An INFJ's Idealism/Perfectionism


I often hear of INFJ's being described as perfectionists, but what does that mean? Are INFJ's constantly trying to improve every aspect of their life or do they simply focus on the values in which they are very passionate?
For me I am a perfectionist in the following ways:

+ I need things to be planned out. I need to know where I am going, when I am going, how I am going to get there, what I need, what I don't need, when I need to be there etc. If I don't know these things for any situation that might require it, I get very flusted. I just need to know so I can plan acordingly and so I know what I am doing. This could be seen as perfectionistic.

+ I am anal retentive about things being in order. For example, if pictures, posters, and other things are uneven or out of alignment, I will sit there and fix it until it looks right. Things need to have there place, and I need to know where they are and where they will be.

+ If I have never done something before, and I have no trust in myself to do it right, I will need directions in front of me. For example, people always laugh at me when I bake something. I follow the recipe to-the-letter. Every measurement is completly balenced and even. I have to follow the recipe exactly as is or I get pissed. However, I will add seasonings and spices without a problem if I feel it will add something (such as vanillia or chili oil).
I often hear of INFJ's being described as perfectionists, but what does that mean? Are INFJ's constantly trying to improve every aspect of their life or do they simply focus on the values in which they are very passionate?

it can apply to a myriad of different things

i am a perfectionist in my

- art
- work
- sometimes with people

it sometimes is focussed on others too. i know my ideal is for everyone to be as organised as me :P
I am a perfectionist aswell, but I'm also extremely lazy. Not a good combination
I often hear of INFJ's being described as perfectionists, but what does that mean? Are INFJ's constantly trying to improve every aspect of their life or do they simply focus on the values in which they are very passionate?

Depends on the INFJ. In my own experience, there are several restrictions that limit us in our projects and passions. Time, money, energy, work, and other factors are deciding factors in the causes that an INFJ devotes their attention to.

I try to improve upon myself each day, but I also have a core set of values and beliefs that guide me along the way. One of the things that I have learned along the way is to be forgiving of others and their shortcomings. Another is to lower one's standard of expectation at times: I have read in places that the elderly enjoy life a great deal because they expect less and have learned along their life journey what the important things in life are (family, friends, health, etc). While it is good to have high standards, you run the risk of many not being able to meet them (including yourself).

Another thing that INFJ's would do well to learn is to set priorities. There are a great number of causes and work to be done, but it is very easy to bite off more than one is able to handle. It's much better to be devoted to a few number of causes intensely than to be spread too thin. It's also important to learn to say 'no' if you need time to recharge and regroup. Sometimes, the best thing that you can do for others is to take care of yourself. When you are worn out and tired, you are more prone to make mistakes and snap at others. So for everyone's sake, make sure you are taken care of.
There is either the right way or a wrong way to do something. I aim to do things the right way and won't stop until it is finished to right standard.
I am a perfectionist in the tasks I take on. Indigo, you sound like you are Excessive Compulsive :D

I don't really need that much planning for trips events etc... just need to be aware they are happening and I end up being prepared and on time.

My perfectionism came into its own this weekend though. We went camping and when it was time to pack the tent away, OH MY GOD!

I wiped every tent peg, cleaned the floor mats, folded the tent neatly (nigh impossible by the way) and folded them very carefuly before finally rolling them into the bag... the thing looked brand new!
I am a perfectionist in my expectations for myself.
I am a perfectionist at work but more of a slob at home. I would like to keep a more tidy home but I just cannot find the time. I keep lists and plan out what to do at home same as I do at work but I do find myself getting drawn to watching something or reading something instead of doing the actual cleaning. Meanwhile at work I am meticulous.
I am a perfectionist when it comes to school and my expectations from myself.
But my house is always a mess . I'm not very organized either.It's like my mind is always on other things. And I never remember where I put things lol
I am a perfectionist aswell, but I'm also extremely lazy. Not a good combination

Hahaha, I wonder about that myself sometimes.

I would say that I am a perfectionist. Like a lot of people here, I am usually very organize and meticulous with my school work and my job duties, but at home, I have a hard time staying on top of the cleaning - especially with my two cats.

But I know I am very idealistic, even though my "thinking" side tries to talk me out it. Sometimes I think I am too idealistic because I feel like if everything in my life is not going as it should, then I am very dissatisfied. Even if it is just one small thing, I tend to focus on that small thing rather than the good things. I put a lot of pressure on myself to be perfect, and for my life to be perfect, but it is hard to accept that in reality, life is not perfect, and people (including myself) make mistakes.
I wouldn't call myself a perfectionist.

I have fairly high marks as a perceive, it's just that the judger ones outweighed them.
I guess I am a perfectionist in the planning of events. I want all the details planned out. If they aren't, I don't really go hayware, but I get anxious and frazzled.
I'm fairly picky in my expectations. Yes, they are somewhat unrealistic. If I go back on my own values/expectations of myself or others, I get really really really really really really upset with myself.
For me I am a perfectionist in the following ways:

+ I need things to be planned out. I need to know where I am going, when I am going, how I am going to get there, what I need, what I don't need, when I need to be there etc. If I don't know these things for any situation that might require it, I get very flusted. I just need to know so I can plan acordingly and so I know what I am doing. This could be seen as perfectionistic.

+ I am anal retentive about things being in order. For example, if pictures, posters, and other things are uneven or out of alignment, I will sit there and fix it until it looks right. Things need to have there place, and I need to know where they are and where they will be.

+ If I have never done something before, and I have no trust in myself to do it right, I will need directions in front of me. For example, people always laugh at me when I bake something. I follow the recipe to-the-letter. Every measurement is completly balenced and even. I have to follow the recipe exactly as is or I get pissed. However, I will add seasonings and spices without a problem if I feel it will add something (such as vanillia or chili oil).

I am a perfectionist in my expectations for myself.

This is totally me! Thank God I'm not the only one who thinks like this!