her in remission before it had even begun to effect her.

Don't risk your life because you're worried about angering your folks. I know it's a trait that is ingrained into us to consider others' feelings on the matter, and I know you had mentioned some shaky grounds before, but I can definitely say that if I was family, I'd be far more upset if you held this back and ended up in bad shape. Heck, even as a person who's on the other side of a computer screen, I'd be upset.

Please look into it, okay?
Yeah, my Mum had breast cancer. The worst thing is when people don't tell you about it.
I hope you're okay!!! You really need to go to the doctor. It's worth the possibility of upsetting people in this instance. It's your life. You have a lot to live for. Please take this seriously and go and get it checked out. Please tell your parents. :hug:
My mom had skin cancer. It was caught early enough, and was removable. If you have any fears, get them checked with a doctor. The soon it's caught, the better. At least by going to a doctor, you can either get rid of your fears, or confirm them. There's nothing worse than not knowing.
I had a scare 3 years ago where I could have had brain cancer. To be honest, it didn't phase me that much. That would be the worst for me. If I had a brain tumor, it would have been in my temporal lobes, and would have had to have had surgery to remove it. That kind of surgery would result in personality changes. THAT scares me badly, more badly then any other disease really (with the exception of something that would disfigure).
Get some vitamin B17 and other natural remedies to clear and repair my body.

I wouldn't do Chemotherapy

Yeah go natural remedies! They'll heal you just as naturally as your body decided to kill you, and just as blindly as you chose to commit suicide by not choosing the procedure your doctor (correctly) tells you is the most likely to save your life.
Yeah go natural remedies! They'll heal you just as naturally as your body decided to kill you, and just as blindly as you chose to commit suicide by not choosing the procedure your doctor (correctly) tells you is the most likely to save your life.

Dude, it's proven fact that natural remedies are way more powerful than cancer. You can solve point mutations and such simply by eating fruits and vegetables and hoping for the best! It's not like people in the past have died of cancer or anything. Trufax

But seriously. Go to the doctor. I don't see one good reason why you wouldn't go to the doctor, they aren't out to screw you, maybe get your money, but I repeat that they are not out to take your life.
Dude, it's proven fact that natural remedies are way more powerful than cancer. You can solve point mutations and such simply by eating fruits and vegetables and hoping for the best! It's not like people in the past have died of cancer or anything. Trufax

But seriously. Go to the doctor. I don't see one good reason why you wouldn't go to the doctor, they aren't out to screw you, maybe get your money, but I repeat that they are not out to take your life.

hihihi yeahp i already went to the doctor .. maybe like 2 weeks ago? or 3 weeks .. uhh i forgot hahahahaha

i was nervous!! really nervous and the doctor said it was just some hormonal change... :) :) :)

hihihi thank GOD!!!!!! :) :)

oh and thanks to all the people who replied here ahahahahha :) :) :) <--that's a belated thank you