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When an INFJ is under a lot of stress, it appears they're able to hide it very well. It seems that, often times, close to nothing wrong will be noticed by others until the INFJ has reached a breaking point. This is not to say signs don't leak though, but they are seldom perceived by others.
I may be way off, but I can only assume that they wish for others to intuitively understand. In silence, they await for someone that will notice their subtle pain, but probably will never speak of it themselves until it’s too late.
I'm not entirely sure, but do INFJs often think nobody can truly help even if they tried - and so they try not to express signs of weakness which would only be met with pity form others, and not with any genuine help?
If this is so, then for someone who sincerely wants to help an infj, what can we do?
What are some of the signs that we should look out for?
I’m an intp, meaning I don’t possess developed Ni, which works to my disadvantage in such a situation, no matter how good my intentions may be. But I thought I would ask you guys directly – ideally, could you fabricate an example of a friend who would be a perfect help in a time of need? Please elaborate as much as you wish.
I may be way off, but I can only assume that they wish for others to intuitively understand. In silence, they await for someone that will notice their subtle pain, but probably will never speak of it themselves until it’s too late.
I'm not entirely sure, but do INFJs often think nobody can truly help even if they tried - and so they try not to express signs of weakness which would only be met with pity form others, and not with any genuine help?
If this is so, then for someone who sincerely wants to help an infj, what can we do?
What are some of the signs that we should look out for?
I’m an intp, meaning I don’t possess developed Ni, which works to my disadvantage in such a situation, no matter how good my intentions may be. But I thought I would ask you guys directly – ideally, could you fabricate an example of a friend who would be a perfect help in a time of need? Please elaborate as much as you wish.

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