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  • I try to stay away from metaphysical/ontological theory because I cannot pretend to know what exists beyond this realm. I think someone with Ni would be much more inclined to develop or follow a belief. I simply accept not to believe any particular, but also not to dismiss any particular.

    What we do with tech and how we use it should ultimately be governed by our metaphysical/ontological meaning but no one can seem to agree, so it seems we have to find some sort of common ground on this front. Science became secular in order to proceed forward. I am thankful for the advances we have seen, but I also worry about the devastation of our tools.

    The simplest thing is this, we need to survive, and we need to survive in a way that doesn't ruin the world, or ruin the environment for future generations. We need to use our tech with respect, something that seems highly lacking these days.

    I think eras tend to overemphasize their positions because they need to break free from the restraints that previously held them back and moderation would not fulfill that need. Science is fairly recent in its secularist nature in terms of overall history, especially concerning the Western history of Christianity. Right now, we can definitely see the over-emphasis of secularist nature. Yet, to say god (or anything) doesn't exist beyond our comprehension is absurd. It is ultimately leading to a bad state because people find they are not attaining fulfillment in their lives because we look in all the wrong places. The media seems to exacerbate humanity searching in all the wrong ways. Typically I see media's faults due to being owned by VERY large corporations, and we all know their primary motivation.

    Will a nation primarily influenced by sociopaths ultimately result in a nation of sociopaths?
    Ni and Ne, albeit different ways of attaching meaning. I believe humans are ultimately ignorant, and confusion is what leads us. We make great discoveries, and move forward with technology (fortunately). However, who can find a fundamental explanation of happiness, but a fleeting whim? So many people chase so many different things thinking it may *reveal* happiness, but what is the big picture? I have been guilty so many times of chasing the wrong thing, not understanding what I truly need. Where does the core need lie? With a corporation, we can obviously see where the motivation lies, it is to make money, all decisions are based around how to better make money, and that is all there is. The corporations brain, the room of executives, is ruled by ways to make it make more money; to grow to make more money; to shrink to make more money; to cut corners to make more money; this is where the fault lies.

    Humans may chase money as the ultimate end, but if they do, it is because they are ignorant, not because evolution taught us that the collection of resources is the ultimate means to a happy/fulfilling life. I would think anyone that uses money as their primary, or only, motivator would be ignorant indeed and never satisfied.
    If society changes, it will change. I also think, if it changes, society will change. Mommy is indeed a sociopath as well. Us mere tiny bacteria, or viruses in their eyes (individuals) certainly don't have the ability to control their actions. Sociology sees behavioral patterns completely separate and distinct from that of the individual. An individual is merely concerned with a narrow aspect of the beast, making their small portion work, and perhaps they rush through something or don't understand how one thing will interact with another, limited comprehension. I have a lot of studying to do to find all the answers I want, but I don't think there is ever a single individual to blame, it is an entity of its own in so many ways.
    Hugs and cookies, LOL haven't heard of that one before, I like it.

    I think a social entity takes on a mind/intelligence of it's own, that whole aspect of sociology. Look at the giant corporations, they are like a lumbering giant with the intellectual capacity of a sociopath 5 year old. They just take what they want and whatever they can get by with as long as mommy doesn't come and spank them. Sometimes they do it anyway cause they know the spanking is worth the benefit. They need to keep taking because they are a 'growin boy!'
    Ah! I'm glad for you. It's probably one of the best places in the world. It is, right?
    I'm good, thank you. Approaching improvement of Sensing, like never before.
    I think the media could do a better job of providing what is healthy rather than what is wanted. I just generally get upset that society focuses more on what gives personal or short sighted gain rather than what is best for everyone overall. Definitely too idealistic for reality, but that's alright. I have actually been losing some of that idealism to an extent.

    Ultimately I suppose it falls on every individual to seek enlightenment over short-sided trivialities, it is just a matter of coming to terms with it and having something to guide your path.

    I think human nature revolves around confusion.

    Great question!
    I hope you didn't eat the cookie you promised for me!

    I enjoy the US although it can be tough to deal with all the consumerism here. Overall I have it really well here. I am sorry to hear about your friend's death! That would be REALLY rough.

    You are referring to Australia, right? Unfortunately I haven't been there. I haven't even been outside of the United States! Although I have been to Hawaii, which is wonderful. How have you been otherwise?
    I am great! Thank you! Down Under, eh? You are too funny, I hope the trip was fun!
    You're welcome, lovely :) Hope you've had an especially wonderful day.
    You're so very welcome, my lovely friend. Glad you like the tea. :tea:. Aww...You're really listening to Kiss? hehe! :D
    I hope your course is going well, and please don't worry about being a friend, because you are a friend, and a very dear one.:nod:
    Sometimes life is busy, but our friendship continues regardless of that, Franca.:hug:
    I'm thinking of you and wishing you well in your studies.:kiss:
    Yes. Because everyone knows that 42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything. (or 6 X 7, whichever you want it to be) 8D
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