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  • I always associated the Truth stuff with INTJs. I don't really have any other values I'm aware of, other than general compassion.

    You sure you're not INTJ? :p

    Like your profile pic
    I know, it just adds to the hilarity of it all :D

    Yeah I workin' and I know I said I was going to quit my grocery store job, but I haven't been motivated to find a new job to replace it.. ok I'm gonna be honest, I keep typing something, then deleting it. I feel like I need an excuse for not being motivated. FUCK. Curse my laziness! I will say I feel less sad these days, so I hope to inform you of great news one day. :)
    Oh, and Rebecca's bf is hard working no doubt. What I don't appreciate, and I could be wrong about this, but I get the sense he only cares about her to a degree. I could talk to you more about it on the phone some time though.

    So how things been with you, Mr Cucumber? Learning any new songs or get involved in any new volunteer or find any new girl?
    Glad you like the pictures. I'm sorry to hear about your dog, it's incredibly painful. I've never resolved my own feelings over the loss of mine, just blocked them for the ultimate rainy day. I take comfort in the fact he was happy and a good friend, tempers the sadness a bit.
    HAHA! I know what message you're talking about now. I accidentally posted it on my wall instead of to you. That was a pretty lame comment :D Damn, I gotta watch my thoughts! I talk about myself as if I hate me.
    I decided to skip ahead and read a little about people who feel trapped. A woman named Inga feels it is her obligation to have sex with Roger all the time. She fears he will leave her if she doesn't feel up for sex one night. I'm sure there is more on the chapter, but it seemed kind of funny to me... The example seemed to be of a really insecure woman that only knows how to please her partner with sex. The reason it seems odd to me is because it seems that's how most relationships are formed. People play on each others insecurities. It's a sense of empowerment. Do you get the sense all human beings are insecure people by nature? I didn't read the rest, but I got a good sense of it. I'll begin reading from the start though. I haven't really read much yet tbh.

    Have you already finished the book?
    Ahh I see. So what practices and techniques does your therapist give you to do? If you don't mind me asking.
    ( ゚∀゚)アハ。*ハ八* ゚ `。八ノ゚ヽノ。ヽノ゚*ヽノ ゚\ 。/ ゚* `\。/ \ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ How's life?
    Wait that's odd.. did whatever I post get deleted? I can't remember what I posted, but it seems to be gone.. Why is the sort of thing happening lately??! That's the kind of stuff that makes me paranoid for some reason :p
    I think I understand what you mean. Have you thought of looking for other places to volunteer? I know of the YMCA, but im not 100% on what they do!!

    I'd really love to start volunteering again while I have so much free time, but I'm limited in what I can do and I don't know if I've found an organisation that I feel strongly enough to want to get involved in.

    You mentioned studying somewhere along the way, what do you do? Sorry for all the questions...I must seem so nosey! I like getting to know about people's lives in a non creepy way! hah!
    Ive met most of them through school, friends, politics, volunteer groups, some of the projects Im doing, and some of them just randomly at bus stops, cafes and other odd places. The next person you meet today could be absolutely amazing, and become your next best friend. All I do is say hello, and see where that takes me. All people are fascinating and have a strory. Manny of them are shy and quiet like us, and dont know how to approach others or feel comfortable enough to connect. They may have been hurt in the past or had bad experiences. But if you open your own door, most people will open up and communication can begin. And out of the 4 friends I had over the other night, 2 of them would hate to be thougt of as interested in philosophy, but ironically once you get them talking about these things they dont shut up about it! I enjoy all your posts by the way. Hope you have an awesome day
    I just wanted to that you for indirectly diagnosing my vasovagal response. :D Dr's have been stumped my whole life as to what's causing my fainting episode's. Now I feel empowered to have a better understanding.
    Yeah, it was pretty daunting! They literally surprised me with it, then led me into the classroom, handed me a textbook and showed me the page and sentence they had left off on their last lesson and told me to start teaching. Then and there. With none f my own books. I had to teach on the spot. It was insane. I was tempted to say no this isnt what I signed on for, but I then realised I was all the education those kids were going to get. If I didn't at least try to teach them the curriculum no one else was there to do it. At least not for a few weeks anyway!

    Yeah it was pretty sad :( I was hoping to go back to Africa and work with them. Maybe someday!

    So what kind of things do you do when you volunteer in the Y?
    It was definitely an experience! I think I'd be much better equiped for a trip like that now at this stage in my life. With that said, I'm glad I went when I did as a year or so later I was pregnant and Africa is out of the question.
    I originally went over after doing a TEFL course. I had signed up to work in an orphanage and I was under the impression I would be doing a few English lessons here and there. When I got there I got placed in an orphanage SCHOOL teaching 24 11-16 year olds math, science, social studies and english. Shock of my life! The organisation I was with found out about my social care background and transferred me to a special needs school.
    What stood out the most? I don't know! It was just such a different way of life. I never fully got used to the poverty. The street boys who would sniff glue stick out the most. They broke my heart.
    I still miss walking around in the tropical downpours!
    So, what do you volunteer as?
    I do that too sometimes if I feel it's important to express the other side of the argument regardless of whether I agree with it or not. I guess I'm like the news trying to be fair and balanced or presenting the other side of an argument if everyone is expressing only one side of an issue, but to be informative rather than argumentative though. If I feel I have to be disagreeable, I try to be as tactful as possible. I will get angry and mean if I feel it's justified though. If someone else is being unjustly mean and belligerent, I'll likewise be belligerent towards them.

    I understand the TJ appearance though. It can get difficult to determine the preference if one is strong in both those judgment preferences. Then you have to ask if one is expressing their feelings about their thoughts, or expressing their thoughts about their feelings. I find emotions to be the foundation upon which thoughts are built upon.
    Yeah, a shame. People around here like Scottish music--- don't care for it all. I went to a friend's party for Saint Patrick's and 'utilized' (commandeered) his laptop and played a few GOA tracks, people were surprised. One girl (who apparently loves Irish/Scottish traditional music thought I was extremely sketchy and took lots of pictures of me. (???) One of the other girls there was dancing to it though. What I think our music really lacks is exposure in North America. I'm sure once people know this music, some will like it.
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