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  • Oh really? May I introduce you to the wonder that is the Catholic faith?

    JK :p Btw, I'm sure the lizard forgives you as well.
    I guess I need to know what your defintiion of a girl book is!! How are you today?
    You are probably right lol, at least in this subjective.

    My mom would say that I'm nuts though XD
    Haha! You never know... likely she was a victim of foul play the same way I was. There was a "goat boy" at my high school. I never tried to figure out if that was real or not, I really just hoped it wasn't for the goats sake. D:
    I don't even know, that was the most embarrassing thing she could come up with I guess. I had a hunch she was the one who had actually done it thus giving her the ideas in the first place. But y'know, I didn't go around saying that to people. Psssht!
    Glad you liked em : ) I was trying to improve my mood this morning. I caught a cold on the 22nd from a friend (schoolteacher variety) in my D&D group. Passing in and out of delirium, she touched the table we were playing at a lot, and drank some of my screwdriver!! I falsely believed the vodka would neutralize the virus, not so. My last cold was in 2005, so all these symptoms feel weird. I thought I'd become invulnerable to getting sick, guess not :( I watched an amazing movie a few days ago, Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame. Have you seen it?
    "I hate how so many applications have to be done online now, it's so impersonal" <-- I agree.
    Hm. Sometimes I don't know how much I should ask from INFJs. General consensus seems to be that you guys don't like when people try to "get into your head". The only other options are to discuss impersonal topics, which can be interesting but I find won't lead to bonding for me, really.... or, to talk about myself, but that is another blind spot because it might agitate the person too after a certain unknown point, and it will also agitate me because I'm giving out a lot more than the other person is.
    Yuss! I made a concious effort to get off my ass and unload half my wardrobe. I know you dont care, but this is a small success I feel I must share. :p What is the next book you have pllaned on reading? I'm planning to retire to the bed with Ms. Jane early this evening, so I'll let you know how I get on! ie. I'll let you know if its a complete girl book that you may or may not want to avoid :)

    Ah, sorry to hear about the cold! Is it still chilly in your part of the world?
    Ugh I suddenly don't feel well and I had all these high hopes of cleaning out my closet! I've onlyjust started Jane Eyre, but already I really like it! I think I remember reading somewhere that the character of Jane Eyre is an INFJ. This would make sense, as I am very strongly identifying with the child Jane Eyre at the start! How are you?
    Whenever I see blocks of text like that, or anything thought-provoking in the slightest, I instinctively feel like I have to hesitate for a while before answering to them, even if I have read them. :) I am not ignoring your posts, don't worry. Oh gosh point form response time lol this is invigorating:

    - Thanks. I sort of have a job offer right now, and it's actually quite easy for me to find paid and volunteer work where I am. It's just a matter of getting my stuff together and going out and applying.

    - I have never watched/read Soul Eater, but NGE is one of my favourite animes, though I've never read the manga :)

    - I see. I would be interested if you could elaborate. I find that once in a while there are short periods of time, lasting for maybe a couple hours each time, where I do not have this feeling, and where everything feels absolutely great. This happens maybe once every day or two. Has opening up about these sorts of things for you always been difficult? Do you have similar difficulties with sharing private thoughts that are perhaps controversial?

    Does the point form not overload your senses? :D LOL it does for me.
    Still? I never started! Well, I go as a guest with my sister but that's not often. I just don't like to spend money.. What's 10 extra dollars a month though? I always got an excuse. I just know it's going to be exhausting. The work load just seems to pile up more and more at the retirement home. I work 8-9 hrs and get a 20 min. break. I only work there 4 days a row, so it's not bad. I'm getting used to the hard work, little by little. It really can take a toll on your mental stability. It's just so monotonous with not much social interaction. I love the people I work with though. They help uplift me when I feel so out of it sometimes.

    I definitely got to sign up to a gym. Once I can get into the routine of things it will be something to look forward to. That's good btw, 4-5 times a week is not bad. Actually, it's probably healthy to take a rest every other day.
    haha do I really look like bruce lee? The guy manages to look ripped and skinny at the same time. I'm just tall and skinny. But wait, you and Tim made fun because I used to squint my eyes like I was asian. Was I so insecure that my eyes would naturally squint like that?! Hannah emailed me photos of me that I can put on my FB. I notice too how I used to squint my eyes now! Not only that but I'd have these little rage fits once and awhile. :p Fun times :D

    Hey speaking of that, how are you keeping up with your workout routine? Are you making any progress with the personal training career or are you putting that on hold?
    Hey, Thanks I do appreciate it. I wasn't able to find my wallet unfortunately. I called up the mall and they didn't find it at the lost n found, I checked the room I was in last night, I even checked the parking lot and my car. It was really upsetting that couldn't find it. I got a new debt card with a new # so the lost card can't make any further charges. So it's all good, except I won't get those 30 bucks back, but hey, at least I didn't carry any 100's or 50's.

    I don't think praying is pointless. Even though I didn't find it, it's made me think. It's easy to let anxieties take over, but I was able to stay calm and that's good. It is a hassle that I got to go to the DMV (where it is busy most the time) to get a new drivers license, but things could be worse. At least I didn't lose my keys. I better not jinks myself now!
    Yeah I've heard about the Schizotypal PD; I never really related to that, but I've heard much to the effect of what you've mentioned.
    Hooray for being industrious~ I have to find a job and some volunteer work myself.
    Things are alright. Pretty good, actually. Probably just had a lot of pent up energy and chemicalz in my brain last night.
    Do you have any mangas you like? And this is out of the blue I know, but do you think it's healthy to feel a bit sad a lot of the time, like an underlying sombreness even when everything otherwise feels fine? I know that it's certainly normal in this part of the world in times like these, but do you think it's good for us?
    Doubts about the MBTI? Well I'm a naturally skeptical person, so like most things, I take it with a grain of salt. In what ways do you see it to be in conflict with the DSM, though? To my understanding, MBTI is an account of normal personality variation, while the DSM-IV-TR catalogues disorders.
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