Are there any body language/visual/speech patterns that are very INFJ? What do you think they are?

So my question is whether you people noticed some pattern in the presentation of INFJs in their speech, tone, facial expressions, even the way they dress and their eyes and so on.
INFJs look just like everyone else.
These are fairly well documented:

– People with Fe tend to have more expressive faces and often gesture with their hands, too.

– Ni/Se users pause while talking. INFJs who are trained for public speaking may do this less, but you can still catch some INFJ actors doing this in interviews where they are unrehearsed. I notice this is some vocaroos posted on the forum, but I won't name anyone specific because I don't want to put people on the spot. If we're speaking with confidence about something we know, it is less noticeable. In casual conversations where we need to collect data, it is more noticeable. There are videos of actors doing this on Youtube.

This habit of pausing while speaking drove my family nuts when I was a kid. People still think I have an accent, or I'm foreign when they hear me speak, but as one closer friend said, "It isn't an accent, it's the cadence." I pause while talking so my speech has an uncommon rhythm.
I would ask such a question if i we're about to write a medical app.

The problem here is that the mbti concept and the available tests have their issues.
Some diseases might correlate with such measurable physical outcomes... but personalities...
I dress like this because i'm determined... yes influenced by social factors but determined... difficult!

With 5G you may do some research with tracking devices but thats about data mining then. And it would be
kinda foundational work...
With male INFJs,

Long pauses while talking

That's just the sound of consideration.
If you listen closely you can hear the emotional triangulation... and maybe some forest spell magic or some shit like that
My look/facial expression does the talking..

I think this video might be helpful to illustrate the difference in body language/visual speech patterns between INFJ and INFP.

I'm on the right (INFJ) and my brother is on the left (INFP).

Look particularly at when I speak (visually expressive, lots of hand gestures) compared to when he speaks (less expressive, few hand gestures).

Look also at when he looks at me when I speak (relaxed, Stoic) compared to when I look at him when he speaks (intense, serious, searching -- see at 10'06).

Those are key differences. INFJs are more expressive in both cases, but they shift between warm (when they speak) to intense (when they listen).
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