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  • Hm the Hunger Games is one I've wanted to read. I saw the ad for the movie and the subject matter piqued my interest. oh! Great Expectation is one on my shelf waitin to be read. Did you like it? I'm trying to think of other classics I really enjoyed. The Phantom of the Opera actually...that was actually fantastic. So much better than I thought it would be! I'm actually going to break my own rules and read some Bronte next. Jane Eyre to be precise. I hate hate hate Jane Austen and her stupid womens stories...but I think I might have got Jane Eyre wrong. Apparently there's crazy wives in the attic!
    Yep I knew it was you haha : ). As for how I got into the MBTI... a while ago a close friend of mine (ENTP) was saying how the two people who made the biggest impact on him were INFJs, one of them being myself. I was confused as to what this meant, and he reminded me that when I was 16 (so about 5 years ago) he had sent me the test and INFJ was my result. He also noted that even if I hadn't taken the test, I was "so INFJ it hurts" LOL so it was readily apparent I suppose. I retook the test this year and got the same result. Since then I've made an effort to learn more about the MBTI, which culminated into my joining this forum. : D
    Good to know i'm not the only one!! I refused to even see the new Sherlock Holmes movies. I know I didn't like it the first time, so why would i bother spending money on seeing a new, and most likely even worse, version? With that said...I ADORED Crime and Punishment, and most people hate that.

    Yeah, I'm only half way through Jeckyll and Hyde, so I'm really hoping the second half has some decent twists and is one of those books you love by the end of it. At the moment I'm really just finding the writing style difficult to engage with!

    What are some of the better books you've read recently? I always tend to have a pattern like this...I'll read a few really great books in a row, and then I'l get a couple of mehs and duds in a row too!
    u_u The turban is no longer.
    Summer school starts in less than two weeks for me. Only one class, though. How are you planning to occupy yourself?
    Sighz~ tonight is a curl into a ball in the dark sort of night ~.~
    Hey, I need you to pray for me. I lost my wallet. I never had this problem before. I'm hoping to God it was left at the movie theater. I don't know where else it could be. I shouldn't have worn basketball shorts! It must have slipped out when I got out of my seat. I don't know what to do if I don't find it there. I tried to drive back there but it was closed by then. I also work at the same time the mall opens. So now I gotta call ahead of time in the morning, hope a manager or someone will look for it, and will have it safe for me when I drop by.. What are the chances of things working out in my favor? This really sucks. I'm feeling a bit hopeless.
    No problem! Glad you liked it. If you ever have any for me...let me know. I live in podunk hell and never hear anything original unless someone recommends it. They even got rid of our local rock station last month :( .
    Yeah, I was quite lucky with findin the one I'm in now. This is my first proper month in it. I atteneded last month but hadnt enough time to read the book for the meeting. A friends boyfriend started one, and I was forced to join last month! Yeah, I love the classics...but Jeckyll and Hyde....I don't know, I hate the writing style. I thought it might be more of a pace like Crime and Punishment...thriller type thing, but no, it's coming off a bit Sherlock Holmsey (and I HATE Sherlock Holmes!). It also seems to be really lazyily written. Randomly its a year later at one point. At another point, a servant randomly happens to offer up all of the information one f the characters just happens to be pondering....I could understand if this was a childrens book, but I'm not sure if it is! /Rant over sorry! haha
    It depends on the context, actually : p. If I'm feeling philosophical or poetic, that would be my style, but if it's more utilitarian and I just want to chat or quickly make a point, then I'll be more straightforward. Thank you for reading, by the way. : ) <3
    yeah sometimes we need to be reminded alright! Sounds better than what i'm reading anyway. Reading a book by an author who's first book was amazing, and 100 pages in im only thinking "meh". Also reading The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde for book club, but thus far I don't really like it.
    Glad you liked it :) Aphex Twin is pretty sinister. I've been listening to a lot space music lately while using a real-time planetarium simulator, hope to put some up later.
    Mhm, I've constantly got a book on the go! I managed to have a four hour nap also...it was simply bliss. haha It's like a hurricane outside, so we brought the rabbit into the living room and it was really funny to watch my 2 year old play with him. She's the funniest kid. The rabbit kept running away becuse she kept trying to tickle his bottom. Are you reading anything interesting at the moment?
    Well you're one up on me anyway! I got dressed today. Thats about it! The little girl and I had a lazy day as its torrential downpour outside. In hindsight i really should have done some housework... haha It's 7.50 over here at the moment!
    It's nice getting to know people, but it really doesn't teach me the social skills though. I feel stuck. This place isn't helping like I thought. Although, 'AKM' has been a big help to me. I'm just struggling to make that next step in life. I hope to talk to you tomorrow. Awkwardness and all :D
    What do you mean? Did you try to call me or something? I've been wanting to call you but every time I want to talk, it seems to be too late. 11 pm around is good for me but you need your sleep. Although, tomorrow I got all day to call you. Listen, I know we are awkward.. but I'd like to update you and stuff. I'm not really liking this place so much anymore. I'm barely on to chat. All I do is go on to check notifications and then I'm off. This place depresses me sometimes, you know?
    Very observant of you, sir-- it is a Hitler 'stache. I was bored one night and did a facial hair photo shoot.

    Funny enough, I was just thinking about the whole 'being better' thing today. I think the fact that we feel we're not compassionate enough is a sign that we care a lot. And that we're perfectionists. Very INFJ.

    There was this lady who tripped and fell not 20 feet away from me. I was in a depressed mood (ever heard of the feel-good, do-good phenomenon?) and I only stopped and observed to see if she needed help. A few people who were closer ran over to her. I berated myself for not being one of them. I felt guilty; this shows that I care.
    Yes, intuitive introverts especially have trouble focusing on the external, rather than the little world in their heads. I'll have to try observing more often. I just went to a formal dance for a sorority last night. It's easy to tell who the introverts just by looking at the people who look completely exhausted as compared to the people who keep going like the energizer bunny. I feel like the typical sorority or fraternity is filled with a large amount of extraverted sensors. That's not biased right?
    We should talk on the phone sometime. It's hard keeping up conversation like this you know? It just gets stagnant because you have to wait for the response and you want the expression to come across correctly when speaking of more personal matters. I would look forward to calling you after work tomorrow. 9ish pm ok?
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