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Shai Gar

First Ever.

Kevin Rudd is out. Thank Fuck.
Better than Howard, but a 40% mining tax? Heh.
Though I understand the ousted president was hailed as one of the most popular for thirty years?

Fickle Aussies.
He tried to introduce a supertax on the mining industry.

We never had a recession here, because of that strong mining industry.
So you blamed the worldwide recession on one man.

How... Familiar.

Poor chap.
Please don't let her be like Margaret Thatcher D:

Finally figured out that Rudd was incompetent, but replaced him with that vile woman. You couldn't let the title of First Female Prime Minister go to someone that deserved it. Instead, we will always remember that thing.
Looks to me that Labor is doing the ol' NSW trick. When everyone realises how shit your leader is and hates them for it, replace them with a new guy before an election so that all the fools think that 'the party has changed'.
Clever ploy you bastards.
Please don't let her be like Margaret Thatcher D:

Thatcher was great when she started out, like all governments though she fucked up big time by being in power for too long.

Kind of like the labour government last year.
She's tough-talking but I think politics will get the better of her eventually and people (especially those excited for no other reason than she is a woman) will be dissapointed.
No. His handling of the event kept us from it. However the tools he used to save us, were being thrown away.
A new warden huh :P
hmm, a redhead. Don't know if she's good at politics but she might very well be the hottest prime-minister on Earth right now :) It could have been worse I think.
Thatcher was great when she started out, like all governments though she fucked up big time by being in power for too long.

Kind of like the labour government last year.
Really? I thought the majority of her policies benefitted the rich and put the poor in a worse position (or are these just general Conservative policies?).
She was in power for too long, I definitely agree (all because of the Faulklands...), but I think Thatcher was a lot worse than last year's Labour government. At least they didn't privatise everything and wreck transport. Or steal our milk.
i think a real question is, is she good looking?

She has a redheaded older Jodie Foster thing going on, few of the pics she looked very much like the actress. I thought she was allright in the looks department but a bit out of my age range.
This confirms that Australia is exactly 13 yrs behind NZ.