Alignment Test


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Plane of Existence: The Abyss, "Plane of Infinite Layers". Notable Inhabitants: Demons.

Examples of Chaotic-Evils (Ethically Chaotic, Morally Evil)

Sephiroth (FFVII)
Jack The Ripper
Baron Vladamir Harkonnen
Blackbeard the Pirate
Cruella DeVille
Khan Noonian Singh
Dr. Evil
The Joker
Professor Moriarty
Lord Voldemort

Actively opposes law, order, good, and all other sissy constraints on doing whatever he or she feels like doing. The stereotypical chaotic evil [person] is the black knight, roaming around on his own, looking for something nasty to do.

Will not necessarily keep their word
Would attack an unarmed foe
Will use poisons
Will not help those in need
Prefers to work alone
Responds poorly to higher authority
Distrustful of organizations
Self-preservation and personal gain are their ultimate goals.
Less inclined to long term planning.

Chaotic Evil "Demonic"

A chaotic evil [person] does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Fortunately, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him.

These [people] will commit any act to further their own ends. Chaotic evil is sometimes called "demonic" because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil.

Chaotic evil is power without control, selfishness unfettered by any law.

I was 10% off of good to get Chaotic Neutral. I got 40 Good 75 Chaotic

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^ There

64% Good, 56% Chaotic

Plane of Existence: Arborea, "Arvandor, Olympus, Olympian Glades". Notable Inhabitants: Titans & gods of Greek mythology; Eladrin.

Examples of Chaotic-Goods (Ethically Chaotic, Morally Good)

Tifa Lockheart (FFVII)
Captain Kirk
Robin Hood
Thomas Jefferson
Oscar Wilde
Peregrin Took
Jim Hawkins
Austin Powers
Walt Whitman
Han Solo
The Flash

Unwilling to be governed by the laws and desires of any group. Interacts with others on a one-to-one basis and, within such bounds, follows the good ethic of upholding rights. The stereotypical chaotic-good [person] is the white knight who refuses to join any group and goes about on his/her own, doing good.

Will keep their word to others of good alignment
Would not attack an unarmed foe
Will not use poison
Will help those in need
Prefers to work alone
Responds poorly to higher authority
Distrustful of organizations

Chaotic Good "Beatific"

A chaotic good [person] acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He is kind and benevolent, a strong individualist hostile to the claims of rules, regulations, and social order. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He will actively work to bring down unjust rulers and organizations and to liberate the oppressed. He finds lawful societies distasteful and will avoid them, often living as a nomad or hermit. The best example of a chaotic good [person] is one of the benevolent rogue who steals from the rich and gives to the poor.

Chaotic good combines a good heart with a free spirit.
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Examples of Chaotic-Neutrals (Ethically Chaotic, Morally Neutral)

Fred & George Weasly
The Riddler
John Constantine
Most ENTPs

The almost totally unpredictable non-conformist loner. Will stand by and watch the white knight battle the black knight without feeling compelled to take sides.

Will keep their word if in their best interest
May attack an unarmed foe
May use poison
May help those in need
Prefers to work alone
Responds poorly to higher authority
Distrustful of organizations
Self preservation is strong but will not go to the same extent as Neutral-Evils.
They can generally be swayed easily.

Chaotic Neutral "Pure Chaos"
"Free Spirit"

A chaotic neutral [person] follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral [person] does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others), evil (and a desire to make others suffer), or be lawful neutral. A chaotic neutral [person] may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it.

Chaotic neutral is freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal.
=] I thought I was Chaotic Neutral I guess I wasn't good enough for them though. =p

"Most ENTPs" but not the joker HA!

and I thought I was the nice one :m183:
=] I thought I was Chaotic Neutral I guess I wasn't good enough for them though. =p

"Most ENTPs" but not the joker HA!

and I thought I was the nice one :m183:

Yeah, but the joker had his wife and child killed in front of him, and that vat of acid he fell into left him permanently paranoid that the entire world wanted to kill him. Given that understanding of his outlook, he's not evil, just neutral.

Also, you probably are nicer in your acts. But I'm nicer in my desired ends.


90% Good, 28% Chaotic

Plane of Existence
: Mount Celestia, "The Seven Heavens". Description: Countless paladins and saints have ascended here. Notable Inhabitants: Angels and Devas.

Examples of Lawful-Goods (Ethically Lawful, Morally Good)

Aeris "Aerith" Gainsborough (FFVII)
The Tick ("Lawful Stupid")
Abraham Lincoln
Sherlock Holmes
Phileas Fogg
Captain Picard

A person with a lawful good attitude believes in the use of authority and rule of law to bring good to the greatest number of people. Her/His actions support the status quo and s/he uses systems and organizations to achieve good goals.

S/He will keep his/her word and value truth.
S/He will avoid the use of poison and use violence only when authorized to do so or in self defense.
S/He may or may not be disciplined, organized, emotionally restrained, caring, compassionate, and peaceful, but s/he believes that these are admirable qualities.
Respects law and order and is willing to suffer limitations on individual freedom for the benefit of the group.
Puts moral principles before material considerations.
The lawful good person will be a very faithful member of a group, but if the laws of the group clash with the ethics dictated by his or her moral alignment, the lawful good person will probably leave that group and look for a group more closely aligned with his or her ethics.
The lawful good person is an active advocate of his or her beliefs.

Lawful Good "Saintly"

A lawful good [person] upholds society and its laws, believing that these laws are created to work for the good and prosperity of all. He is both honest and benevolent. He will work within the established system to change it for the better, and strives to bring order to goodness that other good-aligned [people] might pool their resources to better the world. A lawful good [person] combines a commitment to oppose evil with discipline. Most lawful good [people] live by a strict code of honor, or by the rules of conduct set down by their deity. They will generally selflessly act by these codes even at the cost of their own life.

Lawful good combines honor and compassion for the innocent.

A knight/paladin who always follows the orders of his superiors is an example of a lawful good [person].

Eh, I find that quite amusing. Alot of people tell me I remind them of Aerith. I'm not sure whether it's good or bad ^^"
The test gave me Lawful-Good. However I disagree with this.

I am really a True-Neutral.

While I have lawful feelings for the most part, if I disagree though I will buck them in my own way. Also, while I have good intentions, I don't always preform good acts and treat myself as a martyr. Not all "good acts" are worth it. The test is slanted by it's wording in my opinion.

68% Good, 64% Chaotic

Plane of Existence: Arborea, "Arvandor, Olympus, Olympian Glades". Notable Inhabitants: Titans & gods of Greek mythology; Eladrin.

Examples of Chaotic-Goods (Ethically Chaotic, Morally Good)

Tifa Lockheart (FFVII)
Captain Kirk
Robin Hood
Thomas Jefferson
Oscar Wilde
Peregrin Took
Jim Hawkins
Austin Powers
Walt Whitman
Han Solo
The Flash

Unwilling to be governed by the laws and desires of any group. Interacts with others on a one-to-one basis and, within such bounds, follows the good ethic of upholding rights. The stereotypical chaotic-good [person] is the white knight who refuses to join any group and goes about on his/her own, doing good.

Will keep their word to others of good alignment
Would not attack an unarmed foe
Will not use poison
Will help those in need
Prefers to work alone
Responds poorly to higher authority
Distrustful of organizations

Chaotic Good "Beatific"

A chaotic good [person] acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He is kind and benevolent, a strong individualist hostile to the claims of rules, regulations, and social order. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He will actively work to bring down unjust rulers and organizations and to liberate the oppressed. He finds lawful societies distasteful and will avoid them, often living as a nomad or hermit. The best example of a chaotic good [person] is one of the benevolent rogue who steals from the rich and gives to the poor.

Chaotic good combines a good heart with a free spirit.

I totally agree with this. I hate authority but believe that people deserve justice.
The test gave me Lawful-Good. However I disagree with this.

I am really a True-Neutral.

While I'm a Chaotic Neutral, but its great fun to pretend.
I got chaotic good but I don't want to be like Tifa, what a boring character. I'd rather be Barret or Yuffie... bleh.

82% Good, 54% Chaotic

Plane of Existence: Elysium, "Blessed Fields," "The Happy Hunting Grounds". Description: The plane of peace. Notable Inhabitants: Guardinals - noble immortal humanoids with bestial features.

Examples of Neutral-Goods (Ethically Neutral, Morally Good)

Cloud Strife (FFVII)
Boogenhagen (FFVII)
Mother Theresa
Sidhartha Gautama (the Buddha)
Bilbo & Frodo Baggins
Samwise Gamgee
Indiana Jones
The Dali Lama
Ben (O-Bi-Wan) Kenobi
Luke Skywalker
Harry Potter

Often goes along with the laws and desires of the group as being the easiest course of action, but ethical considerations clearly have top priority. May pursue quite abstract goals. Often aloof and difficult to understand.

Will keep their word to others of good alignment
Would not attack an unarmed foe
Will not use poison
Will help those in need
May work with others
Indifferent to higher authority
Indifferent to organizations

Neutral Good "Pure Good"

A neutral good [person] will obey the law, or break it when he or she sees it will serve a greater good. He or she is not bound strongly to a social system or order. His or her need to help others and reduce their suffering may take precedence over all else. Neutral good [people] do good for goodness' sake, not because they are directed to by law or by whim.

This fits me perfectly. :)
Evil ?


34% Good, 48% Chaotic

Plane of Existence: The Gray Waste, "Hades". Description: Here, all emotion and compassion is drained away, until only hopelessnes, selfishness and apathy remain.

Examples of Neutral-Evils (Ethically Neutral, Morally Evil)

Hojo (FFVII)
Long John Silver
Stalin (revolutionary/governor)

Puts self-interest before all else. Will only cooperate when material rewards are high. Untrustworthy; has contempt or fear for all others. The ultimate motive is self-preservation and promotion of their schemes. There are no barriers to their actions. Amoral.

Will not necessarily keep their word
Would attack an unarmed foe
Will use poisons
Will not help those in need
May work with others
Indifferent to higher authority
Indifferent to organizations

Neutral Evil "Pure Evil"

A neutral evil [person] does whatever she can get away with. She is out for herself, pure and simple. She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. She has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make her any better or more noble. On the other hand, she doesn't have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has.

A thief and a mercenary is an example of a Neutral Evil [person].

Some neutral evil villains hold up evil as an ideal, committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies.

Neutral evil is pure pragmatism without honor and without variation - survival of the fittest.