Anakin Skywalker - Why is he never catagorized as INFJ


It's really interesting because I tested as an INFJ (though it was close to INFP) and I've always thought I was like Anakin Skywalker (episodes 2-3) and not like Obi-wan. Now, I haven't read any additional fiction, but based on the films there are a lot of similarities with Anakin.

The funny thing is that most people never catogirze him as INFJ. I've even seen almost the exact oposite.

But Obi-wan-- I've seen him catagorized as INFJ (and Luke too).

But again, I don't see myself as similar to Obi-Wan. I see myself more like Anakin.

Similarities to Anakin:

  • A bit of a loner
  • Deals with emotions of fear, anger, loneliness, and regret
  • Can easily feel unappreciated or even betrayed by others
  • acts on emotions (mostly dark & negative)
  • person of action
  • Rebelious
  • Serious
  • Obsessive
  • Kind of a spaz
And differences from both Obi-Wan

  • I do not have a whole of resolve; am often unsure of decisions
  • I do not behave calm and cool most of the time
  • I am not near as rational
  • I am not able to have that light sense of humor that he has in intense situations.

So, Looking at that, it sure seems like I am a lot more like Anakin than Obi-wan. But how can this be if I have tested as INFJ and Obi-Wan is usually catagoried closer to that.

Btw, this is about me, Anakin, and Obi-wan. I want to figure out all three. If Anakin is definitely not INFJ, I want to know why.
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I don't have anything to contribute but best thread so far, imo.
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I joined this forum yesterday evening and have quite literally spent almost 24 hours (I slept 4) lurking, responding, and I think I'm finally exhausted. I only got a kick out of seeing some mad Star Wars refs.

Sorry, Xav, maybe later. But the other IN's will surely come.
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First of all, don't take too much from online tests (or any mbti test for that matter) they aren't actually tests, they are only indicators. So all the test has given you is a starting point in understanding what your type might be. So your starting point seems to be INF_ but keep an open mind to other types.

Secondly, don't pay too much attention to what people type others as, Star Wars characters are fictional and consistency of characters depends on the quality of the writing (which is often lacking in Star Wars). Most people don't put a lot of thought into typing others and they project themselves a lot, people will interpret the actions of characters they like in different ways.

I have heard good arguments for Obiwan being INFJ and also for ISFJ. I've seen Anakin typed as ENFP and ISFP (with him shifting into his shadow ISTJ or ENTJ when he becomes Darth Vader).

A bit of a loner = I
Deals with emotions of fear, anger, loneliness, and regret = anything, but more likely conciously recognised by an F
Can easily feel unappreciated or even betrayed by others = Fe
acts on emotions (mostly dark & negative) = Fe
person of action =SP
Rebelious =SP
Serious = J
Obsessive = J
Kind of a spaz = INFJ -Just kidding! :D
I know there was a discussion about Anakin and Darth Vader somewhere on this board, but I can't remember what it was under. Some definitely agreed with you, that Anakin was INFJ. I think it's debatable that he acted like an INFJ as a child, though.
I know there was a discussion about Anakin and Darth Vader somewhere on this board, but I can't remember what it was under. Some definitely agreed with you, that Anakin was INFJ. I think it's debatable that he acted like an INFJ as a child, though.

i know i mentioned it in one of the threads... i agree still that Anakin is an INFJ...
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Oh this thread is going to drive me crazy. A few months ago, I found a video that I thought captured Anakin's personality perfectly and I thought I favorited it. Now I can't find it and I can't think of the freaking song that was on it, because I'd never heard it before that.

Ugh... I'm going to be thinking about it all day.

I hope I will find it or at least find some input for this. I've always really related to Anakin also. Maybe I'm darker than I thought...
oh, i know i am..

i can associate where he is coming from...

and yes, i probably would have been a Sith in another universe...
First of all, don't take too much from online tests (or any mbti test for that matter) they aren't actually tests, they are only indicators. So all the test has given you is a starting point in understanding what your type might be. So your starting point seems to be INF_ but keep an open mind to other types.

Secondly, don't pay too much attention to what people type others as, Star Wars characters are fictional and consistency of characters depends on the quality of the writing (which is often lacking in Star Wars). Most people don't put a lot of thought into typing others and they project themselves a lot, people will interpret the actions of characters they like in different ways.

I have heard good arguments for Obiwan being INFJ and also for ISFJ. I've seen Anakin typed as ENFP and ISFP (with him shifting into his shadow ISTJ or ENTJ when he becomes Darth Vader).

A bit of a loner = I
Deals with emotions of fear, anger, loneliness, and regret = anything, but more likely conciously recognised by an F
Can easily feel unappreciated or even betrayed by others = Fe
acts on emotions (mostly dark & negative) = Fe
person of action =SP
Rebelious =SP
Serious = J
Obsessive = J

So you'd say I am an emotional introvert with unique combinations of S,N,J, and P? I guess that's something I picked up on about myself.

What I'm curious about though is Fe vs Fi. This is from socionics right? If I understand correctly, socionics treats these things differently from MBTI, correct?

Personally, socionics seems more accurate and makes less assumptions, but I still can't find a type in there that fits me perfectly.

So yeah, if you could explain the different between Fe and Fi, that would be great.

And secondly, you say that being a person of action is SP, but why? I am a person of action because I like to take care of things that bother me. I don't want to be passive when there is something that needs to be done.

Although I am careful and do think before doing stuff, I do irrational things when I get impatient. I take action when I really should just relax and let the problem work itself out.

I also tend to be very confrontational with people I know, but if I don't know the person I usually restrain myself. I'm shy.

As far as more physical action...I don't really know what I'd do. It'd be easier to know if I lived in the Star Wars Universe. As it is, I feel like I don't get many opportunities to take physical action. I mean, how often do people need to run, jump, and physically fight? It's mostly done in sports, and I never got into sports. I run and do weight-training to stay fit and strong, but it doesn't really affect my life.

So does my lack of interest in sports mean that I'm not into physical action? I suppose it depends on my reasons, huh? Well for one, I was never physically fit as a child or teenager, so I never really considered it an option. Another reason might be that I didn't see a point. I didn't see a purpose, and I like to do things that have some kind of purpose, whether it is completely practical or not. So, I usually stray away from things that are simply fun.

So...there you go. Any comments on any of this?
i know i mentioned it in one of the threads... i agree still that Anakin is an INFJ...

Well I'm thinking he may not really fit clearly in one of these types. I mean think about it....there's only 16! I don't seem to fit into one of them either.


Kinda depressing. Excuse me while I retreat into a dark room, think about my life, and just brood for a while as I accumulate anger, then try to fight the anger, and then get even more angry.

I'm also gonna go listen to Linkin Park...I want to find Somewhere I Belong.
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I mean think about it....there's only 16! I don't seem to fit into one of them either.


Kinda depressing. Excuse me while I retreat into a dark room, think about my life, and just brood for a while as I accumulate anger, then try to fight the anger, and then get even more angry.

I'm also gonna go listen to Linkin Park...I want to find Somewhere I Belong.

Don't worry, nobody fit exactly in one type. It would be boring if we were JUST infjs/intjs/estjs/... We are human, unique. So - get out from your dark room, young Jedi:), you'll find your place/places.
Perhaps Anakin is the 'shadow' of an INFJ when he becomes evil. Even then, he still has some qualities of an INFJ. He especially shows these qualities near his death.