5w6 - The Stuffy Old Man | INFJ Forum

5w6 - The Stuffy Old Man


Community Member
Apr 4, 2010
5w6 sx/sp
Wouldn't you agree? :)
I dunno. A friend of me is an 5w6 but she's not too stuffy or old man. Conservative probably, but then again it's not conservative in the very sense of the word.
I know of an so/sp 5w6 who is pretty humorous and got lots of interesting ideas.
He seems to be quite attuned to the social realm and very aware of what is happening around him.
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My grandpa's a 5w.6, and according to my grandma, he's been that way all his life. He's old alright, but not stuffy. Actually, he's quite good with people, but also likes to keep to himself and bury himself in his intellectual pursuits. He's also quite unconventional, and has many interesting beliefs and ideas.

I had a science teacher who was a 5w.6 for sure. She was young, and definitely on the stuffy side. She was very hard to reach beyond her serious, scientific and objective outer shell. It was as if she were trapped within herself, but also very observant of the world around her.

One thing I've noticed about this type is their use of intellectual puns. They just have a certain charming geekiness to them. I wonder if it's a common thing for Problem Solvers.

I personally find 5w.6's to be one of the most intriguing types :)
I'm apparently a 5w6. I got lumped in this because I'm neither extremely savvy in science or in art. Basically good at neither but a wannabe at both.

At least that's how I read one description of 5w6.
I'm apparently a 5w6. I got lumped in this because I'm neither extremely savvy in science or in art. Basically good at neither but a wannabe at both.

At least that's how I read one description of 5w6.

thats just a stereotype, theres no problem with being a type 5 and not liking maths

but IMO 6w5 fits a lot better for you than 5w6
I am a 5w6 and I don't think I can be considered stuffy.
When I don't understand a difficult concept, or an idea that someone else shows capacity of understanding but seems completely alien to me, I go through something of a minor anxiety attack and start questioning my identity, my ability, potential, my achievements. This self-inquisition continues for several days until I finally find something to like about myself and win back some self-confidence. However, as soon as I come across another concept that I'm not familiar with, or even vocabulary I haven't heard before, my self-confidence plummets and the process repeats all over again.

I'm wondering if this is a 5w6 trait. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?
not stuffy

Yes, I'm a 5w6 and I know exactly what you mean. You have to "lie" to yourself (convince your nagging doubts) and say, "No, I'm okay. It's okay that I don't now that. I know other things that person doesn't know..." which sounds truly horrible but it helps take some of the anxiety away. It's something I've practiced and become better at, though the nagging feeling of "I'm not good enough" lingers until I do something that reminds me I'm talented in other ways.

ALSO, I would definitely say that I'm not stuffy or conservative in any way, lol, but maybe that's because I'm really anxious that I'm not doing things right, so I tend to "work on" my character flaws (in this case, being more open, daring, and assertive). The Nike slogan "just do it" is my personal mantra in times of difficulty... haha. :p
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(...) but maybe that's because I'm really anxious that I'm not doing things right, so I tend to "work on" my character flaws (in this case, being more open, daring, and assertive). The Nike slogan "just do it" is my personal mantra in times of difficulty... haha. :p

I want to revive this post.

I am a 5w6, and I feel like everything that the enneagram says about this type is definitely applicable to me. For some reason, when I found out I was an INFJ, it was a relief, but when I looked at the results of the enneagram, I felt more bitter, more upset, because I was not as happy to see the results. To me it seemed to solidify the fact that I will always be alone, that I will always be stuck in this more cerebral mindset.
Reading the 5w6 makes me wonder what's the biggest differences between a 6w5 and a 5w6 cuz they sound very similar if not identical.
Reading the 5w6 makes me wonder what's the biggest differences between a 6w5 and a 5w6 cuz they sound very similar if not identical.

They sound identical, perhaps, but never forget that a wing is just a modifier; it's easy to get hung up on nailing down the correct profile description and ignoring the role that the entire enneagram system plays in influencing your personality type. The key distinction between a 6w5 and a 5w6 is whether your core type is a 6 or a 5. If you're a 6, your stress points and growth points are vastly different than then the stress and growth points of a 5. These should be what decide your core type, not your wing. Your wing is just flavouring and rather inconsequential; its actually not uncommon for you to share traits with either wing and that's where people might get confused.