16 Personalities.com Profiles


Here's a website I stumbled across recently that, in my opinion, gives a solid, fair, thorough, and objective view on the types that I've read up on. They also have a M-E-N-T-I model, or in other words, a fifth factor to add to the MBTI model: Assertive vs. Turbulent. Here is a link to the site: http://www.16personalities.com/ . And here is a link to their test, with which you can also find out what your "I" factor is: http://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test .

Here is what it has to say about the 5th factor:

Finally, the Identity aspect underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions:

Assertive individuals are emotionally stable, calm, relaxed, refuse to worry too much.Turbulent individuals are self-conscious, care about their image, success-driven, perfectionists.


The Strategy layer shows our preferred ways of doing things and achieving goals. There are four strategies:


Confident Individualists prefer doing things alone, choosing to rely on their own skills and instincts as opposed to seeking contact with other people. They know what they are good at and have high self-confidence. These personality types firmly believe that personal responsibility and trust in yourself are very important values. Confident Individualists do not pay much attention to other people’s opinions and prefer to rely on themselves.


People Masters seek social contact and tend to have very good communication skills, feeling at ease in social events or in situations where they need to rely on or direct other people. These types are confident in their abilities and do not hesitate to express their opinions. Playing an active role in the society and knowing what makes other people tick mean a lot for People Masters; however, they are not too concerned about what other people think about them.


Constant Improvers are quiet, individualistic people. They tend to be perfectionistic and success-driven, often spending a lot of time and effort making sure that the result of their work is the best it can be. As their name says, Constant Improvers are high achieving individuals dedicated to their craft — however, they also tend to worry too much about their performance.


The last strategy is adopted by sociable, energetic and success-driven types. Social Engagers tend to be restless, perfectionistic individuals, prone to experiencing both very positive and very negative emotions. Their curiosity and willingness to work hard also mean that they are usually high-achieving, even if quite sensitive people. Types favoring this strategy also tend to place a lot of importance on other people’s opinions; they value their social status and are eager to succeed in everything they do.

In my case, I'm a Social Engagement type.

Here's the introduction to the INFJ profile they have up on there...but I encourage everyone to go to the INFJ section and look through it because there's a lot of stuff to read available:


The INFJ personality type is very rare, making up less than one percent of the population, but they nonetheless leave their mark on the world. As Diplomats (NF), they have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but what sets them apart is the accompanying Judging (J) trait — INFJs are not idle dreamers, but people capable of taking concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting positive impact.

INFJs tend to see helping others as their purpose in life, but while people with this personality type can be found engaging rescue efforts and doing charity work, their real passion is to get to the heart of the issue so that people need not be rescued at all.


INFJs indeed share a very unique combination of traits: though soft-spoken, they have very strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea they believe in. They are decisive and strong-willed, but will rarely use that energy for personal gain — INFJs will act with creativity, imagination, conviction and sensitivity not to create advantage, but to create balance. Egalitarianism and karma are very attractive ideas to INFJs, and they tend to believe that nothing would help the world so much as using love and compassion to soften the hearts of tyrants.

Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.
Martin Luther King

INFJs find it easy to make connections with others, and have a talent for warm, sensitive language, speaking in human terms, rather than with pure logic and fact. It makes sense that their friends and colleagues will come to think of them as quiet Extroverted types, but they would all do well to remember that INFJs need time alone to decompress and recharge, and to not become too alarmed when they suddenly withdraw. INFJs take great care of other’s feelings, and they expect the favor to be returned — sometimes that means giving them the space they need for a few days.


Really though, it is most important for INFJs to remember to take care of themselves. The passion of their convictions is perfectly capable of carrying them past their breaking point and if their zeal gets out of hand, they can find themselves exhausted, unhealthy and stressed. This becomes especially apparent when INFJs find themselves up against conflict and criticism — their sensitivity forces them to do everything they can to evade these seemingly personal attacks, but when the circumstances are unavoidable, they can fight back in highly irrational, unhelpful ways.

To INFJs, the world is a place full of inequity — but it doesn’t have to be. No other personality type is better suited to create a movement to right a wrong, no matter how big or small. INFJs just need to remember that while they’re busy taking care of the world, they need to take care of themselves, too.

And I encourage the other types on this forum to look up their type as well. ^_^ It's a good read!
Interesting site.

Here, let me show you the right path...
- MIND -
You are one of the Diplomats - an empathic and idealistic individual who enjoys exploring interesting ideas and prizes morality. You are known for your deep thoughts, strong will and intuitive skills. Above you will find a brief overview of your personality traits - proceed to the type overview to learn much more about your personality type. Prepare to be impressed.


High self-confidence. INTJ personalities rarely doubt themselves or care much about their perceived social roles, expectations, etc. Consequently, they are not afraid to voice their own opinions. This exudes confidence and reinforces the INTJ’s self-esteem even further.
Quick and versatile mind. INTJs are very good at improving their knowledge of (often diverse) topics and fields that interest them. People with this personality type take pleasure in tackling intellectual challenges, and their natural curiosity pushes them forward as well.
Jacks-of-all-trades. The most important strength of any INTJ is their mind. Other personality types pride themselves on being artistic, intuitive, convincing, athletic, etc. In contrast, INTJs excel at being able to analyze anything that life throws at them, uncovering the underlying methodology and then applying it in practice. Consequently, INTJ personalities are usually able to become what they want to become—be it an IT architect or a high-flying politician.
Independent and decisive. People with the INTJ personality type are ruthless when it comes to analyzing the usefulness of methods or ideas. They could not care less if that idea is popular or supported by an authority figure. If the INTJ believes that it does not make sense, only overwhelming rational arguments will convince them otherwise. This strength makes them efficient and impartial decision-makers, often at a very young age. INTJs also tend to be quite resistant to conflicts, usually remaining rational and calm in an emotionally charged situation.
Hard-working and determined. INTJ personalities can be very patient and dedicated if something excites or intrigues them. They will work hard to achieve their goals, often ignoring everything else. That being said, INTJs may also appear lazy in situations that do not require them to flex their mental muscles. For instance, they may take risks and not study that hard at school, knowing that in all likelihood, they will be able to tackle the tests anyway.
Imaginative and strategic. INTJs are very good strategic thinkers, often using this strength to devise multiple contingency plans in both professional and personal situations. They like to plan ahead and be prepared, imagining all the potential scenarios and consequences.
Honest and direct. People with this personality type hate playing social games and putting comfort or social expectations above honesty and facts. INTJs tend to see these activities as pointless and irrational, preferring inconvenient truth over a comforting lie.
Open-minded. INTJ personalities do not mind being proven wrong and enjoy being exposed to something they were not familiar with. They will embrace a competing theory if it makes more sense, regardless of the existing traditions or expectations. Not surprisingly, INTJs also tend to be fairly liberal in a social sense, believing that many social norms are outdated and unnecessarily restrictive.

Arrogant. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Some less mature INTJs may overestimate the importance of their knowledge or analytical skills, seeing most other people as irrational or intellectually inferior, often making their opinion known.
Perfectionists. INTJ personalities loathe inefficiency and imperfection, trying very hard to iron out all the flaws and analyze all possibilities. If left unchecked, this trait can easily become a weakness, slowing down their work quite significantly and frustrating people around the INTJ.
Likely to over-analyze everything. INTJs tend to believe that everything can be analyzed, even things that are not necessarily rational, e.g., human relationships. They may seek logical explanations and solutions in every situation, refusing to rely on improvisation or their own emotions.
Judgmental. INTJs reach their conclusions very quickly and stick to them. Even though people with this personality type tend to be open-minded, they have little patience for things they consider illogical, e.g., decisions based on feelings, irrational stubbornness, emotional outbursts, etc. An INTJ is likely to believe that someone who behaves in this way is either very immature or irrational; consequently, they will have little respect for them.
May be insensitive. INTJ personalities often pride themselves on being brutally honest and logical. However, while their statements may be rational and completely correct, they may not take into account another person’s emotional state, background, individual circumstances, etc. Consequently, the INTJ’s directness and honesty may easily hurt other people, thus becoming a major weakness in social situations.
Often clueless when it comes to romantic relationships. Many INTJs are likely to have difficulties dealing with anything that does not require logical reasoning, and this weakness is especially visible in interpersonal relationships. They may overanalyze everything, get frustrated trying to understand how the other person thinks, try to use a nearly scientific approach to dating, or just give up altogether.
Loathe highly structured environments. INTJ personalities do not respect rules or regulations just because they are there; they need to be confident that those restrictions make sense. Consequently, INTJs strongly dislike environments that are built on blind obedience, traditions, or respect for authority. They are likely to challenge the status quo and clash with people who prefer stability and safety.
Want to read more? Our premium profiles go into more detail about various aspects of INTJ personality type, including advice on how to leverage your strengths and master your weaknesses.



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Turbulent INFJ, diplomat.

The only score that really stood out was the intuition though.

You are one of the Diplomats - an empathic and idealistic individual who enjoys exploring interesting ideas and prizes morality. You are known for your enthusiasm, optimism and intuitive skills.

Constant Improvement ~

You are one of the Diplomats - an empathic and idealistic individual who enjoys exploring interesting ideas and prizes morality. You are known for your poetic nature, intuitive skills and pure, childlike enthusiasm.

Interesting/engaging read, they do do a good job of explaining the different type's; strengths, weaknesses, and driving forces. I found the career (and most of the relationship) page to be particularly helpful, a lot of what's said really resonates with me >w< just wish I had a better grasp on what I'd like to pursue at times.
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Interesting site.

Here, let me show you the right path...
- MIND -
You are one of the Diplomats - an empathic and idealistic individual who enjoys exploring interesting ideas and prizes morality. You are known for your deep thoughts, strong will and intuitive skills. Above you will find a brief overview of your personality traits - proceed to the type overview to learn much more about your personality type. Prepare to be impressed.

I am surrounded by diplomats! :)

Much awe.
Your personality type: INTP

Variant: Turbulent
Role: Analyst
Strategy: Constant Improvement


Constant Improvers are quiet, individualistic people. They tend to be perfectionistic and success-driven, often spending a lot of time and effort making sure that the result of their work is the best it can be. As their name says, Constant Improvers are high achieving individuals dedicated to their craft – however, they also tend to worry too much about their performance.

Strength of individual traits: Introverted: 47%, Intuitive: 30%, Thinking: 12%, Prospecting: 9%, Turbulent: 51%.


Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the chicken depends on your frame of reference.
-Albert Einstein

The INTP personality type is fairly rare, making up only three percent of the population, which is definitely a good thing for them, as there’s nothing they’d be more unhappy about than being “common”. INTPs pride themselves on their inventiveness and creativity, their unique perspective and vigorous intellect. Usually known as the philosopher, the architect, or the dreamy professor, INTPs have been responsible for many scientific discoveries throughout history.

INTPs are known for their brilliant theories and unrelenting logic – in fact, they are considered the most logically precise of all the personality types. They love patterns, and spotting discrepancies between statements could almost be described as a hobby, making it a bad idea to lie to an INTP. Ironically, owing to their Prospecting (P) trait, INTPs’ word should be taken with a grain of salt – it’s not that they are dishonest, but INTPs tend to share thoughts that are not fully developed, using others as a sounding board for ideas and theories in a debate against themselves rather than as actual conversation partners.

This may make them appear unreliable, but in reality no one is more enthusiastic and capable of spotting a problem, drilling through the endless factors and details that encompass the issue and developing a unique and viable solution than INTPs – just don’t expect punctual progress reports. People who share the INTP personality type aren’t interested in practical, day-to-day activities and maintenance, but when they find an environment where their creative genius and potential can be expressed, there is no limit to the time and energy INTPs will expend in developing an insightful and unbiased solution.

They may appear to drift about in an unending daydream, but INTPs’ thought process is unceasing, and their minds buzz with ideas from the moment they wake up. This constant thinking can have the effect of making them look pensive and detached, as they are often conducting full-fledged debates in their own heads, but really INTPs are quite relaxed and friendly when they are with people they know, or who share their interests. However, this can be replaced by overwhelming shyness when INTPs are among unfamiliar faces, and friendly banter can quickly become combative if they believe their logical conclusions or theories are being criticized.

When INTPs are particularly excited, the conversation can border on incoherence as they try to explain the daisy-chain of logical conclusions that led to the formation of their latest idea. Oftentimes, INTPs will opt to simply move on from a topic before it’s ever understood what they were trying to say, rather than try to lay things out in plain terms.

The reverse can also be true when people explain their thought processes to INTPs in terms of subjectivity and feeling. Imagine an immensely complicated clockwork, taking in every fact and idea possible, processing them with a heavy dose of creative reasoning and returning the most logically sound results available – this is how the INTP mind works, and this type has little tolerance for an emotional monkey-wrench jamming their machines.

Further, with Thinking (T) as one of their governing traits, INTPs are unlikely to understand emotional complaints at all, and their friends won’t find a bedrock of emotional support in them. INTPs would much rather make a series of logical suggestions for how to resolve the underlying issue, a perspective that is not always welcomed by their Feeling (F) companions. This will likely extend to most social conventions and goals as well, like planning dinners and getting married, as INTPs are far more concerned with originality and efficient results.

The one thing that really holds INTPs back their restless and pervasive fear of failure. INTPs are so prone to reassessing their own thoughts and theories, worrying that they’ve missed some critical piece of the puzzle, that they can stagnate, lost in an intangible world where their thoughts are never truly applied. Overcoming this self-doubt stands as the greatest challenge INTPs are likely to face, but the intellectual gifts – big and small – bestowed on the world when they do makes it worth the fight.

Famous INTPs:

Rene Descartes
Blaise Pascal
Isaac Newton
Carl Jung
Albert Einstein
James Madison
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Gerald Ford



Great analysts and abstract thinkers. INTP personalities are great at noticing patterns and seeing the big picture. They also possess an impressive ability to jump from one idea to another, linking them in ways that usually bewilder most other personality types.

Honest and straightforward. INTPs do not play social games and see no point in sugarcoating their words. They will clearly state their opinion and expect others to return the favor.

Objective. People with the INTP personality are very logical and rational individuals who see no point in involving emotions in the decision-making process. Consequently, they tend to pride themselves in being fair and impartial.

Imaginative and original. An INTP’s mind is always working, always producing ideas regardless of whether those ideas are likely to see the light of day. Not surprisingly, INTPs have no difficulties coming up with innovative, original solutions.

. INTPs tend to be open-minded and willing to accept ideas different from their own, provided that they are supported by facts and logic. Furthermore, INTPs are usually fairly liberal when it comes to social norms and traditions, judging people solely on the basis of their ideas.

Enthusiastic. INTP personalities can spend an enormous amount of time trying to figure out something they are interested in. They will also be very enthusiastic when it comes to discussing that topic with other people.


Absent-minded. INTPs are able to focus all their efforts on analyzing a specific idea, but this usually comes at a cost of ignoring everything else. They may be forgetful or simply miss things that have nothing to do with the object of their interest.

Second-guess themselves. INTP personalities may be excellent analysts, but they often lack the decisiveness of Judging (J) types. An INTP may find it quite difficult to decide which idea is the best one, always looking for more information and doubting their own conclusions.

Insensitive. INTPs are likely to find it difficult to include emotions in their decision-making process, focusing all their efforts on getting the rational basis right. Consequently, they may often come across as insensitive or be puzzled when it comes to dealing with an emotionally-charged situation.

Very private and withdrawn. INTPs are often reluctant to let anyone inside their minds, let alone their hearts. They may often come across as shy in social settings and even the INTP’s friends are likely to have a difficult time getting to know them well.

May be condescending
. INTP personalities are usually proud of their extensive knowledge and reasoning abilities, but they may get easily frustrated trying to describe their thoughts other people. INTPs enjoy presenting their ideas to other people, but explaining how they got from A to Z is another matter.

Loathe rules and guidelines. INTPs need a lot of freedom and have little respect for rules and traditions that put artificial limits on their imagination. People with this personality type would rather have less security and more autonomy.
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I actually scored as ENFP on this one by a bit when I took the "long" version I linked... first time in a while. On the short version for guessing the type of a friend I got ENFJ.
Your personality type is: INFJ

Personality: INFJ
Variant: Turbulent
Role: Diplomat

You are one of the Diplomats - an empathic and idealistic individual who enjoys exploring interesting ideas and prizes morality.
You are known for your deep thoughts, strong will and intuitive skills. Above you will find a brief overview of your personality traits -
proceed to the type overview to learn much more about your personality type. Prepare to be impressed.

Mind: 70% Introverted
Energy: 31% Intuitive
Nature: 49% Feeling
Tactics: 5% Judging
Identity: 100% Turbulent
Your personality type is: INFJ

Personality: INFJ
Variant: Turbulent
Role: Diplomat

You are one of the Diplomats - an empathic and idealistic individual who enjoys exploring interesting ideas and prizes morality.
You are known for your deep thoughts, strong will and intuitive skills. Above you will find a brief overview of your personality traits -
proceed to the type overview to learn much more about your personality type. Prepare to be impressed.

Mind: 70% Introverted
Energy: 34% Intuitive
Nature: 31% Feeling
Tactics: 21% Judging
Identity: 24% Turbulent
Turbulant INTJ

The fifth factor is interesting, similar to the A and B type personalities. The wording is odd though. Assertive is a very positive adjective, while turbulent is quite negative. The former associated with confidence and strength, while the latter is associated with conflict and disorder. I wonder if it's a criticism of the Type A and Type B personality theory which often shows Type Bs as lazy and unreliable.

You are one of the Diplomats - an empathic and idealistic individual who enjoys exploring interesting ideas and prizes morality. You are known for your deep thoughts, strong will and intuitive skills.
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Your personality type is: INFP
No one can stop you from dreaming!









I'm a little surprised, I guess. I've gotten INFP once before though.
I haven't taken a type test in a long ass while.

