Are you often misjudged because of your job/career?


Are you often misjudged because of your job/career/industry/major/field of study?

I know for many, this is an obvious yes, so my question is how are you judged, stereotyped, positively or negatively, because of your job/career/industry/major/field of study?

How are you treated as a result of these assumptions or misconceptions someone may have about you?
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I am not really all that judged because of my career (in my case, my chosen major and career path). Quite a number of people after talking to me for a little while, then learning my major often say something along the lines of "oh, that makes sense". My personality just fits it I guess. Which at the same time is odd, because I stick out like a sore thumb compared to most other people within my major. *shrug*
question edited. :smile:
Nobody is surprised that I became a mathematician. People assume that you have to be a genius to go into math. It's no different from any other field though. It takes more practice than genius. A funny thing, 5 years ago I told my then 13 year old cousin that math is 9/10's practice and 1/10's talent. All she said at the time was "that's so cool!" Now, I found out that she's majoring in math! It blew me away. It just goes to show that an off-hand comment like that can change somebody's life.
Not in IT but as a professional hitman I was misjudged a lot.
I can only imagine. They always took it personal, didn't they?

Whenever I am a scientist I am told I should be an artist. Whenever I am an artist I am told I should be a scientist. I just gave up and try to blend the two. Hence video games.
People have this preconceived notion I'm smart. It's weird. 10 minutes after talking to me they'll discover I'm an idiot. But Kav and I decided that it is a 'Universal Law of the Universe' that there is something fundamentally quirky about everyone in chemistry. Or at least chemistry academia. So like Indy said. People just kind of go 'yeah that makes sense, please don't start going off about it'. Once I get started with someone I can't stop. My friends never ask me anything about my school work anymore.

When it comes to chemistry I JUST HAVE TO share with people. It's just too cool to me.
People never seem surprised when I tell them I'm going into education. The only part that I'm worried being misjudged about is being a male teacher. They get a bad rap as being perverts. I'm afraid that the first few years on the job, parents of female high school students will look at me funny, and think I'm checking out their daughters. Being 22 and teaching 17 year old females doesn't set up for the best social situations. I mean, if I was going to be a perverted male teacher, I'd be teaching kindergarten! (I am completely joking, btw)
Some of my best teachers where male non-perverts. You'll do well.
On a lighter note, this just reminded me of the 1986 reworking of the Police song:
"Don't stand so, Don't stand so, Don't stand so close to me!" An INFJ song if there ever was one.
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On a lighter note, this just reminded me of the 1986 reworking of the Police song:
"Don't stand so, Don't stand so, Don't stand so close to me!" An INFJ song if there ever was one.

Hihihi, so true!

I'm often misjudged because of my job/career. First a female is not always accepted in this field as welcome, then for some reason people seem to think that electrical engineering is a tough discipline to master which is a load of crap, and because of this ever so often someone congratulates me for taking such interest in that discipline, which I find very amusing and very silly.

Those who gave me a chance to show what I know and what I'm capable of gained a lot compared to those who judged me negatively, because I tend to work like there is no tomorrow, and I'm really good at it.

I was thinking a lot about all this for some time, and finally I was able to let go, and learn not give a rats ass about those stereotypes. Now I'm a lot happier and under a lot less pressure.
People have this preconceived notion I'm smart. It's weird. 10 minutes after talking to me they'll discover I'm an idiot. But Kav and I decided that it is a 'Universal Law of the Universe' that there is something fundamentally quirky about everyone in chemistry. Or at least chemistry academia. So like Indy said. People just kind of go 'yeah that makes sense, please don't start going off about it'. Once I get started with someone I can't stop. My friends never ask me anything about my school work anymore.

When it comes to chemistry I JUST HAVE TO share with people. It's just too cool to me.

All chemistry majors are either kleptomaniacs or weird in some other way. Sorry.

I get judged negatively all the time because of my area of study (philosophy). People always ask "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH THAT?" with the implicit assumption that it is worthless (usually it is the tone of voice that gives it away, or they might just "good for you" in another condescending tone) as if what you study as an undergraduate determines your entire future. Other people give me really weird responses sometimes. I've had people straight up tell me that I'll end up unemployed because of my choice, and there are others who mock it because of its lack of direct applicability.

The funny thing, that they often don't know, is that almost everyone at my school who has gotten a full degree in philosophy in the past several years went to law school. Actually, they might all have.
Various reactions when people find out that I want to direct film:

"Film school? Took the slackers route then? (Laughs)"

"(Sighs) Oh, that's very... competitive"

"(Nods head) Oh right..."

This was when I was younger though, starting out.
Well let's this start off with my career choice and studies, I'm currently enrolled at Florida Christian college(FCC) working towards my BA specialized in preaching. Which asicly means I'm going to school tolearn how to be a effective church leader and preacher.

I think I'll do this in a list format in terms fowl judgements.

Family and Friends

- I come from a military family, I was set up to join the Navy right after highschool thanks to high asvab scores and immediate promotion via NJROTC.

Safe to say there were a lot of concerns from my family when I told them my plans, I was giving up job and finacial security by taking this route, and I was breaking tradition.

Most questions and comments focused either on employment or money, neitherwhich met others expectations for me.

Ridgewood was not a fun place to be a Christian, ridicule was fairly common though light in actualy meaning or intent, to other students it was just another joke, a hobby if you will. However it became different when my career intentions became known to others, simply put i've been misjudged as a ignorant,condescending, radical, science hating, homophobic,deserves what he gets, not to good of an idea to be a friend with kinda guy.

That and the whole jesus goes into a inn joke got realy old realy fast.


College has been more then enjoyable so far, however my career choice has been in doubt by a few people who don't know me all that well. I generaly don't have the at a glance appearence of a preacher. Seeing as I'm a quiet guy who prefers listening over talking, it makes little sense to others why I want to make a living out of talking.

Simply put they are the poeple whom have not heard me preach. I'm not the best i'm sure it's my God Given talent.

I think this might classify as rant, I'm sorry about not warning you earlier about the nature of this post.
That's ok, Barnabas, you are doing what is right for you. My favorite preacher guy was a very quiet individual.