How was the tip of the stem of the coleus cutting? Was it a clean cut, had it started sealing off at all before you put it in water? I'm glad to hear it's started to rehydrate. :)
I don't have as much space as I used to, nor a plot for my plants (nor time), but I still have a few. Right now, besides my coleus, I have a wandering jew (specifically a Tradescantia zebrina), pothos, schefflera, Syngonium podophyllum, lipstick twister (Aeschynanthus radicans), spider plant, jade plant, aloe, kangaroo paw fern, and a years-old poinsettia that looks like a bush at this point.
I also have some basil, thyme, lavender, and tomatoes (Green Zebra tomatoes, I'm wondering how they'll do...) that I've started in pots. I might keep the basil inside, but I'll watch for how it grows with the amount of sunlight it can get in here. I miss having more plants, but oh well. :/ What else do you have growing? (:
I LOVE jade plants, this 27 yo specimen is just amazing: