Any INFJs that are good at maths?


Regular Poster
The reason I ask this is because I just applied for a Computer Science certificate at a university and a decent part of it relies on fundamental mathematics. I don't know if I'm going to get in or not but I'm going to start preparing anyway. The computer part I'll have no trouble with, it's just the math. It goes up to simple calculus and it would be awesome if there's someone here who wouldn't mind helping me grasp things and study.
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Wow, I was good at everything up UNTIL calculus. Though I dunno how I'd do in a normal class of it, vs the rush class I took. I don't think I'm in a position to help since I've likely forgotten all of it by now -_-.

I wish you a mountain of luck though. If you become a skilled programmer you will become one rich SOB.
"It goes up to simple calculus", but where does it start? What topics are we talking like, do you know?

Like basic to start off with. Fractions and stuff. Leads up to trig and algebra (algebra is a cunt).
Well, I would be very surprised if no INFJs chimed in saying that they were excellent in mathematics.

Really, with Ti as a tertiary function, any necessity of logic should be well-handled. What's most important, I think, is good development of an intuitive function, but hey I could be wrong. Computer programming is like EZ cheese for me, so it's really hard to know as I've seen several less mathematically inclined struggle with it.
Wow, I was good at everything up UNTIL calculus. Though I dunno how I'd do in a normal class of it, vs the rush class I took. I don't think I'm in a position to help since I've likely forgotten all of it by now -_-.

I wish you a mountain of luck though. If you become a skilled programmer you will become one rich SOB.

Thank you, Dove. The money would be nice, but doing something that I enjoy is what I'm going after ultimately.
Math is my enemy. I got average grades all the way until I entered grade 12 and took Calculus and Finite Math. I barely passed both classes. I just was not comprehending any of it.
The reason I ask after INFJs is because we tend to be able to articulate things like a god and that kind of clarity is what I'd need. However if there's anyone else that feels they could do just as well, I'm more than willing.
Actually, I was quite awesome with normal Trig, just circle trig tripped me up. I use to use Trig in Physics class all the time anyways so good practice. Hell I even used it irl. Algebra, well, thats a broad topic. I was good at it accept the mathematical Proofs part of it.
Logarithms were FUN though, mostly because I was a bank/money nut in highschool and I'd always use the formulae for figuring out compound interest or go on a tangent and calculate bacterial growth over time with them. Probability was a crazy fun one.

Shit, I think I actually like math class.
Actually, I was quite awesome with normal Trig, just circle trig tripped me up. I use to use Trig in Physics class all the time anyways so good practice. Hell I even used it irl. Algebra, well, thats a broad topic. I was good at it accept the mathematical Proofs part of it.
Logarithms were FUN though, mostly because I was a bank/money nut in highschool and I'd always use the formulae for figuring out compound interest or go on a tangent and calculate bacterial growth over time with them. Probability was a crazy fun one.

Shit, I think I actually like math class.

You sound keen. Lets go.
You sound keen. Lets go.
Well I could give it a shot. Tis my bedtime now though, you can post something and we can attack it perhaps, when you start classes.
The reason I ask after INFJs is because we tend to be able to articulate things like a god and that kind of clarity is what I'd need. However if there's anyone else that feels they could do just as well, I'm more than willing.

INFJs have Ni and Ti. Should be good enough to handle calculus. Type isn't a indicator of individual ability though, I'm an INTJ and I'm not all that good at math and spatial relationships.. I tend to do better at English and such. Little bit above average in Algebra.

Edit: I think, overall, really advanced math requires both a adequate grasp of Te and Ti
Pfft, INFJs can be excellent at Math. I have math and physics as my right hand in my field.

But I am not sure I could be of much help with the work load I have for the coming year. :P
I think that, for what I've been able to take, I'm fairly good with mathematics. I breezed through Calculus fairly easily, but that being said, while I can do math, I dislike doing it a lot.
INFJs have Ni and Ti.

The Ti part of us is still low. It's nothing compared to say an ISTP. I was awesome at school when I was a kid. I would destroy math like it was nothing. Now I just go "...I'm sorry, what?"
The Ti part of us is still low. It's nothing compared to say an ISTP. I was awesome at school when I was a kid. I would destroy math like it was nothing. Now I just go "...I'm sorry, what?"

Yes, it is a tertiary function but I tend to think that, potentially, when exercised, everyone of the first four functions can be used in a effective manner. Perhaps not in the same exact manner of a ISTP because of different preferences, but still well enough and unique enough in its own right
I'm pretty good at math and might even major in it, but there are some caveats:
1. I'm a borderline INTJ
2. I'm Asian
I think there are a LOT of people here are good in math :)

uhmm..I just HATE geometry :) :) bwahahahahaha
I like technical things in math like solving ... but when there are words... I'd be like..:m197::m097::m119: whaat?!?!?!?. hahahahaha :) :) :) :)

I wish you luck and God bless you :)
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