Best Endings, Best Beginnings


Passing through
I've always had a special place in my heart for memorable endings to TV series, or movies. And sometimes the beginning of a series can absolutely blow me out of the water.

So here's a place to post your favorite TV, movie, book, video game, etc. endings and beginnings.


For me, the very best ending I've ever seen for a sitcom was the end of "Newhart." Newhart was a tv show in the mid/early 80s featuring an inn owner and his wife, in the heart of a tiny community in Vermont. The characters were colorful and crazy, and much like many 80s sitcoms they had a "live studio audience" that drove you crazy.

Some background before the clip: A resort development company bought the town for an untold amount, and everyone who wanted to sell got rich. Dick and Johanna (the two main characters of the show) decided to stay and they didn't sell the Stratford Inn.

The clip takes place "five years later."

Something else that's key: The 1970s gave birth to "The Bob Newhart Show" which went off about a decade before "Newhart" took place. The Bob Newhart Show stared Suzanne Pleschette and Bob Newhart as husband and wife (her name was Emily).

The rest you'll have to figure out for yourself. :D Note - the series was *never* as zany as this final clip:

Oh wow, I could come up with so many (of both) but this is the one that sprung immediately to mind:

And danged if I didn't start crying AGAIN just watching this little clip of the ending of Field of Dreams:

Oh wow, I could come up with so many (of both) but this is the one that sprung immediately to mind:

And danged if I didn't start crying AGAIN just watching this little clip of the ending of Field of Dreams:

ooh I love it , cry too it as well. I am easily affected by movies and emotions in general haha.
I LOVE the ending of 'A beautiful mind' *cries*:

The ending of Signs is still my favorite.
(You have to see the whole movie to get the full significance of it.)

The ending of The Dark Knight was also one of the best I've seen.

And an underappreciated Stephen King story, Secret Window (with an excellent score by Philip Glass).

Notably, all three of the above also have very good openings.
Can we post really terrible endings? Because the TV series lost spiraled into the most horrid series I've yet to seen. And I really liked it at first, it was so cool =(

The end of the movie Pan's Labrynth was nice.

"Time Crimes" A movie that nobody here will ever see because it was a foriegn film at sundance last year and didn't win anything, but it was a really cool one about time travel.

The ending of "Paulie" I really liked just because...aww that was my favorite childhood movie. He finally found Mariah! Bless that Janitor.

Oh, and "Dawn of the Dead" was awesome. They finally get off the zombie infested place and then go to an island and find out they're screwed! Classic. I love horror movies just because they NEVER end happy. And if they do, it's because it was poorly written.

Ohhh and lastly, I thought "The Others" was pretty sweet ending. I really was expecting that to happen. It was hilarious.
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Hmm interesting on the most horrible endings haha because there is a paradox for me there lol. I find that the most happy endings are often the sadest as well. Or maybe it is just me. Hmm it probably is me watching something I Wish and realising I can't have it.
The ending of "Paulie" I really liked just because...aww that was my favorite childhood movie. He finally found Mariah! Bless that Janitor.

That is still my favorite movie! But her name wasn't was Marie!

Kid movie, schmid movie!
Slant, I've heard of "Time Crimes" (aka, "Los Chronocrimenes" or something like that) - it's on my "to see" list, but I don't know if I'll get the chance. I do like foreign films, although it can be difficult to find them. You have to go to certain places, but they're around if you want to see them.
The ending of Signs is still my favorite.
(You have to see the whole movie to get the full significance of it.)

I wasn't loving the movie up until the end and how it connected was really simple but effective I thought.

And an underappreciated Stephen King story, Secret Window (with an excellent score by Philip Glass).

Never seen this! Must. Get!

Ending of Schindler's List. HEEEAVY!

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This has been my absolute FAVORITE intro to a movie EVER! for a very long time. It's completely insane and flawless in its execution.

Contains Mature Content!

Takashi Miike's Dead or Alive

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Not sure about beginnings, but endings:

The Usual Suspects
Primal Fear
Shawshank Redemption
The Sixth Sense
Shining Through
The Illusionist
Hmm interesting on the most horrible endings haha because there is a paradox for me there lol. I find that the most happy endings are often the sadest as well. Or maybe it is just me. Hmm it probably is me watching something I Wish and realising I can't have it.
Yes I can verkligen agree on that;) if its a really good movie you just don't want it to end. But maybe that's what a great ending is. An ending that really gets to yout emotions.

I like the endings of The notebook, terminator 3 and Seven pounds very very much.
Yes I can verkligen agree on that;) if its a really good movie you just don't want it to end. But maybe that's what a great ending is. An ending that really gets to yout emotions.

I like the endings of The notebook, terminator 3 and Seven pounds very very much.

oooh nice ones there ^^ I especially hate french endings - when e.g. the movie just ends, e.g. the protagonist character dies or does something totally unemotionally unexpected. xD
I just saw a movie that I have never seen before and I am flabbergastered!! 'Dead poets society'.

IT IS SUCH AN AMAZING FILM AND HAS A BRILLIANT MOTIF!!!! OH IM SO HAPPY haha :) Hence it somewhat had a french ending (interrupted ending leaving the viewer: what? is it finished). Nonetheless SEE IT ^^