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  • Why thank you. That's always something to consider - to get paid to talk lol Btw, a Nabob in one context is a term used to describe a rich lord like man who profiteered from the exploits of the East India Company. They were typically viewed as money mutts by the British establishment. Watched some documentary once, so I can pretend I know stuff.
    No worries.

    Could you take a screenshot and show me what you mean, maybe? It's 4:45am where I am in the States, lol (Michigan), so my brain's a little fuzzy.
    It is not endorsed by the DOJ as evidenced by the disclaimer given. It literally says that they are NOT endorsed. They are an independent organization with some mutual association together. It's as if the DOJ and McDonald's worked together on some charity event. You wouldn't confuse McDonald's with the DOJ itself.
    I didn't call it a phishing scam. I said that simply posting to a site does not constitute verification and used phishing scams to illustrate why. Don't start twisting my words. Act like an adult please. I haven't insulted you in anyway so please act mature.
    Sinny. I already told you that phishing sites do the same thing all the time. That doesn't verify anything. The whole organization is disclaimed by the DOJ and regarded as an independent organization, yet use their name and are obviously affiliated with one another. It's hard to say.
    I'm just saying that they have a very ambiguous association. They're independent of one another, but give the appearance that they're officially sanctioned. I find that strange. I'm not sure what to make of it yet.
    I found it at the very bottom of this page:

    Although they give this disclaimer when you click on it:
    The Department of Justice does not endorse the organizations or views represented by this site and takes no responsibility for, and exercises no control over, the accuracy, accessibility, copyright or trademark compliance or legality of the material contained on this site.

    Which is very strangely contradictory, don't you think?
    I just wanted to mention that I have watched some of the videos. thanks for posting them.
    It will happen when it is supposed to...I mean that in all seriousness.
    Life has a weird and/or fucked way of doing things.
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