Any other ENFP's out there?


Community Member
it seems i'm the only enfp on this forum. If im wrong, PLEASE come out of hiding!!!! Any theories as to why there are no ENFP's???
hello Im a ENFP, well to be honest I find reading through in depth analyses over and over again quite tiring how about you? also spend alot of time away from the computer if i can, hows the whole ENFP lifestyle going?

also maybe because this is an INFJ forum before any of them tear you down for your comment using much more spohisticated langauge they ill ever manage!
hello Im a ENFP, well to be honest I find reading through in depth analyses over and over again quite tiring how about you? also spend alot of time away from the computer if i can, hows the whole ENFP lifestyle going?

also maybe because this is an INFJ forum before any of them tear you down for your comment using much more spohisticated langauge they ill ever manage!

i dont have a preference between computer or no computer. but depth analysis is QUITE tiring indeed!! nice to know i'm not alone!!!
Pogo!!!! :D Haven't seen you in a looong time! :hug:

Any theories as to why there are no ENFP's???

hmmm, maybe they're intimidated by the pure awesomeness of INFJ's. :nod:
hello Im a ENFP, well to be honest I find reading through in depth analyses over and over again quite tiring how about you? also spend alot of time away from the computer if i can, hows the whole ENFP lifestyle going?

also maybe because this is an INFJ forum before any of them tear you down for your comment using much more spohisticated langauge they ill ever manage!

Where is the Shai Gar Spellingbot when you need him?
haha In depth I cant believe people will type that much voluntarily give me talking any day of the week! Think its the extraversion we like outside sources for our excitement,havent said that the INFJ's just have something about them they I find very interesting!
:D I love ENFPs
In what way?

waits in anticipation for oncoming stereotypes!!

Please no leprechaun remarks!

had to google that so I could spell leprechaun correct!

If it helps any, I think leprechauns are awesome! :D

(I don't know how to spell leprechaun either so I just copied how you wrote it) :D
Okay, okay. There is this enfp girl I know. She went away for a month. Before that she said that she would like to meet up with me. She is back now. What are the chances that she still wants to do so? We were getting on real well that particular night, talked for hours. Do you tend to make appointments, then forget about them?
:D I love ENFPs

ah ENFP one of my friends is an ENFP, I think the whole MBTI is taking too seriously on the website. I love numbers

I find if you are anywhere near the 50% mark on for example the Thinking/Feeling aspect of ones personality does it really make a big difference if someone is 52% feeling compared with 48% feeling.

Also I think they're is a wide range of variation in any given MBTI group but some of those generalizations are damn accurate.

As a ENFP I hate the fact that to a certain degree Im dependent on people for energy and enjoyment. I envy the INFJ people in some ways

anyways I thought Id juice up the complexity a little. Any other ENFP's have insight
Okay, okay. There is this enfp girl I know. She went away for a month. Before that she said that she would like to meet up with me. She is back now. What are the chances that she still wants to do so? We were getting on real well that particular night, talked for hours. Do you tend to make appointments, then forget about them?

one big problem there mate......................................................................................................................

shes a woman, your gonna have to make the move and arrange to meet up and ultimately If we don't know the girl we can't tell you what she is thinking. But the fact you chatted so much is a good sign.

My advice is arrange to meet up and see what happens