Bodily changes as you get older


Have you experienced expected or unexpected changes to your body or how you feel as you get older? Any surprises or unusual changes? Did it affect you or did you make any changes to your life as a result? Changes can be slight or huge.

This is not restricted to a particular age. Anyone can answer. The word "older" is used relatively here, and does not refer to a particular age range or group.
I find that weight loss has gotten more difficult-- or rather, become rather slow-going. I used to be able to slim down (or fatten up--as it were) quite quickly with minimal changes to my lifestyle. Now it's a lesson in patience and not getting discouraged when things are taking a bit more time than usual.

In general, I find that a lot of things take more time than they used to. Particularly in the learning department. Reading technical or academic material, I don't absorb the information as quickly.
My ears have peach down on them now. They used to be smooth/shiny.

I also find that I can read and comprehend more easily than I used to... I had presumed that mental abilities decline after about 30... but I can glance at journal articles now and understand them, whereas before I had to pause and pick apart. (It may be more about accumulation of knowledge, than processing ability... but I wish it was like this when I was at university).
In general, I find that a lot of things take more time than they used to. Particularly in the learning department. Reading technical or academic material, I don't absorb the information as quickly.

I wondered about whether it's a decreased ability or decreased receptiveness. For me I noticed that I simply "don't have time for this shit". I think patience is a big part of it, at least for me.
I wondered about whether it's a decreased ability or decreased receptiveness. For me I noticed that I simply "don't have time for this shit". I think patience is a big part of it, at least for me.

I think, for me, it's a mix of both. It's also not so much 'ability' as it is being out of practise. We take for granted the fact that when we were younger, many of us were also in school and we were trained/used to studying. We also didn't have the same stressors and distractions that impeded our focus. Now that we're older... well... learning mode is hard to activate. For me, I get frustrated with myself when things don't go as quickly as they used to. I think I can do better or I can do it faster, and I'm conscious of the time passing, and in many cases, yeah... I eventually reach the 'don't have time for this shit' conclusion myself.
At 25 years I've noticed that I'm not as firm or as crease free as I once was.

Durr, I know, bit it doesn't stop the disappointment none the less.

I was slim for most my life, I still am, but not as much, lol.

I was British 6-8 till I turned 23 in 2015, then that sloth/office lifestyle began to take over.

Moved up to a 11ish (if we evermade odd measurements).

That's still quite a jump in the space of a year.. the fat jokes were endless.. almost.

My immature self's attitude was "I'll never be bigger than an 8, fuck that!"

Well, that came to bite me in the ass.

After peaking at 11 & 1/2 stone, I'm back near 10, and back in 8-10s measurement.

BUT that weight gain and weight loss gave me a few stretch marks.

I'm terrified of having kids now.

Apparently I still look young to most, but I can see my lifestyle wearing on my skin these days, it's not long before everybody else does.

Mentally, I feel as though I have new found clarity.. which is being wasted outside of professional education.


Still fitter and smarter than the majority of the population tho, so I figure I should count my blessings.
I had 2 dark ales at my SO's company Christmas party and was drunk. Maybe it's because I don't really drink anymore like I did when I was younger. Not embarrassing drunk, but very social drunk as opposed to sitting sober by myself trying not to look awkward. Also with a horrible hangover. I used to be able to stay out all night drinking in my early 20s and then go to work at 8 am. All in all, not too bad. So far I'm lucky in that I'm usually mistaken for much younger than I am... Though since I had my son I've noticed I am getting strands of silver hair. I pluck them right now because I'm vain.
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I'm getting more grey hair than I'd like to admit. I have rogue whisker-like hair show up here or there (let's not talk about how often I have to investigate in front of the mirror for plucking.) I don't feel like my skin has gotten any better or worse in the last several years ... even after being tan. I'm back to fair skin since it's winter, and I'll most likely keep it that way. I think physically anyone can pick themselves apart. What I experience is no different than my peers, and not really a big deal. I love going to fitness class and working out. My goal is strength, balance and health. It has come in handy when I'm called over to my inlaw's house to pick my father-in-law off the floor (after falling, Mr.S is usually away working.) It has come in handy when I am climbing a latter with a 40 pound storage tub over my head to be put away ... subtle things like that which make life easier.

Mentally I feel I am always somewhat improving ... always striving to surround myself with like-minded positive people. I have no problem cutting people out of my life (normally acquaintences, not anyone somewhat close.)